Is hammerlocks a Scrabble word?
Yes, hammerlocks is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 24 points in Scrabble, and 27 points in Words with Friends
Hammerlocks is a valid Scrabble word.
Hammerlocks is a word starting with h ending with s. Check our list of words starting with h ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word hammerlocks
The meaning of hammerlocks
1 definition of the word hammerlocks.
- A wrestling hold in which the opponent's arm is twisted up behind his back
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in hammerlocks?
10 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- armhole12
- armlock15
- calkers13
- chokers16
- cholera12
- cholers12
- chorale12
- chorals12
- choreal12
- choreas12
- chromas14
- chromes14
- clammer13
- clamors11
- claroes9
- clasher12
- coalers9
- comaker15
- comakes15
- cormels11
- earlock13
- escolar9
- hackers16
- hackler16
- hackles16
- hammers14
- hammock20
- hemlock18
- hockers16
- lackers13
- larches12
- loaches12
- lockers13
- lockram15
- mackles15
- marcels11
- marches14
- mesarch14
- mockers15
- morales9
- oraches12
- oracles9
- recoals9
- relocks13
- roaches12
- scammer13
- schmear14
- scholar12
- shackle16
- shammer14
- shoaler10
- shocker16
- slacker13
- slammer11
- smacker15
- solacer9
6 Letter Words
- ahorse9
- almehs11
- amoles8
- arches11
- arkose10
- ashler9
- ashore9
- calker12
- calmer10
- camels10
- cameos10
- carles8
- carols8
- caroms10
- celoms10
- ceorls8
- chalks15
- chares11
- charks15
- charms13
- chaser11
- chelas11
- chemos13
- choker15
- chokes15
- cholas11
- choler11
- choral11
- chorea11
- chores11
- chroma13
- chrome13
- clamor10
- claros8
- clears8
- clerks12
- cloaks12
- closer8
- coaler8
- coarse8
- comake14
- comers10
- commas12
- corals8
- cormel10
- cosher11
- crakes12
- creaks12
- creams10
- cresol8
- croaks12
- eschar11
- haceks15
- hacker15
- hackle15
- halers9
- haloes9
- hammer13
- haoles9
- harems11
- hoarse9
- hocker15
- homers11
- kasher13
- kormas12
- kosher13
- lacers8
- laches11
- lacker12
- lakers10
- lasher9
- lemmas10
- locker12
- macers10
- maches13
- machos13
- mackle14
- macles10
- macros10
- mahoes11
- makers12
- marcel10
- masher11
- masker12
- mescal10
- mochas13
- mocker14
- mohels11
- molars8
- momser10
- morale8
- morals8
- morels8
- morsel8
- mosher11
- ochers11
- ochrea11
- ochres11
- ockers12
- orache11
- oracle8
- rackle12
- ramose8
- realms8
- recoal8
- relock12
- resoak10
- sachem13
- sacker12
- samech13
- samekh15
- scaler8
- schema13
- schmoe13
- schorl11
- sclera8
- screak12
- scream10
- search11
- shacko15
- shaker13
- shalom11
- shlock15
- shmear11
- slaker10
- smoker12
- soaker10
- solace8
5 Letter Words
- aches10
- acmes9
- acres7
- alecs7
- almeh10
- almes7
- aloes5
- ammos9
- amoks11
- amole7
- arles5
- arose5
- asker9
- cakes11
- calks11
- calms9
- calos7
- camel9
- cameo9
- cames9
- camos9
- cares7
- carks11
- carle7
- carls7
- carol7
- carom9
- carse7
- celom9
- ceorl7
- ceros7
- chalk14
- chams12
- chaos10
- chare10
- chark14
- charm12
- chars10
- chase10
- chasm12
- chela10
- chemo12
- choke14
- chola10
- chore10
- chose10
- clams9
- claro7
- clash10
- clear7
- clerk11
- cloak11
- close7
- coals7
- cokes11
- colas7
- coles7
- comae9
- comal9
- comas9
- comer9
- comes9
- comma11
- coral7
- cores7
- corks11
- corms9
- corse7
- crake11
- crams9
- crash10
- creak11
- cream9
- croak11
- earls5
- echos10
- escar7
- eskar9
- hacek14
- hacks14
- haems10
- hakes12
- haler8
- hales8
- halms10
- halos8
- hames10
- haole8
- harem10
- hares8
- harks12
- harls8
- harms10
- heals8
- hears8
- hecks14
- helms10
- helos8
- hemal10
- herls8
- herma10
- herms10
- heros8
- hoars8
- hocks14
- hoers8
- hokes12
- holes8
- holks12
- holms10
- homer10
- homes10
- horal8
- horas8
- horse8
- hosel8
- hoser8
- kales9
- kames11
- koels9
- kohls12
- kolas9
- koras9
- korma11
- lacer7
- laces7
- lacks11
- laker9
- lakes9
- lakhs12
- lamer7
- lames7
- larch10
- lares5
- larks9
- laser5
- leach10
- leaks9
- lears5
- leash8
- lehrs8
- lemma9
- loach10
- loams7
- lochs10
- locks11
- lores5
- loser5
- macer9
- maces9
- mache12
- macho12
- machs12
- macks13
- macle9
- macro9
- mahoe10
- maker11
- makes11
- makos11
- males7
- malms9
- march12
- marcs9
- mares7
- marks11
- marls7
- marse7
- marsh10
- maser7
- meals7
- memos9
- merch12
- mercs9
- merks11
- merls7
- mocha12
- mocks13
- mohel10
- mokes11
- molar7
- molas7
- moles7
- momes9
- morae7
- moral7
- moras7
- morel7
- mores7
- morse7
- ocher10
- ochre10
- ocker11
- ocrea7
- okehs12
- okras9
- omers7
- orach10
- orals5
- orcas7
- orles5
- races7
- racks11
- rakes9
- rales5
- reach10
- realm7
- reals5
- reams7
- recks11
- rheas8
- roach10
- roams7
- rocks11
- roles5
- saker9
- samek11
- scale7
- scare7
- schmo12
- score7
- scram9
- selah8
- serac7
- seral5
- shack14
- shake12
- shako12
- shale8
- shame10
- share8
- shark12
- sheal8
- shear8
- sheol8
- shoal8
- shock14
- shoer8
- shore8
- shorl8
- skelm11
- skoal9
- slack11
- slake9
- smack13
- smarm9
- smear7
- smerk11
- smock13
- smoke11
- socle7
- solar5
- sorel5
4 Letter Words
- aces6
- ache9
- acme8
- acre6
- aero4
- ahem9
- alec6
- ales4
- alme6
- alms6
- aloe4
- also4
- ammo8
- amok10
- arch9
- arco6
- arcs6
- ares4
- arks8
- arms6
- cake10
- calk10
- calm8
- calo6
- came8
- camo8
- cams8
- care6
- cark10
- carl6
- cars6
- case6
- cash9
- cask10
- cels6
- cero6
- cham11
- chao9
- char9
- clam8
- coal6
- coke10
- cola6
- cole6
- cols6
- coma8
- come8
- core6
- cork10
- corm8
- cors6
- cosh9
- cram8
- each9
- earl4
- ears4
- echo9
- elks8
- elms6
- eras4
- eros4
- hack13
- haem9
- haes7
- hake11
- hale7
- halm9
- halo7
- hame9
- hams9
- hare7
- hark11
- harl7
- harm9
- heal7
- hear7
- heck13
- helm9
- helo7
- hems9
- herl7
- herm9
- hero7
- hers7
- hoar7
- hock13
- hoer7
- hoes7
- hoke11
- holk11
- holm9
- hols7
- home9
- hora7
- hose7
- kaes8
- kale8
- kame10
- keas8
- koas8
- koel8
- kohl11
- kola8
- kora8
- kore8
- kors8
- lace6
- lack10
- lacs6
- lake8
- lakh11
- lame6
- lams6
- lark8
- lars4
- lase4
- lash7
- leak8
- lear4
- leas4
- lech9
- lehr7
- leks8
- loam6
- loca6
- loch9
- lock10
- lore4
- lose4
- mace8
- mach11
- mack12
- macs8
- maes6
- make10
- mako10
- male6
- malm8
- marc8
- mare6
- mark10
- marl6
- mars6
- mash9
- mask10
- meal6
- mels6
- memo8
- mems8
- merc8
- merk10
- merl6
- mesa6
- mesh9
- mhos9
- moas6
- mock12
- mocs8
- moke10
- mola6
- mole6
- mols6
- mome8
- moms8
- mora6
- more6
- mors6
- mosh9
- mosk10
- oaks8
- oars4
- ocas6
- ohms9
- okas8
- okeh11
- okes8
- okra8
- olea4
- oles4
- omer6
- oral4
- orca6
- orcs6
- ores4
- orle4
- osar4
- race6
- rack10
- rake8
- rale4
- rams6
- rase4
- rash7
- real4
- ream6
- reck10
- recs6
- rems6
- resh7
- rhea7
- rhos7
- roam6
- rock10
- rocs6
- roes4
- role4
- roms6
- rose4
- sack10
- sake8
- sale4
- same6
- sark8
- scam8
- scar6
- seal4
- seam6
- sear4
- sera4
- sham9
- shea7
- shmo9
- shoe7
- slam6
- sloe4
- soak8
- soar4
- soca6
- sock10
- soke8
- sola4
- sole4
- soma6
- some6
- sora4
- sore4
3 Letter Words
- ace5
- ahs6
- ale3
- als3
- arc5
- are3
- ark7
- arm5
- ars3
- ash6
- ask7
- cam7
- car5
- cel5
- col5
- cor5
- cos5
- ear3
- elk7
- elm5
- els3
- ems5
- era3
- ers3
- hae6
- ham8
- hao6
- has6
- hem8
- her6
- hes6
- hmm10
- hoe6
- hos6
- kae7
- kas7
- kea7
- koa7
- kor7
- kos7
- lac5
- lam5
- lar3
- las3
- lea3
- lek7
- les3
- mac7
- mae5
- mar5
- mas5
- mel5
- mem7
- mho8
- moa5
- moc7
- mol5
- mom7
- mor5
- mos5
- oak7
- oar3
- oca5
- oes3
- ohm8
- ohs6
- oka7
- oke7
- ole3
- oms5
- ora3
- orc5
- ore3
- ors3
- ose3
- rah6
- ram5
- ras3
- rec5
- rem5
- res3
- rho6
- roc5
- roe3
- rom5
- sac5
- sae3
- sal3
- sea3
- sec5
- sel3
- ser3
- sha6
- she6
- ska7
- sol3
- som5