Is farmhouse a Scrabble word?
Yes, farmhouse is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 17 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Farmhouse is a valid Scrabble word.
Farmhouse is a word starting with f ending with e. Check our list of words starting with f ending with e.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word farmhouse
The meaning of farmhouse
1 definition of the word farmhouse.
- House for a farmer and family
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in farmhouse?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- afore8
- amour7
- amuse7
- arose5
- arums7
- aures5
- euros5
- fames10
- fares8
- farms10
- faros8
- fears8
- femur10
- feuar8
- foams10
- foram10
- fores8
- forme10
- forms10
- forum10
- fours8
- frame10
- fresh11
- froes8
- frosh11
- fumer10
- fumes10
- haems10
- hames10
- harem10
- hares8
- harms10
- hears8
- herma10
- herms10
- heros8
- hoars8
- hoers8
- homer10
- homes10
- horas8
- horse8
- hoser8
- hours8
- house8
- humor10
- mahoe10
- mares7
- marse7
- marsh10
- maser7
- meous7
- mohur10
- morae7
- moras7
- mores7
- morse7
- moues7
- mouse7
- muras7
- mures7
- muser7
- omers7
- ramus7
- reams7
- rheas8
- rheum10
- roams7
- roues5
- rouse5
- safer8
- serum7
- shame10
- share8
- sheaf11
- shear8
- shoer8
- shore8
- smear7
- sofar8
- surah8
- urase5
- ureas5
- ursae5
- usher8
4 Letter Words
- aero4
- ahem9
- amus6
- ares4
- arfs7
- arms6
- arum6
- ears4
- emus6
- eras4
- eros4
- euro4
- fame9
- fare7
- farm9
- faro7
- fash10
- fear7
- fehs10
- fems9
- feus7
- foam9
- foes7
- fora7
- fore7
- form9
- four7
- frae7
- froe7
- from9
- fume9
- furs7
- fuse7
- haem9
- haes7
- hame9
- hams9
- hare7
- harm9
- hear7
- hems9
- herm9
- hero7
- hers7
- hoar7
- hoer7
- hoes7
- home9
- hora7
- hose7
- hour7
- hues7
- hums9
- maes6
- mare6
- mars6
- mash9
- meou6
- mesa6
- mesh9
- mhos9
- moas6
- mora6
- more6
- mors6
- mosh9
- moue6
- mura6
- mure6
- muse6
- mush9
- oafs7
- oars4
- ohms9
- omer6
- ores4
- osar4
- ours4
- rams6
- rase4
- rash7
- ream6
- refs7
- rems6
- resh7
- rhea7
- rhos7
- rhus7
- roam6
- roes4
- roms6
- rose4
- roue4
- rues4
- rums6
- ruse4
- rush7
- safe7
- same6
- seam6
- sear4
- sera4
- serf7
- sham9
- shea7
- shmo9
- shoe7
- soar4
- sofa7
- soma6
- some6
- sora4
- sore4
- sour4
- suer4
- sumo6
- sura4
- sure4
- surf7
- urea4
- ursa4
- user4
3 Letter Words
- ahs6
- amu5
- are3
- arf6
- arm5
- ars3
- ash6
- ear3
- eau3
- efs6
- ems5
- emu5
- era3
- ers3
- far6
- fas6
- feh9
- fem8
- fer6
- fes6
- feu6
- foe6
- foh9
- for6
- fou6
- fro6
- fur6
- hae6
- ham8
- hao6
- has6
- hem8
- her6
- hes6
- hoe6
- hos6
- hue6
- hum8
- mae5
- mar5
- mas5
- mho8
- moa5
- mor5
- mos5
- mus5
- oaf6
- oar3
- oes3
- ohm8
- ohs6
- oms5
- ora3
- ore3
- ors3
- ose3
- our3
- rah6
- ram5
- ras3
- ref6
- rem5
- res3
- rho6
- roe3
- rom5
- rue3
- rum5
- sae3
- sau3
- sea3
- ser3
- sha6
- she6
- som5
- sou3
- sue3
- sum5
- use3
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to farmhouse:
Unscramble the letters in farmhouse
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'farmhouse'.
- S: farmhouses