Is shortage a Scrabble word?
Yes, shortage is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 12 points in Scrabble, and 12 points in Words with Friends
Shortage is a valid Scrabble word.
Shortage is a word starting with s ending with e. Check our list of words starting with s ending with e.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word shortage
The meaning of shortage
2 definitions of the word shortage.
- The property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
- An acute insufficiency
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in shortage?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- agers6
- argot6
- arose5
- aster5
- earth8
- ergot6
- ethos8
- garth9
- gater6
- gates6
- gator6
- gears6
- gerah9
- getas6
- ghast9
- ghats9
- ghost9
- goats6
- goers6
- gores6
- gorse6
- goths9
- grate6
- great6
- groat6
- grots6
- haets8
- hares8
- harts8
- haste8
- hater8
- hates8
- hears8
- heart8
- heats8
- heros8
- hoars8
- hoers8
- horas8
- horse8
- horst8
- hoser8
- hosta8
- oater5
- oaths8
- ogres6
- orate5
- other8
- rages6
- rates5
- rathe8
- ratos5
- resat5
- retag6
- rheas8
- roast5
- roset5
- rotas5
- rotes5
- sager6
- sarge6
- sargo6
- share8
- shear8
- shoat8
- shoer8
- shore8
- short8
- shote8
- sorta5
- stage6
- stare5
- stoae5
- store5
- tahrs8
- tares5
- targe6
- taros5
- tears5
- terga6
- those8
- throe8
- toeas5
- togae6
- togas6
- torah8
- toras5
- tores5
- torse5
- trash8
- trogs6
4 Letter Words
- aero4
- ager5
- ages5
- ares4
- arts4
- ates4
- ears4
- east4
- eath7
- eats4
- egos5
- eras4
- ergo5
- ergs5
- eros4
- erst4
- etas4
- eths7
- gaes5
- gars5
- gash8
- gast5
- gate5
- gats5
- gear5
- gest5
- geta5
- gets5
- ghat8
- goas5
- goat5
- goer5
- goes5
- gore5
- gosh8
- goth8
- grat5
- grot5
- haes7
- haet7
- hags8
- hare7
- hart7
- hast7
- hate7
- hats7
- hear7
- heat7
- hero7
- hers7
- hest7
- hets7
- hoar7
- hoer7
- hoes7
- hogs8
- hora7
- hose7
- host7
- hots7
- oars4
- oast4
- oath7
- oats4
- ogre5
- ores4
- orts4
- osar4
- rage5
- rags5
- rase4
- rash7
- rate4
- rath7
- rato4
- rats4
- regs5
- resh7
- rest4
- rets4
- rhea7
- rhos7
- roes4
- rose4
- rota4
- rote4
- rots4
- sage5
- sago5
- sate4
- sear4
- seat4
- sego5
- sera4
- seta4
- shag8
- shat7
- shea7
- shoe7
- shog8
- shot7
- soar4
- sora4
- sore4
- sort4
- soth7
- stag5
- star4
- stoa4
- tags5
- tahr7
- taos4
- tare4
- taro4
- tars4
- tear4
- teas4
- tegs5
- thae7
- thro7
- toea4
- toes4
- toga5
- togs5
- tora4
- tore4
- tors4
- tosh7
- tres4
- trog5
- tsar4
3 Letter Words
- age4
- ago4
- ags4
- ahs6
- are3
- ars3
- art3
- ash6
- ate3
- ear3
- eat3
- ego4
- era3
- erg4
- ers3
- eta3
- eth6
- gae4
- gar4
- gas4
- gat4
- get4
- goa4
- gor4
- gos4
- got4
- hae6
- hag7
- hao6
- has6
- hat6
- her6
- hes6
- het6
- hoe6
- hog7
- hos6
- hot6
- oar3
- oat3
- oes3
- ohs6
- ora3
- ore3
- ors3
- ort3
- ose3
- rag4
- rah6
- ras3
- rat3
- reg4
- res3
- ret3
- rho6
- roe3
- rot3
- sae3
- sag4
- sat3
- sea3
- seg4
- ser3
- set3
- sha6
- she6
- sot3
- tae3
- tag4
- tao3
- tar3
- tas3
- tea3
- teg4
- the6
- tho6
- toe3
- tog4
- tor3
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to shortage:
Unscramble the letters in shortage
There are 4 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'shortage'.