Words With Res In Them | 2,534 Scrabble Words With Res
We've put together a list of 2,534 words that contain the letters "Res" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list starts with the highest scoring words and is then organized by how many letters the word has, with the longest at the top (so, for 7-8 letter words ending with "Res", start at the top).
If this list isn’t cutting it, use our Scrabble Word Finder to triangulate the exact word you’re looking for. Also, check out our list of words containing Res for more "Res" related fun.
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Res is a playable Scrabble Word!
The highest scoring words with Res
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with res, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words with Res | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
express | 16 | 17 |
zaffres | 22 | 22 |
resized | 17 | 17 |
abjures | 16 | 20 |
expires | 16 | 17 |
quaeres | 16 | 17 |
squires | 16 | 17 |
fixures | 17 | 18 |
quatres | 16 | 17 |
squares | 16 | 17 |
2,534 Scrabble words that contain Res
11 Letter Words With Res
- acupressure15
- addressable15
- adultresses12
- adventuress15
- aeciospores15
- afforesting18
- aggressions13
- anchoresses16
- apicultures15
- appressoria15
- arbitresses13
- arborescent15
- arrestingly15
- arrestments13
- atmospheres18
- authoresses14
- aviatresses14
- avicultures16
- blastomeres15
- blastopores15
- buttressing14
- caressingly17
- caressively19
- caricatures15
- carpophores20
- carpospores17
- catachreses18
- catachresis18
- centromeres15
- chromomeres20
- coatdresses14
- coheiresses16
- commissures17
- commixtures24
- compradores18
- compressing18
- compression17
- compressive20
- compressors17
- computerese17
- concrescent17
- conductress16
- congressing15
- congressman16
- congressmen16
- conjectures22
- contextures20
- copresented16
- copresident16
- corepressor15
- coresidents14
- corresponds16
- corsetieres13
- coursewares16
- couturieres13
- crescendoed17
- crescendoes16
- crestfallen16
- ctenophores18
- decrescendo17
- deforesting16
- depressants14
- depressible16
- depressions14
- depressives17
- derepressed15
- derepresses14
- diaphoreses17
- diaphoresis17
- digressions13
- dinnerwares15
- disclosures14
- disinterest12
- disrespects16
- distressful15
- distressing13
- dressmakers18
- dressmaking19
- effloresced20
- effloresces19
- electresses13
- embouchures20
- enamelwares16
- enchantress16
- escritoires13
- excrescence24
- excrescency27
- expressages21
- expressible22
- expressions20
- expressways26
- florescence18
- fluorescein16
- fluorescent16
- fluorescers16
- fluorescing17
- foreseeable16
- foreshadows21
- foreshorten17
- foreshowing21
- foresighted19
- forestalled15
- forestaller14
- forestation14
- forestlands15
- forfeitures17
- fortressing15
- fourrageres15
- freshnesses17
- freshwaters20
- glabrescent16
- granophyres20
- hairdresser15
- handpresses17
- headdresses16
- hemispheres21
- heresiarchs19
- hollowwares20
- hotpressing17
- humoresques25
- impresarios15
- impressible17
- impressions15
- impressment17
- impressures15
- ingressions12
- ingressives15
- inheritress14
- interesting12
- ionospheres16
- irresoluble13
- jardinieres19
- jasperwares23
- jointresses18
- judicatures21
- kerseymeres20
- laundresses12
- lavallieres14
- lectureship18
- leptospires15
- letterpress13
- literatures11
- lophophores21
- lusterwares14
- mesospheres18
- microspores17
- minaudieres14
- minidresses14
- murderesses14
- natriureses11
- natriuresis11
- noninterest11
- nonresident12
- nonresonant11
- nonresponse13
- nunciatures13
- omnipresent15
- oppressions15
- outdressing13
- outpressing14
- outwrestled15
- outwrestles14
- overdressed16
- overdresses15
- overimpress18
- overrespond17
- pantdresses14
- paresthesia16
- paresthetic18
- perestroika17
- photophores21
- photoresist16
- picaresques24
- picturesque24
- plateresque22
- porteresses13
- praemunires15
- prefectures18
- prefreshman21
- premeasures15
- prerequires22
- presbyopias20
- presbyopics22
- preschedule19
- preschooler18
- presciences17
- presciently18
- prescinding17
- prescreened16
- prescribers17
- prescribing18
- preselected16
- presentable15
- presentably18
- presentence15
- presentient13
- presentisms15
- presentment15
- presentness13
- preservable18
- presettling14
- preshipping21
- preshrunken20
- presignaled15
- pressboards16
- pressurised14
- pressurises13
- pressurized23
- pressurizer22
- pressurizes22
- prestamping18
- prestigeful17
- prestigious14
- prestissimo15
- prestressed14
- prestresses13
- presumingly19
- presumption17
- presumptive20
- presupposed18
- presupposes17
- presurveyed20
- presweetens16
- presynaptic20
- procuresses15
- progressing15
- progression14
- progressive17
- protectress15
- putrescence17
- putrescible17
- putrescines15
- quadratures21
- readdressed14
- readdresses13
- reafforests17
- rearresting12
- redigressed14
- redigresses13
- reexposures20
- reexpressed21
- reexpresses20
- reforesting15
- refreshened18
- refreshment19
- regressions12
- repertoires13
- represented14
- representer13
- repressible15
- repressions13
- rescheduled18
- reschedules17
- reschooling17
- rescindment16
- rescissions13
- rescreening14
- resculpting16
- researchers16
- researching17
- researchist16
- reseasoning12
- resegregate13
- reselecting14
- resemblance17
- resensitize20
- resentenced14
- resentences13
- resentfully17
- resentments13
- reservation14
- reservicing17
- resharpened17
- reshingling16
- reshowering18
- reshuffling21
- residencies14
- residential12
- resignation12
- resiliences13
- resiliently14
- resilvering15
- resinifying18
- resistances13
- resistively17
- resistivity17
- resituating12
- resketching21
- resmoothing17
- resocialize22
- resoftening15
- resoldering13
- resolutions11
- resorcinols13
- resorptions13
- resourceful16
- respecified19
- respecifies18
- respectable17
- respectably20
- respellings14
- respiration13
- respirators13
- respiratory16
- resplendent14
- resplitting14
- respondents14
- responsible15
- responsibly18
- responsions13
- respreading15
- respringing15
- resprouting14
- restabilize22
- restartable13
- restatement13
- restationed12
- restaurants11
- restfullest14
- restfulness14
- restimulate13
- restitching17
- restituting12
- restitution11
- restiveness14
- restoration11
- restorative14
- restrainers11
- restraining12
- restressing12
- restretched17
- restretches16
- restricting14
- restriction13
- restrictive16
- restringing13
- restructure13
- resubjected23
- resubmitted16
- resultantly14
- resummoning16
- resumptions15
- resupplying19
- resurfacers16
- resurfacing17
- resurgences14
- resurrected14
- resurveying18
- resuscitate13
- resuspended15
- reswallowed18
- resyntheses17
- resynthesis17
- rhabdomeres19
- roquelaures20
- sidedresses13
- silverwares17
- slipdresses14
- smoothbores18
- sorceresses13
- spongewares17
- sporophores18
- stavesacres16
- stressfully17
- subcultures15
- subseizures22
- superstores13
- suppressant15
- suppressing16
- suppression15
- suppressive18
- suppressors15
- teliospores13
- temptresses15
- terrestrial11
- tetraspores13
- topdressing15
- traitresses11
- trespassers13
- trespassing14
- trestlework18
- unaddressed14
- underscores14
- unexpressed21
- unimpressed16
- uninterests11
- unpressured14
- unredressed13
- unrepressed14
- unresistant11
- unrestraint11
- uredospores14
- vasopressin16
- vasopressor16
- venturesome16
- vinedresser15
- virescences18
- vivandieres18
- waitressing15
- wheresoever20
- willowwares20
- winepresses16
- woodenwares18
- yellowwares20
10 Letter Words With Res
- abductores15
- acrospires14
- addressees12
- addressers12
- addressing13
- addressors12
- adipoceres15
- admeasures13
- admixtures20
- adulteress11
- adventures14
- aerophores15
- affixtures23
- afforested17
- aftercares15
- agatewares14
- aggressing13
- aggression12
- aggressive15
- aggressors12
- ancestress12
- antistress10
- aphaereses15
- aphaeresis15
- arrestants10
- arrestment12
- ascospores14
- backshores21
- belvederes16
- biospheres17
- bloatwares15
- bookstores16
- borescopes16
- brassieres12
- brasswares15
- broodmares15
- brushfires18
- buprestids15
- buttressed13
- buttresses12
- calentures12
- capsomeres16
- carnivores15
- cassimeres14
- cateresses12
- ceasefires15
- chaussures15
- chevelures18
- childcares18
- chinawares18
- chokebores21
- clerestory15
- cloistress12
- cocultures14
- cofeatures15
- commodores17
- composures16
- compressed17
- compresses16
- compressor16
- configures16
- confitures15
- congressed14
- congresses13
- copresents14
- coresident13
- correspond15
- covertures15
- creamwares17
- crenatures12
- crescendos15
- crescentic16
- crescively20
- crossfires15
- curvatures15
- debentures13
- decilitres13
- decimetres15
- decompress17
- decrescent15
- defeatures14
- deforested15
- degressive15
- dekalitres15
- dekametres17
- delftwares17
- departures13
- depressant13
- depressing14
- depression13
- depressive16
- depressors13
- digressing13
- digression12
- digressive15
- dinotheres14
- directress13
- disfigures15
- disposures13
- disrespect15
- distressed12
- distresses11
- divestures14
- dressiness11
- dressmaker17
- drugstores12
- dulcimores15
- ecospheres17
- editresses11
- effloresce18
- egressions11
- eldercares13
- embrasures14
- enclosures12
- endospores13
- enraptures12
- enuresises10
- exclosures19
- excrescent21
- exospheres22
- expressage20
- expressers19
- expressing20
- expression19
- expressive22
- expressman21
- expressmen21
- expressway25
- fieldfares17
- firestones13
- firestorms15
- florescent15
- fluoresced16
- fluorescer15
- fluoresces15
- foreseeing14
- foreshadow20
- foreshanks20
- foresheets16
- foreshocks22
- foreshores16
- foreshowed20
- foresights17
- forespeaks19
- forespoken19
- forestages14
- forestalls13
- forestland14
- forestries13
- foreswears16
- fortressed14
- fortresses13
- frescoists15
- fresheners16
- freshening17
- freshwater19
- frugivores17
- furnitures13
- garnitures11
- glasswares14
- gonophores16
- grandsires12
- groupwares16
- gynophores19
- hackamores21
- hellebores15
- herbivores18
- heresiarch18
- hillcrests15
- hollowares16
- hotpressed16
- hotpresses15
- housedress14
- housewares16
- humoresque24
- huntresses13
- hydroseres17
- hystereses16
- hysteresis16
- immixtures21
- impostures14
- impresario14
- impressing15
- impression14
- impressive17
- impressure14
- inclosures12
- increscent14
- indentures11
- ingression11
- ingressive14
- interested11
- interferes13
- inventress13
- involucres15
- ionophores15
- irresolute10
- kilolitres14
- kilometres16
- lakeshores17
- lavalieres13
- licensures12
- luminaires12
- macromeres16
- madrepores15
- manageress13
- manoeuvres15
- manticores14
- mattresses12
- mayoresses15
- megaspores15
- megatheres16
- melaphyres20
- metalwares15
- micromeres16
- micropores16
- millepores14
- miniatures12
- misaddress14
- mistresses12
- nanometres12
- nervatures13
- nightdress15
- nightmares16
- noospheres15
- nullipores12
- oleoresins10
- oppressing15
- oppression14
- oppressive17
- oppressors14
- oratresses10
- outdressed12
- outdresses11
- outfigures14
- outpressed13
- outpresses12
- outwrestle13
- overscores15
- overstress13
- pennycress17
- perseveres15
- phosphores20
- picaresque23
- picometres16
- piscivores17
- plicatures14
- plowshares18
- portresses12
- postarrest12
- pourboires14
- preassures12
- prefigures16
- prelatures12
- prematures14
- presageful16
- presbyopes19
- presbyopia19
- presbyopic21
- presbyters17
- presbytery20
- preschools17
- prescience16
- prescinded16
- prescoring15
- prescreens14
- prescribed17
- prescriber16
- prescribes16
- prescripts16
- preseasons12
- preselects14
- preselling13
- presentees12
- presenters12
- presenting13
- presentism14
- presentist12
- preservers15
- preservice17
- preserving16
- presetting13
- presettled13
- presettles12
- preshaping18
- preshipped20
- preshowing19
- preshrinks19
- presidency18
- presidents13
- presidiary16
- presidiums15
- presifting16
- presignals13
- presignify19
- preslicing15
- presoaking17
- presolving16
- presorting13
- prespecify22
- pressboard15
- pressgangs14
- pressingly16
- pressmarks18
- pressrooms14
- pressuring13
- pressurise12
- pressurize21
- pressworks19
- prestamped17
- presternum14
- prestorage13
- prestoring13
- presumable16
- presumably19
- presumedly18
- presummits16
- presuppose16
- presurgery16
- presurveys18
- presweeten15
- prioresses12
- procedures15
- progressed14
- progresses13
- pronatores12
- putrescent14
- putrescine14
- reacquires21
- reafforest16
- rearrested11
- recaptures14
- redressers11
- redressing12
- redressors11
- reexplores19
- reforested14
- refreshens16
- refreshers16
- refreshing17
- regressing12
- regression11
- regressive14
- regressors11
- reinspires12
- remeasures12
- remixtures19
- rencontres12
- represents12
- repressers12
- repressing13
- repression12
- repressive15
- repressors12
- resaddling13
- resaluting11
- resampling15
- reschedule16
- reschooled16
- rescinders13
- rescinding14
- rescission12
- rescissory15
- rescreened13
- resculpted15
- resealable12
- researched16
- researcher15
- researches15
- reseasoned11
- resectable14
- resections12
- resecuring13
- reseizures19
- reselected13
- resemblant14
- resemblers14
- resembling15
- resentence12
- resentment12
- reserpines12
- reservable15
- reservedly17
- reserviced16
- reservices15
- reservists13
- reservoirs13
- resettable12
- resettling11
- resharpens15
- reshingled15
- reshingles14
- reshippers17
- reshipping18
- reshooting14
- reshowered17
- reshuffled20
- reshuffles19
- residences13
- residually14
- resighting15
- resignedly15
- resilience12
- resiliency15
- resilvered14
- resinating11
- resinified14
- resinifies13
- resistance12
- resistants10
- resistible12
- resistless10
- resittings11
- resituated11
- resituates10
- resketched20
- resketches19
- resmelting13
- resmoothed16
- resoftened14
- resoldered12
- resolidify17
- resolutely13
- resolutest10
- resolution10
- resolvable15
- resolvents13
- resonances12
- resonantly13
- resonating11
- resonators10
- resorcinol12
- resorption12
- resorptive15
- resounding12
- respeaking17
- respecters14
- respectful17
- respecting15
- respective17
- respelling13
- respirable14
- respirator12
- resplicing15
- respondent13
- responders13
- responding14
- responsive15
- responsory15
- respooling13
- respotting13
- respraying16
- resprouted13
- restabling13
- restacking17
- restaffing17
- restamping15
- restarting11
- restations10
- restaurant10
- restfuller13
- restitched16
- restitches15
- restituted11
- restitutes10
- restlessly13
- restocking17
- restorable12
- restrained11
- restrainer10
- restraints10
- restressed11
- restresses10
- restricken16
- restricted13
- restriking15
- restriving14
- restudying15
- restuffing17
- resubjects21
- resultants10
- resultless10
- resummoned15
- resumption14
- resupinate12
- resupplied15
- resupplies14
- resurfaced16
- resurfacer15
- resurfaces15
- resurgence13
- resurrects12
- resurveyed17
- resuspends13
- reswallows16
- retextures17
- retrofires13
- retrogress11
- saltpetres12
- sarcomeres14
- scriptures14
- sculptress14
- sculptures14
- seamstress12
- seductress13
- semaphores17
- sempstress14
- sepulchres17
- sepultures12
- serratures10
- sharewares16
- shellfires16
- shirtdress14
- signatures11
- simulacres14
- slenderest11
- solitaires10
- somewheres18
- songstress11
- sophomores17
- stevedores14
- stonewares13
- storeships15
- stressless10
- strictures12
- structures12
- sundresses11
- suppressed15
- suppresses14
- suppressor14
- synaereses13
- synaeresis13
- tablatures12
- tablewares15
- tendresses11
- thresholds17
- tightwires17
- tiresomely15
- torchieres15
- traditores11
- traitoress10
- transgress11
- transpires12
- treenwares13
- trespassed13
- trespasser12
- trespasses12
- tutoresses10
- unclearest12
- underwires14
- undressing12
- unforeseen13
- unforested14
- uninterest10
- unreserved14
- unreserves13
- unresolved14
- unrestored11
- unstressed11
- unstresses10
- vaporwares18
- victresses15
- virescence17
- votaresses13
- waitressed14
- waitresses13
- wardresses14
- watercress15
- wherefores19
- wrestlings14
- zygospores25
9 Letter Words With Res
- abamperes15
- accoutres13
- actresses11
- addressed12
- addressee11
- addresser11
- addresses11
- addressor11
- adultress10
- afforests15
- aforesaid13
- aggressed12
- aggresses11
- aggressor11
- albacores13
- albicores13
- anchoress14
- ancresses11
- antimeres11
- antipress11
- anywheres18
- apertures11
- aphereses14
- apheresis14
- appressed14
- arbitress11
- arcatures11
- armatures11
- arrestant9
- arrestees9
- arresters9
- arresting10
- arrestive12
- arrestors9
- austerest9
- authoress12
- aviatress12
- backfires20
- backrests17
- bakewares18
- balefires14
- barbwires16
- baresarks15
- bayaderes15
- bitterest11
- bolivares14
- booklores15
- bookrests15
- borescope15
- brochures16
- buprestid14
- bushfires17
- cabrestas13
- cabrestos13
- cadastres12
- campfires18
- camphires18
- canewares14
- caressers11
- caressing12
- caressive14
- cashmeres16
- casimeres13
- casimires13
- ceintures11
- centiares11
- cheshires17
- chresards15
- cinctures13
- claymores16
- claywares17
- cleverest14
- coadmires14
- coatdress12
- coendures12
- coheiress14
- coiffures17
- coinheres14
- coinsures11
- compadres16
- confreres14
- conspires13
- cookwares18
- copresent13
- creatures11
- crescendi14
- crescendo14
- crescents13
- crestings12
- crestless11
- cubatures13
- cynosures14
- cypresses16
- dapperest14
- decentres12
- deforests13
- denatures10
- depressed13
- depresses12
- depressor12
- derepress12
- derrieres10
- diaereses10
- diaeresis10
- diaspores12
- digressed12
- digresses11
- dishwares16
- doublures12
- drawbores15
- dressages11
- dressiest10
- dressings11
- drumfires15
- ectomeres13
- eglateres10
- egressing11
- egression10
- eldresses10
- electress11
- empresses13
- enspheres14
- entresols9
- espressos11
- exospores18
- exposures18
- expressed19
- expresser18
- expresses18
- expressly21
- expressos18
- filatures12
- fireships17
- firesides13
- firestone12
- firestorm14
- firmwares17
- flatwares15
- fluoresce14
- folklores16
- footrests12
- foresails12
- foreseers12
- foreshank19
- foresheet15
- foreshock21
- foreshore15
- foreshown18
- foreshows18
- foresides13
- foresight16
- foreskins16
- forespake18
- forespeak18
- forespoke18
- forestage13
- forestall12
- forestays15
- foresters12
- forestial12
- foresting13
- foreswear15
- foreswore15
- foresworn15
- fractures14
- freewares15
- frescoers14
- frescoing15
- frescoist14
- freshened16
- freshener15
- freshness15
- genitures10
- giftwares16
- gonopores12
- handpress15
- hangfires16
- hardcores15
- hardwares16
- hardwires16
- headdress14
- headrests13
- heiresses12
- hellfires15
- hillcrest14
- humitures14
- immatures13
- impressed14
- impresses13
- incisures11
- ingresses10
- inspheres14
- interests9
- ironwares12
- isochores14
- isotheres12
- jointress16
- jointures16
- junctures18
- laundress10
- levatores12
- lifecares14
- ligatures10
- limberest13
- manicures13
- massacres13
- medicares14
- mesomeres13
- metameres13
- milliares11
- minidress12
- misereres11
- moistures11
- moresques20
- murderess12
- newswires15
- nonglares10
- obscurest13
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- oleoresin9
- omnivores14
- oospheres14
- oppressed14
- oppresses13
- oppressor13
- ossatures9
- outglares10
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- outsnores9
- outstares9
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- overcures14
- overdares13
- overdress13
- overtires12
- overtures12
- pantdress12
- paradores12
- parterres11
- pedicures14
- peeresses11
- perspires13
- phoresies14
- picadores14
- pinafores14
- pleasures11
- podomeres14
- poechores16
- polypores16
- porteress11
- portieres11
- premieres13
- presagers12
- presaging13
- presbyope18
- presbyter16
- preschool16
- prescient13
- prescinds14
- prescored14
- prescores13
- prescreen13
- prescribe15
- prescript15
- preseason11
- preselect13
- presences13
- presented12
- presentee11
- presenter11
- presently14
- preserved15
- preserver14
- preserves14
- presettle11
- preshaped17
- preshapes16
- preshowed18
- preshrank18
- preshrink18
- preshrunk18
- president12
- presiders12
- presidial12
- presiding13
- presidios12
- presidium14
- presifted15
- presignal12
- presliced14
- preslices13
- presoaked16
- presolved15
- presolves14
- presorted12
- pressgang13
- pressings12
- pressmark17
- pressroom13
- pressruns11
- pressured12
- pressures11
- presswork18
- prestamps15
- presterna11
- prestiges12
- prestored12
- prestores11
- prestress11
- prestrike15
- presumers13
- presuming14
- presummit15
- presurvey17
- procuress13
- properest13
- punctures13
- quagmires21
- readdress11
- rearrests9
- reassures9
- redigress11
- redressed11
- redresser10
- redresses10
- redressor10
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- refreshen15
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- refreshes15
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- regresses10
- regressor10
- reinjures16
- reinsures9
- renatures9
- represent11
- repressed12
- represser11
- represses11
- repressor11
- resaddled12
- resaddles11
- resailing10
- resalable11
- resaluted10
- resalutes9
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- resamples13
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- rescinded13
- rescinder12
- rescoring12
- rescreens11
- rescripts13
- rescuable13
- resculpts13
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- reseasons9
- reseating10
- resecting12
- resection11
- resecured12
- resecures11
- reseeding11
- reseeking14
- reseizing19
- reseizure18
- reselects11
- resellers9
- reselling10
- resembled14
- resembler13
- resembles13
- resending11
- resentful12
- resenting10
- resentive12
- reserpine11
- reservers12
- reservice14
- reserving13
- reservist12
- reservoir12
- resetters9
- resetting10
- resettled10
- resettles9
- reshapers14
- reshaping15
- resharpen14
- reshaving16
- reshingle13
- reshining13
- reshipped17
- reshipper16
- reshoeing13
- reshowers15
- reshowing16
- reshuffle18
- residence12
- residency15
- residents10
- residuals10
- residuary13
- residuums12
- resifting13
- resighted14
- resigners10
- resigning11
- resilient9
- resilvers12
- resinated10
- resinates9
- resinlike13
- resinoids10
- resistant9
- resisters9
- resisting10
- resistive12
- resistors9
- resitting10
- resituate9
- reslating10
- resmelted12
- resmooths14
- resoaking14
- resodding12
- resoftens12
- resolders10
- resoluble11
- resoluter9
- resolutes9
- resolvent12
- resolvers12
- resolving13
- resonance11
- resonants9
- resonated10
- resonates9
- resonator9
- resorbing12
- resorcins11
- resorters9
- resorting10
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- resources11
- respacing14
- respading13
- respecify19
- respected14
- respecter13
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- respiring12
- respiting12
- respliced14
- resplices13
- responded13
- responder12
- responses11
- responsum13
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- respotted12
- resprayed15
- respreads12
- resprings12
- resprouts11
- restabled12
- restables11
- restacked16
- restaffed16
- restaging11
- restamped14
- restarted10
- restating10
- restation9
- restfully15
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- restitute9
- restively15
- restocked16
- restoking14
- restorals9
- restorers9
- restoring10
- restrains9
- restraint9
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- restricts11
- restrikes13
- restrings10
- restriven12
- restrives12
- restrooms11
- restudied11
- restudies10
- restuffed16
- restyling13
- resubject20
- resubmits13
- resultant9
- resultful12
- resulting10
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- resummons13
- resurface14
- resurgent10
- resurging11
- resurrect11
- resurveys15
- resuspend12
- reswallow15
- rotatores9
- sagamores12
- samphires16
- sapphires16
- sautoires9
- scissures11
- seashores12
- seeresses9
- shoreside13
- sidedress11
- sincerest11
- sinecures11
- slipdress12
- slipwares14
- softwares15
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- spitfires14
- stemwares14
- storeship14
- stressful12
- stressing10
- stressors9
- subgenres12
- sycamores16
- sycomores16
- synereses12
- syneresis12
- telomeres11
- temblores13
- temptress13
- tenderest10
- tendresse10
- threshers15
- threshing16
- threshold16
- tigresses10
- tinctures11
- torcheres14
- traitress9
- treasures9
- tressiest9
- tressours9
- tressures9
- tripwires14
- trouveres12
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- undressed11
- undresses10
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- unretires9
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- votresses12
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- whoresons15
- wildfires16
- winepress14
- wiseacres14
- woodlores13
- workfares19
- wrestlers12
- wrestling13
- xeroseres16
- zoochores23
- zoospores20
8 Letter Words With Res
- acquires19
- actressy13
- affaires14
- afforest14
- agrestal9
- agrestic11
- airfares11
- alfresco13
- anureses8
- anuresis8
- armoires10
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- arrested9
- arrestee8
- arrester8
- arrestor8
- atresias8
- avodires12
- backrest16
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- barwares13
- bedsores11
- bergeres11
- bizarres19
- bonfires13
- bookrest14
- bordures11
- boresome12
- buttress10
- cabresta12
- cabresto12
- calibres12
- captures12
- caressed11
- caresser10
- caresses10
- carfares13
- cateress10
- caviares13
- censures10
- centares10
- chancres15
- chimeres15
- chresard14
- clearest10
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- clotures10
- coenures10
- compares14
- comperes14
- compress14
- condores11
- congress11
- conjures17
- coutures10
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- crescive15
- cressets10
- cresting11
- cresylic15
- cultures10
- cypreses15
- dasyures12
- daycares14
- daymares14
- deciares11
- declares11
- deforest12
- demurest11
- dentures9
- deplores11
- diereses9
- dieresis9
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- dressers9
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- dressing10
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- editress9
- egressed10
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- ensnares8
- entresol8
- enureses8
- enuresis8
- epicures12
- epimeres12
- erasures8
- espresso10
- esquires17
- etageres9
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- expresso17
- eyesores11
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- fortress11
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- freshest14
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- freshing15
- freshman16
- freshmen16
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- gestures9
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- gruyeres12
- guipures11
- gunfires12
- gyplures14
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- halteres11
- haywires17
- headrest12
- hectares13
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- heresies11
- hotpress13
- huntress11
- implores12
- impresas12
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- inquires17
- insnares8
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- isobares10
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- maturest10
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- measures10
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- mixtures17
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- moresque19
- multures10
- nervures11
- nowheres14
- nurtures8
- obscures12
- ogresses9
- oospores10
- oratress8
- outdares9
- outdress9
- outfires11
- outpress10
- pandores11
- pastures10
- perdures11
- perjures17
- phereses13
- pheresis13
- philtres13
- piastres10
- pictures12
- pismires12
- portress10
- postures10
- precures12
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- prepares12
- prepress12
- presaged12
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- presages11
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- presence12
- presents10
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- preshape15
- preships15
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- presides11
- presidia11
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- presorts10
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- pressers10
- pressing11
- pressman12
- pressmen12
- pressors10
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- pressure10
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- presters10
- prestige11
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- presumer12
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- priseres10
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- reserves11
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- resident9
- residers9
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- residues9
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- resights12
- resigned10
- resigner9
- resiling9
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- resilver11
- resinate8
- resinify14
- resining9
- resinoid9
- resinous8
- resisted9
- resister8
- resistor8
- resiting9
- resizing18
- resketch17
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- resoaked13
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- resoften11
- resojets15
- resolder9
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- resolute8
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- resolves11
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- resorter8
- resought12
- resounds9
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- resowing12
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- respaded12
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- respires10
- respited11
- respites10
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- resplits10
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- respring11
- resprout10
- resprung11
- restable10
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- restages9
- restamps12
- restarts8
- restated9
- restates8
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- restoked13
- restokes12
- restoral8
- restored9
- restorer8
- restores8
- restrain8
- restress8
- restrict10
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- restring9
- restrive11
- restroom10
- restrove11
- restruck14
- restrung9
- restuffs14
- restyled12
- restyles11
- resubmit12
- resulted9
- resumers10
- resuming11
- resummon12
- resupine10
- resupply15
- resurged10
- resurges9
- resurvey14
- rimfires13
- rivieres11
- rondures9
- ruptures10
- saltires8
- scalares10
- sceptres12
- seawares11
- securest10
- seisures8
- seizures17
- senhores11
- severest11
- sheerest11
- soberest10
- soilures8
- spectres12
- squarest17
- statures8
- stressed9
- stresses8
- stressor8
- subseres10
- sundress9
- suppress12
- suspires10
- teawares11
- textures15
- theatres11
- threshed15
- thresher14
- threshes14
- tinwares11
- tiresome10
- tonsures8
- tortures8
- trespass10
- tressels8
- tressier8
- tressour8
- tressure8
- trestles8
- tussores8
- tutoress8
- unawares11
- unmitres10
- unrested9
- unstress8
- upstares10
- vampires15
- ventures11
- verdures12
- vestures11
- viatores11
- victress13
- votaress11
- vultures11
- waftures14
- waitress11
- wardress12
- warfares14
- welfares14
- wetwares14
- whoreson14
- wresters11
- wresting12
- wrestled12
- wrestler11
- wrestles11
7 Letter Words With Res
- abjures16
- actress9
- address9
- addrest9
- adheres11
- adjures15
- admires10
- aggress9
- allures7
- amperes11
- ancress9
- arbores9
- armrest9
- armures9
- arrests7
- aspires9
- assures7
- atresia7
- atresic9
- attires7
- bemires11
- bewares12
- bistres9
- centres9
- chevres15
- chirres12
- coheres12
- colures9
- cresols9
- cresses9
- cresset9
- crestal9
- crested10
- cresyls12
- curares9
- cypress14
- daresay11
- dearest8
- decares10
- dekares12
- depress10
- desires8
- digress9
- dourest8
- dressed9
- dresser8
- dresses8
- eldress8
- emigres10
- empires11
- empress11
- encores9
- endures8
- ensures7
- entires7
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- expires16
- express16
- fairest10
- fiacres12
- figures11
- fixures17
- foresaw13
- foresee10
- forests10
- frescos12
- freshed14
- freshen13
- fresher13
- freshes13
- freshet13
- freshly16
- fresnel10
- furores10
- futures10
- galeres8
- galores8
- glaires8
- goitres8
- heiress10
- hombres14
- ignores8
- immures11
- impresa11
- imprese11
- impress11
- imprest11
- infares10
- ingress8
- inheres10
- injures14
- insures7
- lemures9
- ligures8
- louvres10
- lustres7
- manures9
- matures9
- natures7
- nearest7
- oeuvres10
- oppress11
- ordures8
- pareses9
- paresis9
- parures9
- peeress9
- phoresy15
- poorest9
- presage10
- presale9
- presell9
- present9
- presets9
- preship14
- preshow15
- preside10
- presift12
- presoak13
- presold10
- presong10
- presort9
- pressed10
- presser9
- presses9
- pressor9
- prester9
- prestos9
- presume11
- quaeres16
- quatres16
- rasures7
- rebores9
- redress8
- refires10
- refresh13
- regress8
- rehires10
- repress9
- resails7
- resales7
- resawed11
- rescale9
- rescind10
- rescore9
- rescued10
- rescuer9
- rescues9
- reseals7
- reseats7
- reseaus7
- reseaux14
- resects9
- resedas8
- reseeds8
- reseeks11
- reseize16
- resells7
- resends8
- resents7
- reserve10
- resewed11
- reshape12
- reshave13
- reshine10
- reships12
- reshoed11
- reshoes10
- reshone10
- reshoot10
- reshown13
- reshows13
- resided9
- resider8
- resides8
- residua8
- residue8
- resifts10
- resight11
- resigns8
- resiled8
- resiles7
- resilin7
- resined8
- resists7
- resited8
- resites7
- resized17
- resizes16
- reslate7
- resmelt9
- resoaks11
- resojet14
- resoled8
- resoles7
- resolve10
- resorbs9
- resorts7
- resound8
- resowed11
- respace11
- respade10
- respeak13
- respect11
- respell9
- respelt9
- respire9
- respite9
- resplit9
- respoke13
- respond10
- respool9
- respots9
- respray12
- restack13
- restaff13
- restage8
- restamp11
- restart7
- restate7
- resters7
- restful10
- resting8
- restive10
- restock13
- restoke11
- restore7
- restudy11
- restuff13
- restyle10
- results7
- resumed10
- resumer9
- resumes9
- resurge8
- retires7
- reveres10
- rewires10
- satires7
- searest7
- secures9
- seeress7
- senores7
- sourest7
- sparest9
- spheres12
- splores9
- squares16
- squires16
- stoures7
- sutures7
- tenures7
- tigress8
- timbres11
- tressed8
- tressel7
- tresses7
- trestle7
- tuyeres10
- umpires11
- undress8
- undrest8
- unrests7
- velures10
- venires10
- votress10
- wrested11
- wrester10
- wrestle10
- zaffres22
6 Letter Words With Res
- adores7
- afresh12
- airest6
- antres6
- arrest6
- azures15
- barest8
- barres8
- blares8
- cadres9
- caress8
- chares11
- chores11
- cresol8
- cressy11
- crests8
- cresyl11
- crores8
- cypres13
- direst7
- dressy10
- duress7
- eagres7
- egress7
- enures6
- fibres11
- flares9
- forest9
- freres9
- fresco11
- genres7
- glares7
- haeres9
- heresy12
- inures6
- litres6
- livres9
- lucres8
- madres9
- matres8
- merest8
- metres8
- mitres8
- moires8
- murres8
- nacres8
- nitres6
- ochres11
- ogress7
- ombres10
- padres9
- preset8
- presto8
- prests8
- purest8
- quires15
- rarest6
- resaid7
- resail6
- resale6
- resawn9
- resaws9
- resays9
- rescue8
- reseal6
- reseat6
- reseau6
- resect8
- reseda7
- reseed7
- reseek10
- reseen6
- resees6
- resell6
- resend7
- resent6
- resets6
- resewn9
- resews9
- reshes9
- reship11
- reshod10
- reshoe9
- reshot9
- reshow12
- reside7
- resids7
- resift9
- resign7
- resile6
- resins6
- resiny9
- resist6
- resite6
- resits6
- resize15
- resoak10
- resods7
- resold7
- resole6
- resorb8
- resort6
- resown9
- resows9
- respot8
- rested7
- rester6
- result6
- resume8
- sabres8
- scares8
- scores8
- serest6
- shares9
- shires9
- shores9
- snares6
- snores6
- sorest6
- spares8
- spires8
- spores8
- stares6
- steres6
- stores6
- stress6
- sucres8
- surest6
- tarres6
- theres9
- thresh12
- titres6
- tressy9
- tsores6
- unrest6
- urares6
- wheres12
- wrests9
- yarest9
- zaires15
5 Letter Words With Res
- acres7
- apres7
- aures5
- bares7
- bores7
- byres10
- cares7
- ceres7
- cires7
- cores7
- cress7
- crest7
- cures7
- dares6
- dress6
- drest6
- dures6
- eyres8
- fares8
- feres8
- fires8
- fores8
- fresh11
- gores6
- gyres9
- hares8
- heres8
- hires8
- lares5
- lores5
- lures5
- lyres8
- mares7
- meres7
- mires7
- mores7
- mures7
- nares5
- ogres6
- pares7
- peres7
- pores7
- presa7
- prese7
- press7
- prest7
- pyres10
- rares5
- resat5
- resaw8
- resay8
- resee5
- reset5
- resew8
- resid6
- resin5
- resit5
- resod6
- resow8
- rests5
- seres5
- sires5
- sores5
- tares5
- tires5
- tores5
- tress5
- tyres8
- vires8
- wares8
- wires8
- wrest8
- yores8
3 Letter Words With Res
- res3
FAQ on words containing Res
What are the best Scrabble words with Res?
The highest scoring Scrabble word containing Res is Excrescency, which is worth at least 27 points without any bonuses. The next best word with Res is zaffres, which is worth 22 points. Other high score words with Res are resized (17), abjures (16), expires (16), quaeres (16), squires (16), fixures (17), quatres (16), and squares (16).
How many words contain Res?
There are 2,534 words that contaih Res in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 404 are 11 letter words, 571 are 10 letter words, 585 are 9 letter words, 484 are 8 letter words, 270 are 7 letter words, 140 are 6 letter words, 73 are 5 letter words, 6 are 4 letter words, and 1 is a 3 letter word.