Words With Fi In Them | 1,287 Scrabble Words With Fi
Looking for words that contain the letters "Fi" for word games like Scrabble or Words with Friends? This is the page for you.
This list contains all 1,287 point-scoring words that contain the letters "Fi", organized by the number of letters that the word has.
Fi is not a Scrabble word.
The highest scoring words with Fi
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with fi, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words with Fi | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
fizzles | 28 | 29 |
hafizes | 22 | 21 |
zaffirs | 22 | 22 |
jewfish | 23 | 24 |
fizzier | 28 | 28 |
foxfish | 23 | 22 |
fizzing | 29 | 31 |
fizzled | 29 | 30 |
boxfish | 22 | 22 |
fizzers | 28 | 28 |
1,287 Scrabble words that contain Fi
8 Letter Words With Fi
- aerified12
- aerifies11
- affiance16
- affiants14
- affiches19
- affinely17
- affinity17
- affirmed17
- affirmer16
- affixers21
- affixial21
- affixing22
- airfield12
- antefixa18
- argufied13
- argufier12
- argufies12
- artifice13
- backfill19
- backfire19
- backfits19
- baitfish16
- balefire13
- basified14
- basifier13
- basifies13
- beatific15
- beefiest13
- befinger14
- befitted14
- benefice15
- benefits13
- bifidity17
- billfish16
- biofilms15
- blackfin19
- bloodfin14
- blowfish19
- bluefins13
- bluefish16
- bluffing17
- boarfish16
- bonefish16
- bonfires13
- briefing14
- buffiest16
- bushfire16
- calcific17
- campfire17
- canfield14
- caprifig16
- casefied14
- casefies13
- catfight17
- cavefish19
- chaffier19
- chaffing20
- cheffing20
- chuffier19
- chuffing20
- citified14
- citifies13
- cityfied17
- cliffier16
- coalfish16
- codified15
- codifier14
- codifies14
- coffined17
- coiffing17
- comfiest15
- confided15
- confider14
- confides14
- confined14
- confiner13
- confines13
- confirms15
- crawfish19
- crayfish19
- crucifix22
- daffiest15
- dealfish15
- defiance14
- deficits14
- defilade13
- defilers12
- defiling13
- definers12
- defining13
- definite12
- deifical14
- deifiers12
- diolefin12
- disulfid13
- dogfight17
- draffier15
- draffish18
- drumfire14
- drumfish17
- dwarfing16
- dwarfish18
- dwarfism17
- edifices14
- edifiers12
- efficacy21
- effigial15
- effigies15
- elfishly17
- enfilade12
- fallfish17
- febrific18
- feoffing18
- fiancees13
- fiascoes13
- fiberize22
- fibranne13
- fibrilla13
- fibroids14
- fibroins13
- fibromas15
- fibroses13
- fibrosis13
- fibrotic15
- fibsters13
- ficklest17
- fictions13
- fiddlers13
- fiddling14
- fideisms14
- fideists12
- fidelity15
- fidgeted14
- fidgeter13
- fiducial14
- fiefdoms17
- fielders12
- fielding13
- fiendish15
- fiercely16
- fiercest13
- fieriest11
- fifteens14
- fiftieth17
- fiftyish20
- figeater12
- fighters15
- fighting16
- figments14
- figuline12
- figurant12
- figurate12
- figurers12
- figurine12
- figuring13
- figworts15
- filagree12
- filament13
- filarees11
- filariae11
- filarial11
- filarian11
- filariid12
- filature11
- filberts13
- filchers16
- filching17
- fileable13
- filefish17
- filename13
- fileting12
- filially14
- filiated12
- filiates11
- filibegs14
- filicide14
- filiform16
- filigree12
- filister11
- fillable13
- filleted12
- fillings12
- filliped14
- filmable15
- filmcard16
- filmdoms16
- filmgoer14
- filmiest13
- filmland14
- filmless13
- filmlike17
- filmsets13
- filtered12
- filterer11
- filthier14
- filthily17
- filtrate11
- fimbriae15
- fimbrial15
- finagled13
- finagler12
- finagles12
- finalise11
- finalism13
- finalist11
- finality14
- finalize20
- financed14
- finances13
- finbacks19
- findable14
- findings13
- fineable13
- fineness11
- fineries11
- finespun13
- finessed12
- finesses11
- finfoots14
- fingered13
- fingerer12
- finialed12
- finickin17
- finiking16
- finished15
- finisher14
- finishes14
- finitely14
- finitude12
- finmarks17
- finnicky20
- finniest11
- finnmark17
- finochio16
- fireable13
- firearms13
- fireback19
- fireball13
- firebase13
- firebird14
- fireboat13
- firebomb17
- firebrat13
- firebugs14
- fireclay16
- firedamp16
- firedogs13
- firefang15
- firehall14
- fireless11
- firelock17
- firepans13
- firepink17
- fireplug14
- firepots13
- fireroom13
- fireship16
- fireside12
- firetrap13
- firewall14
- fireweed15
- firewood15
- firework18
- fireworm16
- firmness13
- firmware16
- firriest11
- fiscally16
- fishable16
- fishbolt16
- fishbone16
- fishbowl19
- fisheyes17
- fishgigs16
- fishhook21
- fishiest14
- fishings15
- fishkill18
- fishless14
- fishlike18
- fishline14
- fishmeal16
- fishnets14
- fishpole16
- fishpond17
- fishtail14
- fishways20
- fishwife20
- fishworm19
- fissions11
- fissiped14
- fissural11
- fissured12
- fissures11
- fistfuls14
- fistnote11
- fistulae11
- fistular11
- fistulas11
- fitchets16
- fitchews19
- fitfully17
- fitments13
- fittable13
- fittings12
- fivefold18
- fivepins16
- fixatifs21
- fixating19
- fixation18
- fixative21
- fixities18
- fixtures18
- fizziest29
- fizzling30
- flatfish17
- fluffier17
- fluffily20
- fluffing18
- foolfish17
- foxfires21
- frogfish18
- fulfills14
- gasified13
- gasifier12
- gasifies12
- goatfish15
- goldfish16
- golfings13
- goofiest12
- graffiti15
- graffito15
- grayfish18
- griffins15
- gruffier15
- gruffily18
- gruffing16
- gruffish18
- gulfiest12
- gunfight16
- gunfires12
- hangfire15
- hawfinch22
- hayfield18
- headfish18
- hellfire14
- horrific16
- huffiest17
- humified17
- iffiness14
- ignified13
- ignifies12
- infidels12
- infields12
- infights15
- infinite11
- infinity14
- infirmed14
- infirmly16
- infixing19
- infixion18
- jackfish27
- kaffiyah24
- kaffiyeh24
- keffiyah24
- keffiyeh24
- kingfish19
- ladyfish18
- landfill12
- leafiest11
- lionfish14
- lobefins13
- lumpfish18
- lungfish15
- lutefisk15
- lutfisks15
- mafficks22
- mafiosos13
- magnific16
- mellific15
- midfield15
- miffiest16
- milkfish20
- minified14
- minifies13
- misfield14
- misfiled14
- misfiles13
- misfired14
- misfires13
- modified15
- modifier14
- modifies14
- monkfish20
- monofils13
- moonfish16
- morbific17
- multifid14
- nazified21
- nazifies20
- nidified13
- nidifies12
- nonfinal11
- notified12
- notifier11
- notifies11
- numbfish18
- oafishly17
- officers16
- official16
- offishly20
- olefines11
- olefinic13
- orifices13
- ossified12
- ossifier11
- ossifies11
- outfield12
- outfight15
- outfinds12
- outfired12
- outfires11
- overfill14
- overfish17
- pacified16
- pacifier15
- pacifies15
- pacifism17
- pacifist15
- paraffin16
- piaffing17
- pipefish18
- pliofilm15
- pontific15
- postfire13
- prefight17
- prefiled14
- prefiles13
- prefired14
- prefires13
- prefixal20
- prefixed21
- prefixes20
- profiled14
- profiler13
- profiles13
- profited14
- profiter13
- prolific15
- proofing14
- puffiest16
- purified14
- purifier13
- purifies13
- quaffing24
- ramified14
- ramifies13
- rarefied12
- rarefier11
- rarefies11
- rarified12
- rarifies11
- ratafias11
- ratfinks15
- ratified12
- ratifier11
- ratifies11
- reaffirm16
- redefied13
- redefies12
- redefine12
- reefiest11
- refights15
- refigure12
- refiling12
- refilled12
- refilmed14
- refilter11
- refiners11
- refinery14
- refining12
- refinish14
- refiring12
- refitted12
- refixing19
- reifiers11
- reoutfit11
- retrofit11
- rimfires13
- rockfish20
- roofings12
- rosefish14
- ruffians14
- sailfish14
- salified12
- salifies11
- salvific16
- sandfish15
- scarfing14
- scoffing17
- scuffing17
- scurfier13
- sheafing15
- sluffing15
- snarfing12
- sniffier14
- sniffily17
- sniffing15
- sniffish17
- snuffier14
- snuffily17
- snuffing15
- specific17
- spiffied17
- spiffier16
- spiffies16
- spiffily19
- spiffing17
- spitfire13
- spoofing14
- staffing15
- starfish14
- stiffies14
- stiffing15
- stiffish17
- strafing12
- studfish15
- stuffier14
- stuffily17
- stuffing15
- subfield14
- subfiles13
- subfixes20
- suckfish20
- sufficed17
- sufficer16
- suffices16
- suffixal21
- suffixed22
- suffixes21
- sulfides12
- sulfinyl14
- sulfites11
- sulfitic13
- superfix20
- surefire11
- surffish17
- surfiest11
- surfings12
- tailfins11
- tefillin11
- telefilm13
- tepefied14
- tepefies13
- terrific13
- tiffined15
- tilefish14
- toadfish15
- traffics16
- transfix18
- tumefied14
- tumefies13
- turfiest11
- typified17
- typifier16
- typifies16
- uglified13
- uglifier12
- uglifies12
- uncoffin16
- unfilial11
- unfilled12
- unfilmed14
- unfished15
- unfitted12
- unfixing19
- unifiers11
- unifilar11
- verified15
- verifier14
- verifies14
- vilified15
- vilifier14
- vilifies14
- vinified15
- vinifies14
- vivified18
- vivifier17
- vivifies17
- weakfish21
- wharfing18
- whiffing21
- whoofing18
- wildfire15
- wolffish20
7 Letter Words With Fi
- affiant13
- affiche18
- affinal13
- affined14
- affines13
- affirms15
- affixal20
- affixed21
- affixer20
- affixes20
- antefix17
- backfit18
- baffies15
- baffing16
- barefit12
- barfing13
- batfish15
- beefier12
- beefily15
- beefing13
- benefic14
- benefit12
- biffies15
- biffing16
- biffins15
- bifidly16
- bifilar12
- biofilm14
- bluefin12
- boffing16
- boffins15
- bonfire12
- bowfins15
- boxfish22
- buffier15
- buffing16
- catfish15
- chafing16
- chefing16
- codfish16
- coffing16
- coffins15
- coifing13
- comfier14
- comfits14
- confide13
- confine12
- confirm14
- confits12
- cowfish18
- cuffing16
- daffier14
- daffily17
- daffing15
- deafish14
- defiant11
- deficit13
- defiers11
- defiled12
- defiler11
- defiles11
- defined12
- definer11
- defines11
- deified12
- deifier11
- deifies11
- doffing15
- dogfish15
- edifice13
- edified12
- edifier11
- edifies11
- fanfics15
- fiacres12
- fiancee12
- fiances12
- fiaschi15
- fiascos12
- fibbers14
- fibbing15
- fibered13
- fibrils12
- fibrins12
- fibroid13
- fibroin12
- fibroma14
- fibrous12
- fibster12
- fibulae12
- fibular12
- fibulas12
- fickler16
- fictile12
- fiction12
- fictive15
- ficuses12
- fiddled13
- fiddler12
- fiddles12
- fideism13
- fideist11
- fidgets12
- fidgety15
- fidging13
- fiefdom16
- fielded12
- fielder11
- fiercer12
- fierier10
- fierily13
- fiestas10
- fifteen13
- fifthly19
- fifties13
- figging13
- fighter14
- figment13
- figural11
- figured12
- figurer11
- figures11
- figwort14
- filaree10
- filaria10
- filbert12
- filched16
- filcher15
- filches15
- filemot12
- fileted11
- filiate10
- filibeg13
- filings11
- fillers10
- fillets10
- fillies10
- filling11
- fillips12
- filmdom15
- filmers12
- filmier12
- filmily15
- filming13
- filmset12
- filters10
- fimbles14
- fimbria14
- finable12
- finagle11
- finales10
- finalis10
- finally13
- finance12
- finback18
- finches15
- finders11
- finding12
- finesse10
- finfish16
- finfoot13
- fingers11
- finials10
- finical12
- finicky19
- finikin14
- finings11
- finises10
- finites10
- finking15
- finless10
- finlike14
- finmark16
- finnier10
- finning11
- fipples14
- firearm12
- firebox19
- firebug13
- firedog12
- firefly16
- firelit10
- fireman12
- firemen12
- firepan12
- firepot12
- firings11
- firkins14
- firmans12
- firmers12
- firmest12
- firming13
- firrier10
- firstly13
- fiscals12
- fishers13
- fishery16
- fisheye16
- fishgig15
- fishier13
- fishily16
- fishing14
- fishnet13
- fishway19
- fissate10
- fissile10
- fission10
- fissure10
- fistful13
- fistula10
- fitchee15
- fitches15
- fitchet15
- fitchew18
- fitment12
- fitness10
- fitters10
- fittest10
- fitting11
- fixable19
- fixated18
- fixates17
- fixatif20
- fixedly21
- fixings18
- fixture17
- fixures17
- fizgigs21
- fizzers28
- fizzier28
- fizzing29
- fizzled29
- fizzles28
- foxfire20
- foxfish23
- fulfill13
- fulfils13
- gaffing15
- garfish14
- golfing12
- goofier11
- goofily14
- goofing12
- griffin14
- gulfier11
- gulfing12
- gunfire11
- haffits16
- hafizes22
- hagfish17
- hogfish17
- hoofing14
- huffier16
- huffily19
- huffing17
- huffish19
- iffiest13
- infidel11
- infield11
- infight14
- infirms12
- infixed18
- infixes17
- jewfish23
- jiffies20
- kaffirs17
- kerfing15
- knifing15
- leafier10
- leafing11
- loafing11
- lobefin12
- luffing14
- lutfisk14
- maffias15
- maffick21
- mafiosi12
- mafioso12
- malefic14
- miffier15
- miffing16
- misfile12
- misfire12
- misfits12
- monofil12
- motific14
- mudfish16
- muffing16
- muffins15
- naffing14
- oarfish13
- officer15
- offices15
- offings14
- olefine10
- olefins10
- omnific14
- orifice12
- ossific12
- outfind11
- outfire10
- outfish13
- outfits10
- overfit13
- pacific16
- panfish15
- perfidy16
- pigfish16
- pinfish15
- postfix19
- prefile12
- prefire12
- profile12
- profits12
- puffier15
- puffily18
- puffing16
- puffins15
- pupfish17
- raffias13
- raffish16
- ratafia10
- ratfink14
- ratfish13
- reaffix20
- redfins11
- redfish14
- reefier10
- reefing11
- reffing14
- refight14
- refiled11
- refiles10
- refills10
- refilms12
- refinds11
- refined11
- refiner10
- refines10
- refired11
- refires10
- refixed18
- refixes17
- reified11
- reifier10
- reifies10
- riffing14
- rimfire12
- rolfing11
- roofies10
- roofing11
- ruffian13
- ruffing14
- rufiyaa13
- sawfish16
- selfing11
- selfish13
- semifit12
- serfish13
- soffits13
- stiffie13
- subfile12
- suffice15
- sulfide11
- sulfids11
- sulfite10
- sunfish13
- surfier10
- surfing11
- taffias13
- taffies13
- tailfin10
- tiffing14
- tiffins13
- toffies13
- traffic15
- turfier10
- turfing11
- unfired11
- unfitly13
- unfixed18
- unfixes17
- unified11
- unifier10
- unifies10
- upfield13
- vivific18
- waffies16
- waffing17
- waifing14
- waifish16
- wolfing14
- wolfish16
- woofing14
- yaffing17
- zaffirs22
6 Letter Words With Fi
- affine12
- affirm14
- afield10
- befits11
- biffin14
- boffin14
- bowfin14
- coffin14
- comfit13
- confit11
- defied11
- defier10
- defies10
- defile10
- define10
- deific12
- effigy16
- elfins9
- elfish12
- fanfic14
- fiacre11
- fiance11
- fiasco11
- fibbed14
- fibber13
- fibers11
- fibres11
- fibril11
- fibrin11
- fibula11
- fiches14
- fichus14
- ficins11
- fickle15
- fickly18
- ficoes11
- fiddle11
- fiddly14
- fidged12
- fidges11
- fidget11
- fields10
- fiends10
- fierce11
- fiesta9
- fifers12
- fifing13
- fifths15
- figged12
- fights13
- figure10
- filers9
- filets9
- filial9
- filing10
- filled10
- filler9
- filles9
- fillet9
- fillip11
- fillos9
- filmed12
- filmer11
- filmic13
- filmis11
- filose9
- filter9
- filths12
- filthy15
- fimble13
- finale9
- finals9
- fincas11
- finder10
- finely12
- finery12
- finest9
- finger10
- finial9
- fining10
- finish12
- finite9
- finito9
- finked14
- finned10
- fiords10
- fipple13
- fiques18
- firers9
- firing10
- firkin13
- firman11
- firmed12
- firmer11
- firmly14
- firsts9
- firths12
- fiscal11
- fished13
- fisher12
- fishes12
- fisted10
- fistic11
- fitchy17
- fitful12
- fitted10
- fitter9
- fivers12
- fixate16
- fixers16
- fixing17
- fixity19
- fixure16
- fizgig20
- fizzed28
- fizzer27
- fizzes27
- fizzle27
- fulfil12
- haffit15
- iffier12
- infill9
- infirm11
- kaffir16
- kafirs13
- kefirs13
- maffia14
- mafias11
- misfit11
- muffin14
- oafish12
- office14
- offing13
- offish15
- olefin9
- outfit9
- prefix18
- profit11
- puffin14
- raffia12
- redfin10
- refile9
- refill9
- refilm11
- refind10
- refine9
- refire9
- refits9
- roofie9
- soffit12
- subfix18
- suffix19
- sulfid10
- taffia12
- tafias9
- tiffin12
- trifid10
- unfits9
- unfixt16
- unific11
- waffie15
- wifing13
- zaffir21
5 Letter Words With Fi
- affix18
- afire8
- befit10
- bifid11
- buffi13
- defis9
- elfin8
- fiars8
- fiats8
- fiber10
- fibre10
- fices10
- fiche13
- fichu13
- ficin10
- ficus10
- fidge10
- fidos9
- fiefs11
- field9
- fiend9
- fiery11
- fifed12
- fifer11
- fifes11
- fifth14
- fifty14
- fight12
- filar8
- filch13
- filed9
- filer8
- files8
- filet8
- fille8
- fillo8
- fills8
- filly11
- filmi10
- films10
- filmy13
- filos8
- filth11
- filum10
- final8
- finca10
- finch13
- finds9
- fined9
- finer8
- fines8
- finis8
- finks12
- finny11
- finos8
- fiord9
- fique17
- fired9
- firer8
- fires8
- firms10
- firns8
- firry11
- first8
- firth11
- fiscs10
- fishy14
- fists8
- fitch13
- fitly11
- fiver11
- fives11
- fixed16
- fixer15
- fixes15
- fixit15
- fizzy29
- hafiz20
- infix15
- kafir12
- kefir12
- kufis12
- mafia10
- mafic12
- refit8
- refix15
- tafia8
- unfit8
- unfix15
FAQ on words containing Fi
What are the best Scrabble words with Fi?
The highest scoring Scrabble word containing Fi is Fizzling, which is worth at least 30 points without any bonuses. The next best word with Fi is hafizes, which is worth 22 points. Other high score words with Fi are zaffirs (22), jewfish (23), fizzier (28), foxfish (23), fizzing (29), fizzled (29), boxfish (22), and fizzers (28).
How many words contain Fi?
There are 1,287 words that contaih Fi in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 595 are 8 letter words, 396 are 7 letter words, 163 are 6 letter words, 89 are 5 letter words, 34 are 4 letter words, and 10 are 3 letter words.