Words With Sc In Them | 1,175 Scrabble Words With Sc
We’ve put together a list of 1,175 words that contain the letters "Sc" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends.
We’ve organized this list by starting with the highest scoring Scrabble words, and then by the number of letters that the word has. Use the Table Of Contents below to navigate to the exact word lists you’re looking for.
Whether you’re playing Wordle, Scrabble, or any word game like it, Wordfind can help you get ahead of the pack and win game after game.
Sc is not a Scrabble word.
The highest scoring words with Sc
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with sc, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words with Sc | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
scuzzes | 27 | 29 |
schizzy | 33 | 32 |
kitschy | 19 | 18 |
scherzi | 21 | 21 |
schmalz | 23 | 25 |
schlock | 18 | 20 |
schnozz | 30 | 31 |
schmuck | 20 | 23 |
schizos | 21 | 21 |
scherzo | 21 | 21 |
1,175 Scrabble words that contain Sc
8 Letter Words With Sc
- abscised13
- abscises12
- abscisin12
- abscissa12
- absconds13
- acescent12
- adscript13
- airscape12
- airscrew13
- alfresco13
- arbuscle12
- ascarids11
- ascended12
- ascender11
- ascetics12
- ascidian11
- ascidium13
- ascocarp14
- ascorbic14
- ascribed13
- ascribes12
- atamasco12
- barbasco14
- bascules12
- berascal12
- bescorch17
- bescours12
- bescreen12
- bioscope14
- bioscopy17
- biscotti12
- biscotto12
- biscuits12
- biscuity15
- borsches15
- borschts15
- boscages13
- boschbok21
- cascabel14
- cascable14
- cascaded14
- cascades13
- cascaras12
- chubasco17
- coalesce12
- coscript14
- couscous12
- crescent12
- crescive15
- crosscut12
- cuscuses12
- dehisced15
- dehisces14
- descants11
- descends12
- descents11
- describe13
- descried12
- descrier11
- descries11
- discants11
- discards12
- discased12
- discases11
- discepts13
- discerns11
- disciple13
- disclaim13
- disclike15
- disclose11
- discoids12
- discoing12
- discolor11
- discords12
- discount11
- discover14
- discreet11
- discrete11
- discrown14
- discuses11
- ensconce12
- enscroll10
- episcias12
- episcope14
- escalade11
- escalate10
- escallop12
- escalope12
- escalops12
- escapade13
- escapees12
- escapers12
- escaping13
- escapism14
- escapist12
- escargot11
- escarole10
- escarped13
- eschalot13
- escheats13
- eschewal16
- eschewed17
- eschewer16
- escolars10
- escorted11
- escoting11
- escrowed14
- escuages11
- esculent10
- evanesce13
- exscinds18
- fasciate13
- fascicle15
- fascines13
- fascisms15
- fascists13
- fascitis13
- fiascoes13
- fiscally16
- flysches19
- foolscap15
- frescoed14
- frescoer13
- frescoes13
- groschen14
- hibiscus15
- hyoscine16
- inscapes12
- inscribe12
- inscroll10
- insculps12
- inviscid14
- ischemia15
- ischemic17
- kirsches17
- kitsches17
- labrusca12
- lemnisci12
- luscious10
- marascas12
- mascaras12
- masscult12
- meniscal12
- meniscus12
- menschen15
- mensches15
- mescluns12
- minidisc13
- miscalls12
- miscarry15
- miscasts12
- mischief18
- mischose15
- miscible14
- miscited13
- miscites12
- misclaim14
- misclass12
- miscoded14
- miscodes13
- miscoins12
- miscolor12
- miscooks16
- miscount12
- miscuing13
- mollusca12
- molluscs12
- moschate15
- muscadel13
- muscadet13
- muscatel12
- muscling13
- muscular12
- myoscope17
- nascence12
- nascency15
- nescient10
- newscast13
- obscener12
- obscured13
- obscurer12
- obscures12
- onscreen10
- opalesce12
- opuscula12
- opuscule12
- oscinine10
- oscitant10
- osculant10
- osculate10
- otoscope12
- otoscopy15
- outscold11
- outscoop12
- outscore10
- outscorn10
- paschals15
- peascods13
- pinscher15
- piscator12
- piscinae12
- piscinal12
- piscinas12
- prescind13
- prescore12
- pschents15
- putsches15
- rascally13
- reascend11
- reascent10
- rescaled11
- rescales10
- reschool13
- rescinds11
- rescored11
- rescores10
- rescreen10
- rescript12
- rescuers10
- rescuing11
- resculpt12
- scabbard15
- scabbier14
- scabbily17
- scabbing15
- scabbled15
- scabbles14
- scabiosa12
- scabious12
- scabland13
- scablike16
- scabrous12
- scaffold17
- scalable12
- scalably15
- scalades11
- scalados11
- scalages11
- scalares10
- scalawag14
- scalding12
- scalenus10
- scalepan12
- scaleups12
- scaliest10
- scallion10
- scallops12
- scalpels12
- scalpers12
- scalping13
- scammers14
- scamming15
- scammony17
- scampers14
- scampies14
- scamping15
- scampish17
- scamster12
- scandals11
- scandent11
- scandias11
- scandium13
- scanners10
- scanning11
- scansion10
- scantest10
- scantier10
- scanties10
- scantily13
- scanting11
- scaphoid16
- scapulae12
- scapular12
- scapulas12
- scarcely15
- scarcest12
- scarcity15
- scareder11
- scarfers13
- scarfing14
- scarfpin15
- scariest10
- scariose10
- scarious10
- scarless10
- scarlets10
- scarpers12
- scarphed16
- scarping13
- scarrier10
- scarring11
- scarting11
- scatback18
- scathing14
- scatters10
- scattier10
- scatting11
- scaupers12
- scavenge14
- scenario10
- scending12
- scenical12
- scenting11
- scepters12
- sceptics14
- sceptral12
- sceptred13
- sceptres12
- schappes17
- schedule14
- schemata15
- schemers15
- scheming16
- scherzos22
- schiller13
- schizier22
- schizoid23
- schizont22
- schlepps17
- schliere13
- schlocks19
- schlocky22
- schlumps17
- schlumpy20
- schmaltz24
- schmalzy27
- schmatte15
- schmears15
- schmeers15
- schmelze24
- schmoose15
- schmooze24
- schmoozy27
- schmucks21
- schnapps17
- schnecke19
- schnooks17
- schnozes22
- scholars13
- scholium15
- schooled14
- schooner13
- schticks19
- schussed14
- schusser13
- schusses13
- sciaenid11
- sciatica12
- sciatics12
- sciences12
- scilicet12
- scimetar12
- scimitar12
- scimiter12
- scincoid13
- sciolism12
- sciolist10
- scirocco14
- scirrhus13
- scissile10
- scission10
- scissors10
- scissure10
- sciurids11
- sciurine10
- sciuroid11
- sclaffed17
- sclaffer16
- sclereid11
- sclerite10
- scleroid11
- scleroma12
- sclerose10
- sclerous10
- scoffers16
- scoffing17
- scofflaw19
- scolders11
- scolding12
- scoleces12
- scolices12
- scolioma12
- scollops12
- scombrid15
- sconcing13
- scooched16
- scooches15
- scoopers12
- scoopful15
- scooping13
- scooters10
- scooting11
- scopulae12
- scopulas12
- scorched16
- scorcher15
- scorches15
- scorepad13
- scorners10
- scornful13
- scorning11
- scorpion12
- scotched16
- scotches15
- scotomas12
- scotopia12
- scotopic14
- scotties10
- scourers10
- scourged12
- scourger11
- scourges11
- scouring11
- scouters10
- scouther13
- scouting11
- scowders14
- scowlers13
- scowling14
- scrabble14
- scrabbly17
- scragged13
- scraggly15
- scraichs15
- scraighs14
- scramble14
- scramjet19
- scrammed15
- scrannel10
- scrapers12
- scrapies12
- scraping13
- scrapped15
- scrapper14
- scrapple14
- scratchy18
- scrawled14
- scrawler13
- screaked15
- screamed13
- screamer12
- screechy18
- screeded12
- screened11
- screener10
- screwers13
- screwier13
- screwing14
- screwups15
- scribble14
- scribbly17
- scribers12
- scribing13
- scrieved14
- scrieves13
- scrimped15
- scrimper14
- scrimpit14
- scripted13
- scripter12
- scriving14
- scrofula13
- scrolled11
- scrooges11
- scrooped13
- scrootch15
- scrotums12
- scrouged12
- scrouges11
- scrounge11
- scroungy14
- scrubbed15
- scrubber14
- scrummed15
- scrunchy18
- scrupled13
- scruples12
- scrutiny13
- scubaing13
- scudding13
- scuffers16
- scuffing17
- scuffled17
- scuffler16
- scuffles16
- sculches15
- sculkers14
- sculking15
- scullers10
- scullery13
- sculling11
- scullion10
- sculping13
- sculpins12
- sculpted13
- sculptor12
- scumbags15
- scumbled15
- scumbles14
- scumless12
- scumlike16
- scummers14
- scummier14
- scummily17
- scumming15
- scunners10
- scuppaug15
- scuppers14
- scurfier13
- scurried11
- scurries10
- scurrile10
- scurvier13
- scurvies13
- scurvily16
- scutages11
- scutched16
- scutcher15
- scutches15
- scutella10
- scutters10
- scuttled11
- scuttles10
- scutwork17
- scuzzier28
- scyphate18
- scything17
- seascape12
- seascout10
- setscrew13
- subfuscs15
- subscale12
- sunscald11
- triscele10
- tumesced13
- tumesces12
- unscaled11
- unscrews13
- upscaled13
- upscales12
- uroscopy15
- vascular13
- vasculum15
- viscacha18
- visceral13
- viscidly17
- viscoses13
- viscount13
- wainscot13
7 Letter Words With Sc
- abscess11
- abscise11
- abscond12
- ascared10
- ascarid10
- ascaris9
- ascends10
- ascents9
- asceses9
- ascesis9
- ascetic11
- ascidia10
- ascites9
- ascitic11
- ascribe11
- bascule11
- bescour11
- biscuit11
- borscht14
- boscage12
- cascade12
- cascara11
- ciscoes11
- dehisce13
- descant10
- descend11
- descent10
- discant10
- discard11
- discase10
- discept12
- discern10
- discing11
- discoed11
- discoid11
- discord11
- discuss10
- episcia11
- escalop11
- escaped12
- escapee11
- escaper11
- escapes11
- escarps11
- eschars12
- escheat12
- eschews15
- escolar9
- escorts9
- escoted10
- escrows12
- escuage10
- escudos10
- exscind17
- fasciae12
- fascial12
- fascias12
- fascine12
- fascism14
- fescues12
- fiaschi15
- fiascos12
- fiscals12
- frescos12
- fuscous12
- gascons10
- inscape11
- insculp11
- ischial12
- ischium14
- kitschy19
- klatsch16
- lascars9
- marasca11
- mascara11
- mascons11
- mascots11
- menisci11
- menschy17
- mescals11
- mesclun11
- miscall11
- miscast11
- miscite11
- miscode12
- miscoin11
- miscook15
- miscopy16
- miscued12
- miscues11
- miscuts11
- mollusc11
- muscats11
- muscids12
- muscled12
- muscles11
- nascent9
- obscene11
- obscure11
- oscines9
- oscular9
- oscules9
- osculum11
- pascals11
- paschal14
- peascod12
- piscary14
- piscina11
- piscine11
- pschent14
- rascals9
- rescale9
- rescind10
- rescore9
- rescued10
- rescuer9
- rescues9
- roscoes9
- scabbed14
- scabble13
- scabies11
- scalade10
- scalado10
- scalage10
- scalare9
- scalars9
- scalded11
- scaldic12
- scalene9
- scaleni9
- scalers9
- scaleup11
- scalier9
- scaling10
- scallop11
- scalped12
- scalpel11
- scalper11
- scammed14
- scammer13
- scamped14
- scamper13
- scandal10
- scandia10
- scandic12
- scanned10
- scanner9
- scanted10
- scanter9
- scantly12
- scaping12
- scapose11
- scapula11
- scarabs11
- scarcer11
- scarers9
- scarfed13
- scarfer12
- scarier9
- scarify15
- scarily12
- scaring10
- scarlet9
- scarped12
- scarper11
- scarphs14
- scarred10
- scarted10
- scarves12
- scathed13
- scathes12
- scatted10
- scatter9
- scauper11
- scended11
- scenery12
- scenics11
- scented10
- scepter11
- sceptic13
- sceptre11
- schappe16
- schemas14
- schemed15
- schemer14
- schemes14
- scherzi21
- scherzo21
- schisms14
- schists12
- schizos21
- schizzy33
- schlepp16
- schleps14
- schlock18
- schlubs14
- schlump16
- schmalz23
- schmear14
- schmeer14
- schmoes14
- schmoos14
- schmuck20
- schnaps14
- schnook16
- schnozz30
- scholar12
- scholia12
- schools12
- schorls12
- schriks16
- schrods13
- schtick18
- schtiks16
- schuits12
- sciatic11
- science11
- scillas9
- scirrhi12
- scissor9
- sciurid10
- sclaffs15
- sclerae9
- scleral9
- scleras9
- scoffed16
- scoffer15
- scolded11
- scolder10
- scollop11
- sconced12
- sconces11
- scooped12
- scooper11
- scootch14
- scooted10
- scooter9
- scoping12
- scopula11
- scorers9
- scoriae9
- scorify15
- scoring10
- scorned10
- scorner9
- scoters9
- scotias9
- scotoma11
- scottie9
- scoured10
- scourer9
- scourge10
- scouses9
- scouted10
- scouter9
- scouths12
- scowder13
- scowing13
- scowled13
- scowler12
- scraggy14
- scraich14
- scraigh13
- scraped12
- scraper11
- scrapes11
- scrapie11
- scrappy16
- scratch14
- scrawls12
- scrawly15
- scrawny15
- screaks13
- screaky16
- screams11
- screech14
- screeds10
- screens9
- screwed13
- screwer12
- screwup14
- scribal11
- scribed12
- scriber11
- scribes11
- scrieve12
- scrimps13
- scrimpy16
- scripts11
- scrived13
- scrives12
- scroggy14
- scrolls9
- scrooch14
- scrooge10
- scroops11
- scrotal9
- scrotum11
- scrouge10
- scrubby16
- scruffs15
- scruffy18
- scrunch14
- scruple11
- scrying13
- scubaed12
- scudded12
- scuffed16
- scuffer15
- scuffle15
- sculked14
- sculker13
- sculled10
- sculler9
- sculped12
- sculpin11
- sculpts11
- scultch14
- scumbag14
- scumble13
- scummed14
- scummer13
- scunner9
- scupper13
- scurril9
- scutage10
- scutate9
- scutter9
- scuttle9
- scuzzes27
- scyphus17
- scythed16
- scythes15
- subfusc14
- tumesce11
- tusches12
- unscrew12
- upscale11
- vascula12
- viscera12
- viscoid13
- viscose12
- viscous12
6 Letter Words With Sc
- ascend9
- ascent8
- ascots8
- borsch13
- ciscos10
- cuscus10
- descry12
- disced10
- discos9
- discus9
- escape10
- escarp10
- escars8
- eschar11
- eschew14
- escots8
- escrow11
- escudo9
- fasces11
- fascia11
- fescue11
- fiasco11
- fiscal11
- flysch17
- fresco11
- gascon9
- ischia11
- kirsch15
- kitsch15
- lascar8
- mascon10
- mascot10
- mensch13
- mescal10
- miscue10
- miscut10
- muscae10
- muscat10
- muscid11
- muscle10
- muscly13
- oscine8
- oscula8
- oscule8
- pascal10
- piscos10
- putsch13
- rascal8
- rescue8
- roscoe8
- scabby15
- scalar8
- scalds9
- scaled9
- scaler8
- scales8
- scalls8
- scalps10
- scampi12
- scamps12
- scants8
- scanty11
- scaped11
- scapes10
- scarab10
- scarce10
- scared9
- scarer8
- scares8
- scarey11
- scarfs11
- scarph13
- scarps10
- scarry11
- scarts8
- scathe11
- scatts8
- scatty11
- scaups10
- scaurs8
- scenas8
- scends9
- scenes8
- scenic10
- scents8
- schavs14
- schema13
- scheme13
- schism13
- schist11
- schizo20
- schizy23
- schlep13
- schlub13
- schmoe13
- schmos13
- schnoz20
- school11
- schorl11
- schrik15
- schrod12
- schtik15
- schuit11
- schuln11
- schuls11
- schuss11
- schwas14
- scilla8
- scions8
- sclaff14
- sclera8
- scoffs14
- scolds9
- scolex15
- sconce10
- scones8
- scooch13
- scoops10
- scoots8
- scoped11
- scopes10
- scorch13
- scored9
- scorer8
- scores8
- scoria8
- scorns8
- scotch13
- scoter8
- scotia8
- scours8
- scouse8
- scouth11
- scouts8
- scowed12
- scowls11
- scrags9
- scrams10
- scrape10
- scraps10
- scrawl11
- screak12
- scream10
- screed9
- screen8
- screes8
- screws11
- screwy14
- scribe10
- scried9
- scries8
- scrimp12
- scrims10
- scrips10
- script10
- scrive11
- scrods9
- scroll8
- scroop10
- scrota8
- scrubs10
- scruff14
- scrums10
- scubas10
- scuffs14
- sculch13
- sculks12
- sculls8
- sculps10
- sculpt10
- scummy15
- scurfs11
- scurfy14
- scurry11
- scurvy14
- scutch13
- scutes8
- scutum10
- scuzzy29
- scyphi16
- scythe14
- tusche11
- viscid12
- viscus11
5 Letter Words With Sc
- ascot7
- ascus7
- cisco9
- disci8
- disco8
- discs8
- escar7
- escot7
- fiscs10
- musca9
- pisco9
- scabs9
- scads8
- scags8
- scald8
- scale7
- scall7
- scalp9
- scaly10
- scamp11
- scams9
- scans7
- scant7
- scape9
- scare7
- scarf10
- scarp9
- scars7
- scart7
- scary10
- scats7
- scatt7
- scaup9
- scaur7
- scena7
- scend8
- scene7
- scent7
- schav13
- schmo12
- schul10
- schwa13
- scion7
- scoff13
- scold8
- scone7
- scoop9
- scoot7
- scope9
- scops9
- score7
- scorn7
- scots7
- scour7
- scout7
- scowl10
- scows10
- scrag8
- scram9
- scrap9
- scree7
- scrim9
- scrip9
- scrod8
- scrub9
- scrum9
- scuba9
- scudi8
- scudo8
- scuds8
- scuff13
- sculk11
- scull7
- sculp9
- scums9
- scups9
- scurf10
- scuta7
- scute7
- scuts7
- scuzz25
FAQ on words containing Sc
What are the best Scrabble words with Sc?
The highest scoring Scrabble word containing Sc is Schizzy, which is worth at least 33 points without any bonuses. The next best word with Sc is schizzy, which is worth 33 points. Other high score words with Sc are kitschy (19), scherzi (21), schmalz (23), schlock (18), schnozz (30), schmuck (20), schizos (21), and scherzo (21).
How many words contain Sc?
There are 1,175 words that contaih Sc in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 549 are 8 letter words, 343 are 7 letter words, 184 are 6 letter words, 81 are 5 letter words, and 18 are 4 letter words.