Words Ending In Nt | Top Scrabble Words That End In Nt
Looking for words that end with the letters "Nt" for word games like Scrabble or Words with Friends? This is the page for you.
This list contains all 1,061 point-scoring words that end with the letters "Nt", organized by the number of letters that the word has.
Nt is not a Scrabble word.
The highest scoring words ending with Nt
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with nt, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words ending with Nt | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
explant | 16 | 19 |
piquant | 18 | 21 |
adjoint | 15 | 18 |
exigent | 15 | 17 |
unjoint | 14 | 19 |
bezzant | 27 | 29 |
foxhunt | 20 | 21 |
asquint | 16 | 18 |
oxidant | 15 | 16 |
sequent | 16 | 18 |
1,061 Scrabble words ending with nt
9 Letter Words That End in Nt
- abasement13
- abashment16
- abatement13
- abhorrent14
- absolvent14
- absorbant13
- absorbent13
- abstinent11
- acceptant15
- accordant14
- accumbent17
- acidulent12
- adornment12
- adsorbent12
- advertent13
- affirmant17
- affixment24
- agreement12
- albescent13
- alignment12
- alinement11
- allegiant10
- alleviant12
- allotment11
- alternant9
- amassment13
- amazement22
- amendment14
- amusement13
- annuitant9
- annulment11
- anovulant12
- apartment13
- appellant13
- appendant14
- appendent14
- applicant15
- arrestant9
- ascendant12
- ascendent12
- assailant9
- assistant9
- assurgent10
- atonement11
- attendant10
- attestant9
- avirulent12
- ballpoint13
- battement13
- benignant12
- besetment13
- blastment13
- bluepoint13
- blueprint13
- brilliant11
- calescent13
- canescent13
- cashpoint16
- catamount13
- catchment18
- cauterant11
- celebrant13
- chatoyant17
- clinquant20
- coagulant12
- cognizant21
- combatant15
- competent15
- complaint15
- compliant15
- component15
- condiment14
- condolent12
- confidant15
- confident15
- confluent14
- congruent12
- conjugant19
- connivent14
- consonant11
- continent11
- copayment18
- copresent13
- cormorant13
- corposant13
- corpulent13
- coruscant13
- cotangent12
- covariant14
- crapulent13
- crepitant13
- croissant11
- culminant13
- debarment14
- declarant12
- decrement14
- decumbent16
- decurrent12
- defendant14
- deferment15
- deficient15
- defoliant13
- dehiscent15
- demandant13
- demulcent14
- deodorant11
- dependant13
- dependent13
- desiccant14
- detergent11
- determent12
- deterrent10
- detriment12
- devilment15
- different16
- diffident17
- disorient10
- disputant12
- dissident11
- dissonant10
- distraint10
- divergent14
- dizenment21
- ebullient11
- efficient17
- effulgent16
- ejectment20
- eloinment11
- elopement13
- embayment18
- embedment16
- emollient11
- emolument13
- enactment13
- endowment15
- enjoyment21
- enrolment11
- equipment22
- eradicant12
- examinant18
- excellent18
- excipient20
- excrement20
- excurrent18
- executant18
- exfoliant19
- expectant20
- expedient19
- expellant18
- expellent18
- extolment18
- exuberant18
- fabricant16
- feoffment20
- firmament16
- flatulent12
- fleshment17
- fluctuant14
- footprint14
- forefront15
- fulgurant13
- fulminant14
- fundament15
- gallivant13
- germinant12
- godparent13
- grandaunt11
- halobiont14
- handprint15
- hardiment15
- hatchment19
- headcount15
- hoofprint17
- horsemint14
- humectant16
- ignescent12
- imbuement15
- immigrant14
- impatient13
- impeccant17
- impellent13
- impendent14
- implement15
- important13
- imprudent14
- incessant11
- incipient13
- inclement13
- increment13
- incumbent15
- incurrent11
- indignant11
- indulgent11
- inebriant11
- inelegant10
- infectant14
- infestant12
- informant14
- injectant18
- inoculant11
- inpatient11
- insistent9
- insolvent12
- insurgent10
- integrant10
- intendant10
- interlent9
- interment11
- intermont11
- intrigant10
- inurement11
- inurnment11
- invariant12
- irradiant10
- itinerant9
- judgement20
- lakefront16
- leadplant12
- libellant11
- lineament11
- lodgement13
- lubricant13
- luxuriant16
- macrodont14
- malignant12
- mastodont12
- mendicant14
- merriment13
- mezzotint29
- microdont14
- miscreant13
- mislearnt11
- misorient11
- negligent11
- negotiant10
- newsagent13
- newsprint14
- nictitant11
- nilpotent11
- nonextant16
- nonmutant11
- nonparent11
- nonpliant11
- nonurgent10
- nonvacant14
- nurturant9
- nutriment11
- obscurant13
- observant14
- obstruent11
- obtundent12
- occludent14
- occurrent13
- officiant17
- oppugnant14
- outlearnt9
- outsprint11
- overburnt14
- overcount14
- overplant14
- overprint14
- overspent14
- palpitant13
- paramount13
- parchment18
- penetrant11
- permanent13
- pertinent11
- pestilent11
- placement15
- pollutant11
- postulant11
- pourpoint13
- precedent14
- predicant14
- prepotent13
- prescient13
- president12
- prevalent14
- procreant13
- profluent14
- prominent13
- proponent13
- provident15
- pubescent15
- pustulant11
- quiescent20
- ravelment14
- reappoint13
- recipient13
- recrement13
- recumbent15
- recurrent11
- reductant12
- redundant11
- reentrant9
- refulgent13
- regardant11
- reimplant13
- reluctant11
- remitment13
- remittent11
- remontant11
- renascent11
- repayment16
- repellant11
- repellent11
- repentant11
- repigment14
- represent11
- repugnant12
- resilient9
- resistant9
- resolvent12
- restraint9
- resultant9
- resurgent10
- retardant10
- revelment14
- revertant12
- revetment14
- rousement11
- rubescent13
- rufescent14
- sacrament13
- segregant11
- senescent11
- sentiment11
- skinflint16
- soleprint11
- somnolent11
- spearmint13
- splendent12
- statement11
- sterilant9
- stimulant11
- strewment14
- stringent10
- subjacent20
- subpotent13
- subtenant11
- succedent14
- succulent13
- suppliant13
- susurrant9
- sycophant19
- termagant12
- tervalent12
- testament11
- thecodont15
- transeunt9
- transient9
- treatment11
- tremulant11
- trenchant14
- trepidant12
- trivalent12
- truculent11
- tumescent13
- turbulent11
- uncurrent11
- undertint10
- underwent13
- ungallant10
- unipotent11
- unisonant9
- univalent12
- vacillant14
- vicariant14
- viewpoint17
- virescent14
- windburnt15
- workprint18
- worriment14
8 Letter Words That End in Nt
- abducent13
- aberrant10
- abetment12
- abradant11
- absonant10
- abundant11
- abutment12
- accident13
- accusant12
- acescent12
- acquaint19
- acrodont11
- adducent12
- adherent12
- adjacent18
- adjutant16
- adjuvant19
- afferent14
- affluent14
- aliquant17
- alterant8
- ambulant12
- aperient10
- apparent12
- appetent12
- aquatint17
- argument11
- armament12
- arrogant9
- ashplant13
- aspirant10
- assonant8
- averment13
- bacchant17
- bailment12
- basement12
- besprent12
- bivalent13
- bodement13
- bouffant16
- bowfront16
- calamint12
- casement12
- cerement12
- claimant12
- coherent13
- coinvent13
- colorant10
- confront13
- conjoint17
- conodont11
- constant10
- coparent12
- corybant15
- cosecant12
- cotenant10
- couchant15
- covalent13
- covenant13
- creodont11
- crescent12
- debutant11
- decadent12
- decedent12
- deferent12
- deponent11
- desinent9
- dilatant9
- diligent10
- diriment11
- discount11
- disjoint16
- dismount11
- displant11
- divalent12
- document13
- dominant11
- dormient11
- drypoint14
- easement10
- efferent14
- effluent14
- eggplant12
- elephant13
- eloquent17
- emergent11
- emigrant11
- endpoint11
- equitant17
- erumpent12
- esculent10
- esurient8
- evacuant13
- excitant17
- exhalant18
- exhalent18
- existent15
- exponent17
- exsecant17
- exultant15
- eyepoint13
- faineant11
- feculent13
- figurant12
- filament13
- flagrant12
- flippant15
- forewent14
- forspent13
- fragment14
- fragrant12
- frequent20
- fumigant14
- galavant12
- galivant12
- gradient10
- grievant12
- guardant10
- gunflint12
- gunpoint11
- habitant13
- headhunt15
- hellbent13
- hesitant11
- ignorant9
- immanent12
- imminent12
- impotent12
- impudent13
- incident11
- incitant10
- indecent11
- indicant11
- indigent10
- indolent9
- inerrant8
- influent11
- inhalant11
- inherent11
- innocent10
- insolent8
- insulant8
- insurant8
- inundant9
- irritant8
- jubilant17
- judgment19
- libelant10
- ligament11
- liniment10
- litigant9
- lodgment12
- luculent10
- medicant13
- merchant15
- midpoint13
- militant10
- misagent11
- miscount12
- misevent13
- mispaint12
- misplant12
- mispoint12
- misprint12
- misspent12
- monotint10
- monument12
- movement15
- muniment12
- nauseant8
- nescient10
- nonevent11
- nonpoint10
- nonprint10
- nutrient8
- obedient11
- obeisant10
- occident13
- occupant14
- offprint16
- ointment10
- oppilant12
- opponent12
- oreodont9
- ornament10
- orpiment12
- oscitant10
- osculant10
- outburnt10
- outcount10
- outpaint10
- outpoint10
- outspent10
- outstunt8
- outvaunt11
- overhunt14
- overlent11
- parament12
- patulent10
- pavement15
- pediment13
- penchant15
- penitent10
- penpoint12
- permeant12
- petulant10
- pheasant13
- piedmont13
- pieplant12
- pinpoint12
- plangent11
- pleasant10
- poignant11
- pregnant11
- preplant12
- preprint12
- prurient10
- puissant10
- pursuant10
- purulent10
- quadrant18
- quitrent17
- quotient17
- reaccent12
- reactant10
- reanoint8
- reascent10
- recement12
- recreant10
- recusant10
- redolent9
- referent11
- refluent11
- regiment11
- reinvent11
- relaxant15
- relearnt8
- relevant11
- relucent10
- remanent10
- renitent8
- reorient8
- resident9
- resonant8
- reticent10
- retirant8
- revehent14
- revenant11
- reverent11
- roborant10
- rudiment11
- ruminant10
- rutilant8
- saturant8
- scandent11
- schizont22
- seafront11
- seamount10
- sederunt9
- sediment11
- sentient8
- sergeant9
- serjeant15
- setenant8
- shipment15
- sibilant10
- simulant10
- sonorant8
- stagnant9
- strident9
- subagent11
- sunburnt10
- supplant12
- surmount10
- surprint10
- symbiont15
- tegument11
- tenement10
- titubant10
- tolerant8
- toxicant17
- undulant9
- unlearnt8
- unpliant10
- unsilent8
- urticant10
- vegetant12
- vehement16
- vesicant13
- vestment13
- vigilant12
- virulent11
- viscount13
- visitant11
- volitant11
- waxplant20
- waypoint16
- weldment14
7 Letter Words That End in Nt
- abeyant12
- abluent9
- account11
- adamant10
- adjoint15
- affiant13
- affront13
- ailment9
- aliment9
- ambient11
- ancient9
- appoint11
- asquint16
- attaint7
- audient8
- augment10
- bawsunt12
- bepaint11
- bezzant27
- blatant9
- brisant9
- buoyant12
- callant9
- candent10
- catmint11
- cholent12
- clamant11
- clement11
- coagent10
- comment13
- concent11
- consent9
- content9
- convent12
- coolant9
- courant9
- credent10
- currant9
- current9
- defiant11
- demount10
- depaint10
- descant10
- descent10
- deviant11
- diluent8
- diplont10
- discant10
- dissent8
- distant8
- distent8
- dormant10
- elegant8
- element9
- emanant9
- eminent9
- enchant12
- entrant7
- eobiont9
- erodent8
- etchant12
- evident11
- exigent15
- explant16
- ferment12
- fervent13
- figment13
- fitment12
- fondant11
- formant12
- fornent10
- forwent13
- foxhunt20
- fulgent11
- gallant8
- gardant9
- garment10
- gellant8
- haplont12
- horrent10
- hutment12
- hydrant14
- impaint11
- implant11
- imprint11
- instant7
- intrant7
- issuant7
- iterant7
- jessant14
- lambent11
- lenient7
- manhunt12
- margent10
- mediant10
- migrant10
- missent9
- mordant10
- mordent10
- nascent9
- oddment11
- odorant8
- operant9
- opulent9
- outhunt10
- outwent10
- oxidant15
- pageant10
- passant9
- patient9
- payment14
- peasant9
- peccant13
- pendant10
- pendent10
- pennant9
- percent11
- perpent11
- pigment12
- piquant18
- pissant9
- portent9
- precent11
- present9
- prevent12
- prudent10
- pschent14
- pulsant9
- pungent10
- radiant8
- raiment9
- rampant11
- reagent8
- reblent9
- reboant9
- recount9
- refront10
- regnant8
- regrant8
- reliant7
- remnant9
- remount9
- repaint9
- replant9
- reprint9
- reptant9
- ringent8
- romaunt9
- salient7
- saltant7
- sapient9
- sarment9
- sealant7
- seawant10
- segment10
- sejeant14
- sequent16
- serpent9
- servant10
- sextant14
- solvent10
- sorbent9
- spirant9
- statant7
- student8
- subrent9
- taggant9
- tangent8
- titrant7
- torment9
- torrent7
- towmont12
- trident8
- turgent8
- ululant7
- unburnt9
- unguent8
- unjoint14
- unmeant9
- unspent9
- upfront12
- vagrant11
- valiant10
- variant10
- varment12
- varmint12
- verdant11
- versant10
- vibrant12
- violent10
- warrant10
6 Letter Words That End in Nt
- absent8
- accent10
- advent10
- amount8
- anoint6
- ardent7
- argent7
- aroint6
- aroynt9
- arpent8
- arrant6
- ascent8
- askant10
- aslant6
- assent6
- attent6
- avaunt9
- bezant17
- byzant20
- cadent9
- cement10
- chaunt11
- client8
- cogent9
- decant9
- decent9
- dement9
- detent7
- docent9
- dopant9
- eluant6
- eluent6
- errant6
- exeunt13
- extant13
- extent13
- flaunt9
- fluent9
- foment11
- forint9
- gelant7
- gerent7
- incant8
- incent8
- indent7
- infant9
- intent6
- invent9
- jurant13
- lament8
- latent6
- learnt6
- levant9
- loment8
- lucent8
- moment10
- mutant8
- natant6
- nocent8
- nutant6
- octant8
- orient6
- parent8
- patent8
- pedant9
- plaint8
- pliant8
- ponent8
- potent8
- quaint15
- recant8
- recent8
- regent7
- relent6
- remint8
- repent8
- rerent6
- resent6
- retint6
- rident7
- rodent7
- savant9
- secant8
- sejant13
- silent6
- sklent10
- sonant6
- splent8
- splint8
- sprent8
- sprint8
- squint15
- strunt6
- talent6
- tenant6
- truant6
- tyrant9
- unbent8
- unkent10
- unpent8
- unrent6
- unsent6
- upsent8
- urgent7
- vacant11
- volant9
- wisent9
5 Letter Words That End in Nt
- agent6
- alant5
- ament7
- anent5
- avant8
- biont7
- blent7
- blunt7
- brant7
- brent7
- brunt7
- burnt7
- chant10
- count7
- daunt6
- elint5
- event8
- faint8
- feint8
- flint8
- fount8
- front8
- gaunt6
- giant6
- glint6
- grant6
- grunt6
- haint8
- haunt8
- jaunt12
- joint12
- leant5
- meant7
- mount7
- paint7
- plant7
- point7
- print7
- quant14
- quint14
- riant5
- saint5
- scant7
- scent7
- shent8
- shunt8
- skint9
- slant5
- spent7
- stent5
- stint5
- stunt5
- suint5
- taint5
- taunt5
- vaunt8
4 Letter Words That End in Nt
3 Letter Words That End in Nt
- ant3
FAQ on words ending with Nt
What are the best Scrabble words ending with Nt?
The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with Nt is Mezzotint, which is worth at least 29 points without any bonuses. The next best word ending with Nt is piquant, which is worth 18 points. Other high score words ending with Nt are adjoint (15), exigent (15), unjoint (14), bezzant (27), foxhunt (20), asquint (16), oxidant (15), and sequent (16).
How many words end in Nt?
There are 1,061 words that end with Nt in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 374 are 9 letter words, 298 are 8 letter words, 191 are 7 letter words, 107 are 6 letter words, 56 are 5 letter words, 34 are 4 letter words, and 1 is a 3 letter word.