Is pesticides a Scrabble word?
Yes, pesticides is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 15 points in Scrabble, and 17 points in Words with Friends
Pesticides is a valid Scrabble word.
Pesticides is a word starting with p ending with s. Check our list of words starting with p ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word pesticides
The meaning of pesticides
1 definition of the word pesticides.
- A chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects)
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in pesticides?
9 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- cedes8
- cedis8
- cepes9
- cesti7
- cetes7
- cists7
- cited8
- cites7
- deeps8
- deets6
- deice8
- deist6
- dices8
- diets6
- disci8
- discs8
- dites6
- edict8
- edits6
- epics9
- issei5
- pedes8
- peise7
- pests7
- piece9
- piste7
- sects7
- seeds6
- seeps7
- seise5
- sepic9
- septs7
- sices7
- sides6
- siped8
- sipes7
- sited6
- sites5
- specs9
- speed8
- spice9
- spics9
- spied8
- spies7
- spite7
- spits7
- steed6
- steep7
- steps7
- stied6
- sties5
- stipe7
- teiid6
- tepid8
- tides6
- tipis7
4 Letter Words
- cede7
- cedi7
- cees6
- cepe8
- ceps8
- cess6
- cete6
- cist6
- cite6
- deep7
- dees5
- deet5
- dice7
- dies5
- diet5
- dips7
- dipt7
- disc7
- diss5
- dite5
- dits5
- edit5
- eide5
- epic8
- eses4
- etic6
- iced7
- ices6
- ides5
- pecs8
- peds7
- peed7
- pees6
- pest6
- pets6
- pice8
- pics8
- pied7
- pies6
- pits6
- psis6
- psst6
- secs6
- sect6
- seed5
- seep6
- sees4
- seis4
- sept6
- sets4
- sice6
- sics6
- side5
- sipe6
- sips6
- site4
- sits4
- spec8
- sped7
- spit6
- step6
- teds5
- teed5
- tees4
- tics6
- tide5
- tied5
- ties4
- tipi6
- tips6