Is religious a Scrabble word?
Yes, religious is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 10 points in Scrabble, and 13 points in Words with Friends
Religious is a valid Scrabble word.
Religious is a word starting with r ending with s. Check our list of words starting with r ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word religious
The meaning of religious
5 definitions of the word religious.
- Concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church
- Having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity
- Of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows
- Extremely scrupulous and conscientious
- A member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in religious?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- erugo6
- euros5
- girls6
- giros6
- gluer6
- glues6
- goers6
- gores6
- gorse6
- gruel6
- grues6
- guile6
- guiro6
- guise6
- gules6
- iglus6
- ileus5
- liers5
- lieus5
- liger6
- loges6
- lores5
- loris5
- loser5
- louie5
- louis5
- lours5
- louse5
- luger6
- luges6
- lures5
- ogler6
- ogles6
- ogres6
- oiler5
- oriel5
- orles5
- osier5
- ourie5
- ousel5
- reoil5
- riels5
- riles5
- rogue6
- roils5
- roles5
- roues5
- rouge6
- rouse5
- rules5
- sieur5
- sigil6
- slier5
- solei5
- sorel5
- surge6
- urges6
4 Letter Words
- egis5
- egos5
- ergo5
- ergs5
- eros4
- euro4
- gels5
- gies5
- girl5
- giro5
- glue5
- goer5
- goes5
- gore5
- grue5
- guls5
- iglu5
- ires4
- iris4
- isle4
- legs5
- leis4
- lier4
- lies4
- lieu4
- lire4
- liri4
- loge5
- logs5
- lore4
- lose4
- lour4
- lues4
- luge5
- lugs5
- lure4
- ogle5
- ogre5
- oils4
- oles4
- ores4
- orle4
- ours4
- regs5
- reis4
- riel4
- rigs5
- rile4
- rise4
- roes4
- roil4
- role4
- rose4
- roue4
- rues4
- rugs5
- rule4
- ruse4
- sego5
- silo4
- sire4
- sloe4
- slog5
- slue4
- slug5
- slur4
- soil4
- sole4
- soli4
- sore4
- sori4
- soul4
- sour4
- suer4
- sure4
- urge5
- user4