Is rebaited a Scrabble word?
Yes, rebaited is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 11 points in Scrabble, and 12 points in Words with Friends
Rebaited is a valid Scrabble word.
Rebaited is a word starting with r ending with d. Check our list of words starting with r ending with d.
Table of Contents
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in rebaited?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
4 Letter Words
- abed7
- abet6
- abri6
- adit5
- aide5
- airt4
- arid5
- bade7
- bait6
- bard7
- bare6
- bate6
- bead7
- bear6
- beat6
- beer6
- beet6
- beta6
- bide7
- bier6
- bird7
- bite6
- brad7
- brae6
- brat6
- bred7
- bree6
- brie6
- brit6
- darb7
- dare5
- dart5
- date5
- dear5
- debt7
- deer5
- deet5
- dere5
- diet5
- dire5
- dirt5
- dita5
- dite5
- drab7
- drat5
- dree5
- drib7
- edit5
- eide5
- idea5
- ired5
- raid5
- rate4
- read5
- rede5
- reed5
- rete4
- ride5
- rite4
- tare4
- tear4
- teed5
- tide5
- tied5
- tier4
- tire4
- trad5
- tree4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to rebaited:
Unscramble the letters in rebaited
There are 3 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'rebaited'.