Words With Ap In Them | 1,580 Scrabble Words With Ap
We've put together a list of 1,580 words that contain the letters "Ap" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list starts with the highest scoring words and is then organized by how many letters the word has, with the longest at the top (so, for 7-8 letter words ending with "Ap", start at the top).
If this list isn’t cutting it, use our Scrabble Word Finder to triangulate the exact word you’re looking for. Also, check out our list of words containing Ap for more "Ap" related fun.
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Ap is not a Scrabble word.
The highest scoring words with Ap
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with ap, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words with Ap | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
zaptieh | 21 | 21 |
capsize | 20 | 22 |
apprize | 20 | 22 |
zappier | 20 | 22 |
zaptiah | 21 | 21 |
zapping | 21 | 25 |
zappers | 20 | 22 |
baptize | 20 | 22 |
capizes | 20 | 22 |
hexapod | 20 | 20 |
1,580 Scrabble words that contain Ap
8 Letter Words With Ap
- abapical14
- acapnias12
- adapters11
- adapting12
- adaption11
- adaptive14
- adaptors11
- agraphia14
- agraphic16
- airscape12
- anapaest10
- anapests10
- anaphase13
- anaphora13
- anaphors13
- antirape10
- apagoges12
- apagogic14
- apanages11
- aparejos17
- apatetic12
- apathies13
- apatites10
- aperient10
- aperitif13
- aperture10
- aphagias14
- aphanite13
- aphasiac15
- aphasias13
- aphasics15
- aphelian13
- aphelion13
- aphidian14
- apholate13
- aphonias13
- aphonics15
- aphorise13
- aphorism15
- aphorist13
- aphorize22
- aphthous16
- apiarian10
- apiaries10
- apiarist10
- apically15
- apiculus12
- apimania12
- apiology14
- aplasias10
- aplastic12
- apoapses12
- apoapsis12
- apocarps14
- apocarpy17
- apocopes14
- apocopic16
- apocrine12
- apodoses11
- apodosis11
- apogamic15
- apologal11
- apologia11
- apologue11
- apolunes10
- apomicts14
- apomixes19
- apomixis19
- apophony18
- apophyge19
- apoplexy22
- apospory15
- apostacy15
- apostasy13
- apostate10
- apostils10
- apostles10
- apothece15
- apothegm16
- apothems15
- appalled13
- appanage13
- apparats12
- apparels12
- apparent12
- appealed13
- appealer12
- appeared13
- appeased13
- appeaser12
- appeases12
- appellee12
- appellor12
- appended14
- appendix20
- appestat12
- appetent12
- appetite12
- applauds13
- applause12
- appliers12
- applique21
- applying16
- appoints12
- apposers12
- apposing13
- apposite12
- appraise12
- apprised13
- appriser12
- apprises12
- apprized22
- apprizer21
- apprizes21
- approach17
- approval15
- approved16
- approver15
- approves15
- appulses12
- apractic14
- apraxias17
- apricots12
- aproning11
- apterium12
- apterous10
- aptitude11
- apyrases13
- apyretic15
- arapaima12
- baaskaap16
- baaskaps16
- baasskap16
- backslap18
- backwrap21
- baptised13
- baptises12
- baptisia12
- baptisms14
- baptists12
- baptized22
- baptizer21
- baptizes21
- becapped17
- bediaper13
- bedraped14
- bedrapes13
- beleaped13
- blackcap20
- bluecaps14
- cajaputs19
- caltraps12
- cantraps12
- capabler14
- capacity17
- capelans12
- capelets12
- capelins12
- caperers12
- capering13
- capeskin16
- capework19
- capiases12
- capitals12
- capitate12
- capitols12
- capitula12
- capmaker18
- capoeira12
- caponata12
- caponier12
- caponize21
- caporals12
- cappings15
- capricci16
- caprices14
- caprifig16
- capriole12
- caprocks18
- capsicin14
- capsicum16
- capsidal13
- capsized22
- capsizes21
- capsomer14
- capstans12
- capstone12
- capsular12
- capsuled13
- capsules12
- captains12
- captions12
- captious12
- captives15
- captured13
- capturer12
- captures12
- capuched18
- capuches17
- capuchin17
- capybara17
- carapace14
- catapult12
- catnaper12
- cenotaph15
- chapatis15
- chapatti15
- chapbook21
- chapeaus15
- chapeaux22
- chaperon15
- chapiter15
- chaplain15
- chaplets15
- chappati17
- chappies17
- chapping18
- chapters15
- cheapens15
- cheapest15
- cheapies15
- cheapish18
- clappers14
- clapping15
- claptrap14
- coappear14
- coapting13
- cockapoo18
- collapse12
- cowflaps18
- crapolas12
- crappers14
- crappier14
- crappies14
- crapping15
- dalapons11
- daphnias14
- dapperer13
- dapperly16
- dappling14
- dapsones11
- decapods14
- diagraph15
- diapason11
- diapause11
- diapered12
- diaphone14
- diaphony17
- diapiric13
- diapsids12
- didapper14
- digraphs15
- dognaped13
- dognaper12
- drapable13
- dustheap14
- earflaps13
- elaphine13
- elapsing11
- endpaper13
- epigraph16
- epitaphs15
- escapade13
- escapees12
- escapers12
- escaping13
- escapism14
- escapist12
- exaptive20
- firetrap13
- flaperon13
- flapjack26
- flapless13
- flappers15
- flappier15
- flapping16
- flatcaps15
- fleapits13
- flypaper18
- flytraps16
- foolscap15
- frapping16
- gapeseed12
- gapeworm16
- gapingly15
- gappiest13
- genipaps13
- gestapos11
- giftwrap17
- grapheme16
- graphics16
- graphing15
- graphite14
- grapiest11
- grapline11
- graplins11
- grapnels11
- grappled14
- grappler13
- grapples13
- gunpaper13
- haircaps15
- hanapers13
- handclap16
- handicap16
- haphtara16
- hapkidos18
- haplites13
- haploids14
- haploidy17
- haplonts13
- haplopia15
- haploses13
- haplosis13
- happened16
- happiest15
- haptenes13
- haptenic15
- haptical15
- heeltaps13
- hexaplar20
- hexaplas20
- hexapods21
- hexapody24
- inscapes12
- interlap10
- isograph14
- jalapeno17
- jalapins17
- japanize26
- japanned18
- japanner17
- japeries17
- japingly21
- japonica19
- jipijapa26
- kidnaped16
- kidnapee15
- kidnaper15
- knappers16
- knapping17
- knapsack20
- knapweed18
- kneecaps16
- lagnappe13
- lapboard13
- lapelled11
- lapidary14
- lapidate11
- lapidify17
- lapidist11
- lapillus10
- lappered13
- lappeted13
- lapsable12
- lapsible12
- lapwings14
- leapfrog14
- livetrap13
- malapert12
- malaprop14
- mantraps12
- mapmaker18
- mappable16
- mappings15
- mayapple17
- medigaps14
- megaplex20
- megapode14
- megapods14
- mercapto14
- metaphor15
- microcap16
- misadapt13
- misapply17
- misshape15
- mudflaps16
- myograph19
- myriapod16
- napalmed13
- naperies10
- naphthas16
- naphthol16
- naphthyl19
- naphtols13
- napiform15
- napoleon10
- nappiest12
- naproxen17
- nightcap16
- nonpapal12
- odograph15
- oilpaper12
- outcaper12
- outleaps10
- outleapt10
- overheap16
- overlaps13
- overleap13
- papacies14
- papadams15
- papadoms15
- papadums15
- paperboy17
- paperers12
- papering13
- paphians15
- papillae12
- papillar12
- papillon12
- papistic14
- papistry15
- papooses12
- pappadam17
- pappiest14
- pappoose14
- papricas14
- paprikas16
- papulose12
- papyrian15
- papyrine15
- parapets12
- peekapoo16
- periapts12
- petnaper12
- photomap17
- pinesaps12
- pitapats12
- portapak16
- preadapt13
- preapply17
- preshape15
- pretaped13
- pretapes12
- prewraps15
- priapean12
- priapism14
- prolapse12
- rapacity15
- rapeseed11
- raphides14
- rapidest11
- rapidity14
- rapiered11
- rapparee12
- rappeled13
- rapports12
- raptness10
- raptured11
- raptures10
- rataplan10
- rattraps10
- readapts11
- reapable12
- reaphook17
- reappear12
- recapped15
- relapsed11
- relapser10
- relapses10
- remapped15
- repapers12
- reshaped14
- reshaper13
- reshapes13
- retaping11
- rhapsode14
- rhapsody17
- rootcaps12
- sandsoap11
- sapajous17
- sapheads14
- saphenae13
- saphenas13
- sapidity14
- sapience12
- sapiency15
- sapients10
- saplings11
- saponify16
- saponine10
- saponins10
- saponite10
- saporous10
- sapphics17
- sapphire15
- sapphism17
- sapphist15
- sappiest12
- sapremia12
- sapremic14
- saprobes12
- saprobic14
- sapropel12
- sapsagos11
- sapwoods14
- scaphoid16
- scapulae12
- scapular12
- scapulas12
- schappes17
- schnapps17
- scrapers12
- scrapies12
- scraping13
- scrapped15
- scrapper14
- scrapple14
- seapiece12
- seaplane10
- seaports10
- seascape12
- seraphic15
- seraphim15
- seraphin13
- shapable15
- shapeups15
- shiplaps15
- shrapnel13
- sinapism12
- skullcap16
- slapdash14
- slapjack23
- slappers12
- slapping13
- snapback18
- snapless10
- snappers12
- snappier12
- snappily15
- snapping13
- snappish15
- snapshot13
- snapweed14
- sneaping11
- snowcaps15
- soapbark16
- soapiest10
- soapless10
- soaplike14
- soapsuds11
- soapwort13
- stapedes11
- stapelia10
- staplers10
- stapling11
- steapsin10
- stopgaps13
- strapped13
- strapper12
- subgraph16
- swappers15
- swapping16
- synapsed14
- synapses13
- synapsid14
- synapsis13
- synaptic15
- talapoin10
- tapadera11
- tapadero11
- tapeable12
- tapeless10
- tapelike14
- tapeline10
- tapenade11
- taperers10
- tapering11
- tapestry13
- tapeworm15
- tapholes13
- taphouse13
- tapiocas12
- tappable14
- tappings13
- taprooms12
- taproots10
- tapsters10
- tarpaper12
- teraphim15
- terrapin10
- tetrapod11
- threaped14
- threaper13
- tilapias10
- trapball12
- trapdoor11
- trapesed11
- trapeses10
- trapezes19
- trapezia19
- trapezii19
- traplike14
- trapline10
- trapnest10
- trappean12
- trappers12
- trapping13
- trappose12
- trappous12
- traprock16
- trapunto10
- trigraph14
- uncapped15
- underlap11
- undraped12
- undrapes11
- unmapped15
- unshaped14
- unshapen13
- unstraps10
- untapped13
- upheaped16
- upleaped13
- vapidity17
- vaporers13
- vaporing14
- vaporise13
- vaporish16
- vaporize22
- vaporous13
- vapoured14
- vapourer13
- wattapes13
- weaponed14
- weaponry16
- whappers18
- whapping19
- whitecap18
- wickapes19
- winesaps13
- wiretaps13
- wrappers15
- wrapping16
- zapateos19
- zappiest21
- zaptiahs22
- zaptiehs22
7 Letter Words With Ap
- acapnia11
- adapted11
- adapter10
- adaptor10
- agapeic12
- agrapha13
- anapest9
- anaphor12
- apaches14
- apagoge11
- apanage10
- aparejo16
- apatite9
- apelike13
- apercus11
- aperies9
- apetaly12
- aphagia13
- aphasia12
- aphasic14
- aphelia12
- apheses12
- aphesis12
- aphetic14
- aphides13
- aphonia12
- aphonic14
- aphotic14
- aphthae15
- aphylly18
- apicals11
- apiculi11
- apishly15
- aplasia9
- aplenty12
- aplites9
- aplitic11
- aplombs13
- apnoeal9
- apnoeas9
- apnoeic11
- apocarp13
- apocope13
- apodous10
- apogamy15
- apogeal10
- apogean10
- apogees10
- apogeic12
- apollos9
- apologs10
- apology13
- apolune9
- apomict13
- aporias9
- apostil9
- apostle9
- apothem14
- appalls11
- apparat11
- apparel11
- appeals11
- appears11
- appease11
- appends12
- applaud12
- applets11
- applied12
- applier11
- applies11
- appoint11
- apposed12
- apposer11
- apposes11
- apprise11
- apprize20
- approve14
- appulse11
- apraxia16
- apraxic18
- apricot11
- aproned10
- apropos11
- aprotic11
- apsidal10
- apsides10
- apteral9
- apteria9
- apteryx19
- aptness9
- apyrase12
- baaskap15
- baptise11
- baptism13
- baptist11
- baptize20
- bedrape12
- beleaps11
- beleapt11
- bewraps14
- bewrapt14
- bitmaps13
- bluecap13
- burlaps11
- cajaput18
- caltrap11
- canapes11
- cantrap11
- capable13
- capably16
- capelan11
- capelet11
- capelin11
- capered12
- caperer11
- capfuls14
- capital11
- capitol11
- capizes20
- capless11
- caplets11
- caplins11
- caporal11
- capotes11
- capouch16
- cappers13
- capping14
- caprice13
- caprine11
- caprock17
- capsids12
- capsize20
- capstan11
- capsule11
- captain11
- captans11
- caption11
- captive14
- captors11
- capture11
- capuche16
- carapax18
- catnaps11
- chapati14
- chapeau14
- chapels14
- chaplet14
- chapman16
- chapmen16
- chapped17
- chappie16
- chapter14
- cheapen14
- cheaper14
- cheapie14
- cheaply17
- cheapos14
- clapped14
- clapper13
- coapted12
- cowflap17
- craping12
- crapola11
- crapped14
- crapper13
- crappie13
- dalapon10
- daphnes13
- daphnia13
- dapping13
- dappled13
- dapples12
- dapsone10
- decapod13
- dewlaps13
- diapers10
- diapirs10
- diapsid11
- digraph14
- dognaps11
- drapers10
- drapery13
- draping11
- earflap12
- earlaps9
- edaphic15
- elapids10
- elapine9
- elapsed10
- elapses9
- entraps9
- enwraps12
- epitaph14
- escaped12
- escapee11
- escaper11
- escapes11
- exapted17
- flapped15
- flapper14
- flatcap14
- fleapit12
- flytrap15
- frapped15
- frappes14
- gapless10
- gaposis10
- gappier12
- gapping13
- gelcaps12
- genipap12
- giddyap15
- grapery13
- graphed14
- graphic15
- grapier10
- graplin10
- grapnel10
- grappas12
- grapple12
- haircap14
- hanaper12
- hapaxes19
- hapkido17
- hapless12
- haplite12
- haploid13
- haplont12
- happens14
- happier14
- happily17
- happing15
- haptene12
- haptens12
- heapers12
- heaping13
- heeltap12
- hexapla19
- hexapod20
- hubcaps16
- icecaps13
- inaptly12
- inscape11
- inwraps12
- jalapic18
- jalapin16
- kakapos17
- kidnaps14
- knapped16
- knapper15
- kneecap15
- lapdogs11
- lapeled10
- lapfuls12
- lapides10
- lapilli9
- lapises9
- lappers11
- lappets11
- lapping12
- lapsers9
- lapsing10
- laptops11
- lapwing13
- leapers9
- leaping10
- madcaps14
- mantrap11
- maplike15
- mappers13
- mapping14
- medigap13
- megapod13
- mishaps14
- mobcaps15
- mudcaps14
- mudflap15
- napalms11
- naphtha15
- naphtol12
- napkins13
- napless9
- nappers11
- nappier11
- nappies11
- napping12
- outleap9
- overapt12
- overlap12
- palapas11
- papadam14
- papadom14
- papadum14
- papains11
- papally14
- papayan14
- papayas14
- papered12
- paperer11
- paphian14
- papilla11
- papisms13
- papists11
- papoose11
- pappier13
- pappies13
- pappose13
- pappous13
- paprica13
- paprika15
- papulae11
- papular11
- papules11
- papyral14
- papyrus14
- parapet11
- paraphs14
- perhaps14
- periapt11
- petnaps11
- pinesap11
- pitapat11
- pretape11
- prewrap14
- priapic13
- priapus11
- raphias12
- raphide13
- rapider10
- rapidly13
- rapiers9
- rapines9
- rapists9
- rappees11
- rappels11
- rappers11
- rapping12
- rappini11
- rapport11
- raptors9
- rapture9
- rattrap9
- readapt10
- reapers9
- reaping10
- reapply14
- redcaps12
- relapse9
- repaper11
- reshape12
- retaped10
- retapes9
- rewraps12
- rewrapt12
- rhaphae15
- rhaphes15
- ripraps11
- rootcap11
- sapajou16
- saphead13
- saphena12
- sapiens9
- sapient9
- sapless9
- sapling10
- saponin9
- sapotas9
- sapotes9
- sapours9
- sappers11
- sapphic16
- sappier11
- sappily14
- sapping12
- saprobe11
- sapsago10
- sapwood13
- sarapes9
- satraps9
- satrapy12
- scaping12
- scapose11
- scapula11
- schappe16
- schnaps14
- scraped12
- scraper11
- scrapes11
- scrapie11
- scrappy16
- seaport9
- serapes9
- seraphs12
- shapely15
- shapers12
- shapeup14
- shaping13
- shiplap14
- shnapps14
- skycaps18
- slapped12
- slapper11
- snapped12
- snapper11
- sneaped10
- snowcap14
- soapbox18
- soapers9
- soapier9
- soapily12
- soaping10
- stapled10
- stapler9
- staples9
- stopgap12
- strappy14
- swapped15
- swapper14
- synapse12
- tapalos9
- tapered10
- taperer9
- tapetal9
- tapetum11
- taphole12
- tapioca11
- tapises9
- tappers11
- tappets11
- tapping12
- taproom11
- taproot9
- tapster9
- teapots9
- teapoys12
- therapy15
- threaps12
- tilapia9
- toecaps11
- trapans9
- trapeze18
- trapped12
- trapper11
- unaptly12
- undrape10
- unhappy17
- unsnaps9
- unstrap9
- unwraps12
- upheaps14
- upleaps11
- upleapt11
- vapidly16
- vapored13
- vaporer12
- vapours12
- vapoury15
- wapitis12
- wapping15
- watapes12
- wattape12
- weapons12
- whapped18
- whapper17
- wickape18
- winesap12
- wiretap12
- wrapped15
- wrapper14
- yapocks18
- yappers14
- yapping15
- zapateo18
- zappers20
- zappier20
- zapping21
- zaptiah21
- zaptieh21
6 Letter Words With Ap
- adapts9
- agapae9
- agapai9
- agapes9
- apache13
- apathy14
- apercu10
- apexes15
- aphids12
- aphtha14
- apiary11
- apical10
- apices10
- apiece10
- aplite8
- aplomb12
- apneal8
- apneas8
- apneic10
- apnoea8
- apodal9
- apogee9
- apollo8
- apolog9
- aporia8
- appall10
- appals10
- appeal10
- appear10
- appels10
- append11
- apples10
- applet10
- appose10
- aprons8
- aptest8
- becaps12
- beleap10
- bewrap13
- bitmap12
- burlap10
- canape10
- capers10
- capful13
- capias10
- capita10
- caplet10
- caplin10
- capons10
- capote10
- capped13
- capper12
- capric12
- capris10
- capsid11
- captan10
- captor10
- catnap10
- chapel13
- chapes13
- cheapo13
- cheaps13
- coapts10
- craped11
- crapes10
- crappy15
- daphne12
- dapped12
- dapper11
- dapple11
- dewlap12
- diaper9
- diapir9
- dognap10
- draped10
- draper9
- drapes9
- drapey12
- earlap8
- elapid9
- elapse8
- enrapt8
- entrap8
- enwrap11
- escape10
- etapes8
- flappy16
- frappe13
- gapers9
- gaping10
- gapped12
- gelcap11
- giddap11
- grapes9
- grapey12
- graphs12
- grappa11
- happed14
- happen13
- hapten11
- haptic13
- heaped12
- heaper11
- hubcap15
- icecap12
- inwrap11
- jalaps15
- japans15
- japers15
- japery18
- japing16
- kakapo16
- kapoks16
- kappas14
- kaputt12
- khaphs18
- kidnap13
- lapdog10
- lapels8
- lapful11
- lapins8
- lapped11
- lapper10
- lappet10
- lapsed9
- lapser8
- lapses8
- lapsus8
- laptop10
- leaped9
- leaper8
- madcap13
- maples10
- mapped13
- mapper12
- mayhap16
- midcap13
- mishap13
- mobcap14
- mudcap13
- napalm10
- napery11
- napkin12
- nappas10
- napped11
- napper10
- nappes10
- nappie10
- okapis12
- palapa10
- papacy15
- papain10
- papaws13
- papaya13
- papers10
- papery13
- papism12
- papist10
- pappus12
- papula10
- papule10
- papyri13
- paraph13
- petnap10
- priapi10
- rapers8
- raphae11
- raphes11
- raphia11
- raphis11
- rapids9
- rapier8
- rapine8
- raping9
- rapini8
- rapist8
- rapped11
- rappee10
- rappel10
- rappen10
- rapper10
- raptly11
- raptor8
- reaped9
- reaper8
- recaps10
- redcap11
- remaps10
- retape8
- rewrap11
- rhaphe14
- riprap10
- sapors8
- sapota8
- sapote8
- sapour8
- sapped11
- sapper10
- sarape8
- satrap8
- scaped11
- scapes10
- scrape10
- scraps10
- serape8
- seraph11
- shaped12
- shapen11
- shaper11
- shapes11
- shnaps11
- skycap17
- snappy13
- sneaps8
- soaped9
- soaper8
- stapes8
- staphs11
- staple8
- straps8
- tapalo8
- tapers8
- tapeta8
- taping9
- tapirs8
- tapped11
- tapper10
- tappet10
- teapot8
- teapoy11
- teraph11
- threap11
- toecap10
- trapan8
- trapes8
- uncaps10
- unsnap8
- unwrap11
- upheap13
- upleap10
- vapors11
- vapory14
- vapour11
- wapiti11
- wapped14
- watape11
- wataps11
- weapon11
- yapock17
- yapoks15
- yapons11
- yapped14
- yapper13
- zapped20
- zapper19
5 Letter Words With Ap
- adapt8
- agape8
- apace9
- apart7
- apeak11
- apeek11
- apers7
- apery10
- aphid11
- aphis10
- apian7
- aping8
- apish10
- apnea7
- apods8
- aport7
- appal9
- appel9
- apple9
- apply12
- apres7
- apron7
- apses7
- apsis7
- apter7
- aptly10
- ataps7
- becap11
- caped10
- caper9
- capes9
- caphs12
- capiz18
- capon9
- capos9
- caput9
- chape12
- chaps12
- chapt12
- cheap12
- claps9
- clapt9
- coapt9
- crape9
- craps9
- drape8
- etape7
- flaps10
- fraps10
- gaped9
- gaper8
- gapes8
- gappy13
- grape8
- graph11
- grapy11
- hapax17
- haply13
- happy15
- heaps10
- heapy13
- inapt7
- jalap14
- japan14
- japed15
- japer14
- japes14
- kapas11
- kaphs14
- kapok15
- kappa13
- kaput11
- khaph17
- knaps11
- lapel7
- lapin7
- lapis7
- lapse7
- leaps7
- leapt7
- maple9
- napas7
- napes7
- nappa9
- nappe9
- nappy12
- neaps7
- okapi11
- papal9
- papas9
- papaw12
- paper9
- pappi11
- pappy14
- raped8
- raper7
- rapes7
- raphe10
- rapid8
- reaps7
- recap9
- remap9
- sapid8
- sapor7
- sappy12
- scape9
- scrap9
- shape10
- slaps7
- snaps7
- sneap7
- soaps7
- soapy10
- staph10
- strap7
- swaps10
- tapas7
- taped8
- taper7
- tapes7
- tapir7
- tapis7
- traps7
- trapt7
- unapt7
- uncap9
- vapid11
- vapor10
- watap10
- whaps13
- wraps10
- wrapt10
- yapok14
- yapon10
- zappy21
4 Letter Words With Ap
- aped7
- aper6
- apes6
- apex13
- apod7
- apos6
- apps8
- apse6
- atap6
- baps8
- cape8
- caph11
- capo8
- caps8
- chap11
- clap8
- daps7
- flap9
- frap9
- gape7
- gaps7
- gapy10
- haps9
- heap9
- jape13
- kapa10
- kaph13
- knap10
- laps6
- leap6
- maps8
- napa6
- nape6
- naps6
- neap6
- papa8
- paps8
- rape6
- raps6
- rapt6
- reap6
- saps6
- slap6
- snap6
- soap6
- swap9
- tapa6
- tape6
- taps6
- trap6
- waps9
- whap12
- wrap9
- yaps9
- zaps15
FAQ on words containing Ap
What are the best Scrabble words with Ap?
The highest scoring Scrabble word containing Ap is Jipijapa, which is worth at least 26 points without any bonuses. The next best word with Ap is capsize, which is worth 20 points. Other high score words with Ap are apprize (20), zappier (20), zaptiah (21), zapping (21), zappers (20), baptize (20), capizes (20), and hexapod (20).
How many words contain Ap?
There are 1,580 words that contaih Ap in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 638 are 8 letter words, 478 are 7 letter words, 255 are 6 letter words, 135 are 5 letter words, 55 are 4 letter words, and 19 are 3 letter words.