Is humoristic a Scrabble word?
Yes, humoristic is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 17 points in Scrabble, and 19 points in Words with Friends
Humoristic is a valid Scrabble word.
Humoristic is a word starting with h ending with c. Check our list of words starting with h ending with c.
Table of Contents
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in humoristic?
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- chirms13
- chiros11
- chirus11
- choirs11
- chorus11
- chrism13
- citrus8
- coitus8
- corium10
- courts8
- couths11
- curios8
- custom10
- houris9
- humors11
- ichors11
- isthmi11
- micros10
- miotic10
- mirths11
- miscut10
- mishit11
- mohurs11
- mouths11
- mucors10
- orchis11
- ostium8
- rhotic11
- rictus8
- rimous8
- rouths9
- rustic8
- schuit11
- scouth11
- sitcom10
- smirch13
- smutch13
- suitor6
- surimi8
- thoric11
- thrums11
- torics8
- truism8
- tumors8
5 Letter Words
- chirm12
- chiro10
- chiru10
- chits10
- choir10
- chums12
- coirs7
- corms9
- court7
- couth10
- crits7
- crush10
- crust7
- cuish10
- curio7
- curst7
- cutis7
- hocus10
- hoist8
- horst8
- houri8
- hours8
- humic12
- humor10
- hurst8
- hurts8
- ichor10
- ictus7
- micro9
- mirth10
- mitis7
- mohur10
- moist7
- morts7
- moths10
- mouch12
- mouth10
- mucho12
- mucor9
- mucro9
- music9
- musth10
- mutch12
- ohmic12
- omits7
- osmic9
- riots5
- rishi8
- roshi8
- rotch10
- rotis5
- roust5
- routh8
- routs5
- ruths8
- schmo12
- scour7
- scout7
- scrim9
- scrum9
- shirt8
- short8
- shout8
- smith10
- south8
- stich10
- stoic7
- storm7
- stour5
- strum7
- thous8
- thrum10
- tiros5
- torch10
- torcs7
- toric7
- torii5
- torsi5
- torus5
- touch10
- tours5
- trims7
- trios5
- trois5
- tumor7
4 Letter Words
- chis9
- chit9
- chum11
- cist6
- coir6
- corm8
- cors6
- cosh9
- cost6
- cots6
- cris6
- crit6
- crus6
- curs6
- curt6
- cuts6
- hims9
- hist7
- hits7
- host7
- hots7
- hour7
- huic9
- hums9
- hurt7
- huts7
- ichs9
- iris4
- itch9
- mhos9
- mics8
- miri6
- mirs6
- miso6
- mist6
- mocs8
- mors6
- mort6
- mosh9
- most6
- moth9
- mots6
- much11
- mush9
- must6
- muts6
- ohms9
- omit6
- orcs6
- orts4
- otic6
- ouch9
- ours4
- oust4
- outs4
- rhos7
- rhus7
- rich9
- rims6
- riot4
- rocs6
- roms6
- roti4
- rots4
- rout4
- rums6
- rush7
- rust4
- ruth7
- ruts4
- scot6
- scum8
- scut6
- shim9
- shmo9
- shot7
- shri7
- shut7
- sith7
- smit6
- smut6
- sori4
- sort4
- soth7
- sour4
- stir4
- stum6
- such9
- suit4
- sumo6
- thio7
- thir7
- this7
- thou7
- thro7
- thru7
- thus7
- tics6
- tiro4
- toms6
- torc6
- tori4
- tors4
- tosh7
- tour4
- trim6
- trio4
- tuis4
- tush7
- uric6