5-letter words starting with r
A list of 434 5-letter words starting with r
434 words found
5 Letter Words
- rabat7
- rabbi9
- rabic9
- rabid8
- raced8
- racer7
- races7
- racks11
- racon7
- radar6
- radii6
- radio6
- radix13
- radon6
- raffs11
- rafts8
- ragas6
- raged7
- ragee6
- rages6
- raggs7
- raggy10
- ragis6
- raias5
- raids6
- rails5
- rains5
- rainy8
- raise5
- raita5
- rajah15
- rajas12
- rajes12
- raked10
- rakee9
- raker9
- rakes9
- rakis9
- rakus9
- rales5
- rally8
- ralph10
- ramal7
- ramee7
- ramen7
- ramet7
- ramie7
- rammy12
- ramps9
- ramus7
- rance7
- ranch10
- rands6
- randy9
- ranee5
- range6
- rangy9
- ranid6
- ranis5
- ranks9
- rants5
- raped8
- raper7
- rapes7
- raphe10
- rapid8
- rared6
- rarer5
- rares5
- rased6
- raser5
- rases5
- rasps7
- raspy10
- ratal5
- ratan5
- ratch10
- rated6
- ratel5
- rater5
- rates5
- rathe8
- ratio5
- ratos5
- ratty8
- raved9
- ravel8
- raven8
- raver8
- raves8
- ravin8
- rawer8
- rawin8
- rawly11
- raxed13
- raxes12
- rayah11
- rayas8
- rayed9
- rayon8
- razed15
- razee14
- razer14
- razes14
- razor14
- reach10
- react7
- readd7
- reads6
- ready9
- realm7
- reals5
- reams7
- reaps7
- rearm7
- rears5
- reata5
- reave8
- rebar7
- rebbe9
- rebec9
- rebel7
- rebid8
- rebop9
- rebus7
- rebut7
- rebuy10
- recap9
- recce9
- recit7
- recks11
- recon7
- recta7
- recti7
- recto7
- recur7
- recut7
- redan6
- redds7
- reded7
- redes6
- redia6
- redid7
- redip8
- redly9
- redon6
- redos6
- redox13
- redry9
- redub8
- redux13
- redye9
- reeds6
- reedy9
- reefs8
- reefy11
- reeks9
- reeky12
- reels5
- reest5
- reeve8
- refed9
- refel8
- refer8
- refit8
- refix15
- refly11
- refry11
- regal6
- reges6
- regma8
- regna6
- rehab10
- rehem10
- reifs8
- reify11
- reign6
- reink9
- reins5
- reive8
- rejig13
- rekey12
- relax12
- relay8
- relet5
- relic7
- relit5
- reman7
- remap9
- remet7
- remex14
- remit7
- remix14
- renal5
- rends6
- renew8
- renig6
- renin5
- rente5
- rents5
- reoil5
- repay10
- repeg8
- repel7
- repin7
- reply10
- repos7
- repot7
- repps9
- repro7
- reran5
- rerig6
- rerun5
- resat5
- resaw8
- resay8
- resee5
- reset5
- resew8
- resid6
- resin5
- resit5
- resod6
- resow8
- rests5
- retag6
- retax12
- retch10
- retem7
- retia5
- retie5
- retro5
- retry8
- reuse5
- revel8
- revet8
- revue8
- rewan8
- rewax15
- rewed9
- rewet8
- rewin8
- rewon8
- rexes12
- rheas8
- rheme10
- rheum10
- rhino8
- rhomb12
- rhumb12
- rhyme13
- rhyta11
- rials5
- riant5
- riata5
- ribby12
- ribes7
- riced8
- ricer7
- rices7
- ricin7
- ricks11
- rider6
- rides6
- ridge7
- ridgy10
- riels5
- rifer8
- riffs11
- rifle8
- rifts8
- right9
- rigid7
- rigor6
- riled6
- riles5
- riley8
- rille5
- rills5
- rimed8
- rimer7
- rimes7
- rinds6
- rindy9
- rings6
- rinks9
- rinse5
- rioja12
- riots5
- riped8
- ripen7
- riper7
- ripes7
- risen5
- riser5
- rises5
- rishi8
- risks9
- risky12
- risus5
- rites5
- ritzy17
- rival8
- rived9
- riven8
- river8
- rives8
- rivet8
- riyal8
- roach10
- roads6
- roams7
- roans5
- roars5
- roast5
- robed8
- robes7
- robin7
- roble7
- robot7
- rocks11
- rocky14
- rodeo6
- rodes6
- roger6
- rogue6
- roils5
- roily8
- roles5
- rolfs8
- rolls5
- roman7
- romeo7
- romps9
- rondo6
- roods6
- roofs8
- rooks9
- rooky12
- rooms7
- roomy10
- roose5
- roost5
- roots5
- rooty8
- roped8
- roper7
- ropes7
- ropey10
- roque14
- rosed6
- roses5
- roset5
- roshi8
- rosin5
- rotas5
- rotch10
- rotes5
- rotis5
- rotls5
- rotor5
- rotos5
- rotte5
- rouen5
- roues5
- rouge6
- rough9
- round6
- roups7
- roupy10
- rouse5
- roust5
- route5
- routh8
- routs5
- roved9
- roven8
- rover8
- roves8
- rowan8
- rowdy12
- rowed9
- rowel8
- rowen8
- rower8
- rowth11
- royal8
- ruana5
- rubby12
- rubel7
- rubes7
- ruble7
- rubus7
- ruche10
- rucks11
- rudds7
- ruddy10
- ruder6
- ruers5
- ruffe11
- ruffs11
- rugae6
- rugal6
- rugby11
- ruing6
- ruins5
- ruled6
- ruler5
- rules5
- rumba9
- rumen7
- rummy12
- rumor7
- rumps9
- runes5
- rungs6
- runic7
- runny8
- runts5
- runty8
- rupee7
- rural5
- ruses5
- rushy11
- rusks9
- rusts5
- rusty8
- ruths8
- rutin5
- rutty8
- ryked13
- rykes12
- rynds9
- ryots8
The 10 highest scoring words you can make
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words that you can make, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Word | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
refix | 15 | 15 |
remix | 14 | 15 |
razee | 14 | 14 |
razed | 15 | 15 |
roque | 14 | 15 |
remex | 14 | 15 |
rajah | 15 | 16 |
rewax | 15 | 15 |
razes | 14 | 14 |
ritzy | 17 | 16 |