Words Ending In C | Top Scrabble Words That End In C
We've put together a list of 1,388 words that end with the letter "C" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list starts with the highest scoring words and is then organized by how many letters the word has, with the longest at the top (so, for 7-8 letter words ending with "C", start at the top).
If this list isn’t cutting it, use our Scrabble Word Finder to triangulate the exact word you’re looking for. Also, check out our list of words starting with C for more "C" related fun.
If you came here looking for hints for today’s Wordle puzzle, consider using our Wordle Answer Finder tool. Simply enter the letters you already know, then see a list of possible word combinations to get you started. You can also see a list of historical Wordle answers here if you’re curious!
C is not a Scrabble word.
The highest scoring words ending with C
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with c, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words ending with C | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
zygotic | 22 | 23 |
pyrexic | 21 | 22 |
zymotic | 23 | 24 |
enzymic | 23 | 25 |
hexylic | 22 | 22 |
hypoxic | 24 | 24 |
benzoic | 20 | 23 |
zebraic | 20 | 22 |
fjordic | 20 | 23 |
epizoic | 20 | 22 |
1,388 Scrabble words ending with c
8 Letter Words That End in C
- academic15
- acentric12
- acetonic12
- acetylic15
- achromic17
- acidotic13
- aconitic12
- acoustic12
- acrostic12
- adynamic16
- aetheric13
- agenetic11
- agnostic11
- agraphic16
- agrestic11
- akinetic14
- alchemic17
- allergic11
- alopecic14
- aluminic12
- amitotic12
- ammoniac14
- amnesiac12
- amnestic12
- amnionic12
- amniotic12
- anabatic12
- anabolic12
- anagogic12
- analogic11
- analytic13
- anarchic15
- anatomic12
- anechoic15
- animalic12
- anodynic14
- anoretic10
- anorexic17
- anorthic13
- anoxemic19
- antalgic11
- anthemic15
- antipyic15
- anuretic10
- aoristic10
- apagogic14
- apatetic12
- aphasiac15
- aplastic12
- apocopic16
- apogamic15
- apractic14
- apyretic15
- argentic11
- armagnac13
- aromatic12
- artistic10
- arythmic18
- asbestic12
- ascorbic14
- aspheric15
- asthenic13
- ataraxic17
- atechnic15
- athletic13
- atrophic15
- autarkic14
- autistic10
- autopsic12
- azotemic21
- balladic13
- balletic12
- balsamic14
- banausic12
- barbaric14
- barleduc13
- baryonic15
- basaltic12
- bathetic15
- bauxitic19
- beatific15
- benzylic24
- bicyclic19
- bioethic15
- biogenic13
- biologic13
- biolytic15
- bionomic14
- biotitic12
- biotypic17
- biphasic17
- bistroic12
- bornitic12
- brainiac12
- bromidic15
- bulimiac14
- cachexic24
- caesuric12
- calcific17
- calcitic14
- cannabic14
- carbamic16
- carbolic14
- carbonic14
- carditic13
- caryatic15
- cathodic16
- catholic15
- cationic12
- celeriac12
- cenozoic21
- cephalic17
- cerebric14
- cherubic17
- chiasmic17
- chiastic15
- chimeric17
- choleric15
- choragic16
- chthonic18
- cinnamic14
- cleidoic13
- climatic14
- clitoric12
- cobaltic14
- coelomic14
- columbic16
- copremic16
- cosmetic14
- coumaric14
- coxalgic20
- cratonic12
- cresylic15
- cubistic14
- cuneatic12
- cyanitic15
- cyanotic15
- cyclonic17
- dactylic16
- daemonic13
- daimonic13
- dalmatic13
- daltonic11
- demoniac13
- desertic11
- despotic13
- deuteric11
- diabasic13
- diabetic13
- diabolic13
- diacidic14
- dialogic12
- dialytic14
- diapiric13
- diarchic16
- diatomic13
- diatonic11
- dicastic13
- dichotic16
- dichroic16
- dicrotic13
- dicyclic18
- didactic14
- dieretic11
- dietetic11
- dihydric18
- dilemmic15
- dimetric13
- dioptric13
- dioramic13
- dioritic11
- diphasic16
- diplegic14
- diplopic15
- diprotic13
- diuretic11
- dogmatic14
- dolmenic13
- domestic13
- draconic13
- dramatic13
- dyarchic19
- dynastic14
- dysgenic15
- dyslexic21
- dyspneic16
- dyspnoic16
- dystonic14
- eclectic14
- ecliptic14
- ecologic13
- economic14
- ecotypic17
- ecstatic12
- ectosarc12
- ecumenic14
- egoistic11
- electric12
- elenchic15
- elenctic12
- elliptic12
- empathic17
- emphatic17
- empyemic19
- enchoric15
- enclitic12
- encyclic17
- endermic13
- endosarc11
- endozoic20
- enneadic11
- entastic10
- enthetic13
- entozoic19
- entropic12
- enuretic10
- enzootic19
- eolithic13
- epibolic14
- epidemic15
- epidotic13
- epigenic13
- epigonic13
- epimeric14
- episodic13
- epitaxic19
- epitomic14
- eponymic17
- eremitic12
- ergastic11
- erogenic11
- esoteric10
- esthetic13
- eucritic12
- eupeptic14
- euphenic15
- euphonic15
- euphoric15
- euphotic15
- eupnoeic12
- eustatic10
- eutectic12
- exegetic18
- exocytic22
- exoergic18
- exogamic20
- exoteric17
- exotoxic24
- faradaic14
- febrific18
- felsitic13
- ferritic13
- fibrotic15
- forensic13
- frenetic13
- fulminic15
- gabbroic15
- galactic13
- galvanic14
- geodesic12
- geodetic12
- geologic12
- geoponic13
- germanic13
- gerontic11
- gigantic12
- glucinic13
- glucosic13
- glyceric16
- glycolic16
- glyconic16
- gneissic11
- gnomonic13
- granitic11
- hadronic14
- haematic15
- haggadic16
- halachic18
- halakhic20
- haptenic15
- harmonic15
- heraldic14
- hermetic15
- hermitic15
- herpetic15
- hetaeric13
- hidrotic14
- hieratic13
- historic13
- holistic13
- holozoic22
- homeotic15
- hoplitic15
- hormonic15
- horrific16
- hydronic17
- hydropic19
- hygienic17
- hylozoic25
- hyphenic21
- hypnotic18
- hypothec21
- hysteric16
- ichthyic21
- isagogic12
- isatinic10
- ischemic17
- isobaric12
- isogenic11
- isogonic11
- isomeric12
- isonomic12
- isotonic10
- isotopic12
- isotypic15
- isozymic24
- jesuitic17
- jurassic17
- juristic17
- kaolinic14
- kathodic18
- kismetic16
- klephtic19
- kyphotic22
- lactonic12
- leprotic12
- leptonic12
- leucemic14
- leucitic12
- leukemic16
- leukotic14
- lignitic11
- limnetic12
- lithemic15
- liturgic11
- logistic11
- lordotic11
- maenadic13
- magmatic15
- magnesic13
- magnetic13
- magnific16
- maieutic12
- majestic19
- mandalic13
- manganic13
- mannitic12
- marasmic14
- margaric13
- marlitic12
- mastitic12
- mechanic17
- medallic13
- mellific15
- mephitic17
- mercuric14
- meristic12
- mesmeric14
- mesozoic21
- metallic12
- metazoic21
- meteoric12
- methodic16
- methylic18
- microbic16
- minidisc13
- mnemonic14
- molybdic18
- monastic12
- monistic12
- morainic12
- morbific17
- myelinic15
- myogenic16
- myologic16
- myotonic15
- narcotic12
- necrotic12
- nektonic14
- neologic11
- neotenic10
- neoteric10
- neumatic12
- neuritic10
- neuronic10
- neurotic10
- nickelic16
- nirvanic13
- nitrolic10
- nomistic12
- nonbasic12
- nonionic10
- nonlyric13
- nonmusic12
- nonohmic15
- nontonic10
- nontoxic17
- nuclidic13
- olefinic13
- olivinic13
- oophytic18
- oosporic12
- operatic12
- orchitic15
- orgasmic13
- orgastic11
- ornithic13
- orogenic11
- orthotic13
- osteitic10
- ototoxic17
- oxidasic18
- oxygenic21
- oxytocic22
- pachalic17
- palladic13
- pandemic15
- panoptic14
- papistic14
- paranoic12
- parhelic15
- parsonic12
- pashalic15
- pathetic15
- pedantic13
- pentomic14
- peptidic15
- peptonic14
- periodic13
- periotic12
- perisarc12
- perlitic12
- petrolic12
- phenetic15
- phenolic15
- phenylic18
- phimotic17
- phonemic17
- phonetic15
- photonic15
- photopic17
- phratric15
- phreatic15
- phthalic18
- phthisic18
- phyletic18
- phytonic18
- picritic14
- platinic12
- platonic12
- plutonic12
- podagric14
- podsolic13
- podzolic22
- pollinic12
- polyenic15
- polyuric15
- polyzoic24
- pontific15
- poplitic14
- postsync15
- potassic12
- prelatic12
- premedic15
- prolific15
- propylic17
- prosodic13
- protatic12
- protonic12
- proxemic21
- pruritic12
- psilotic12
- pulmonic14
- punditic13
- puristic12
- purpuric14
- pycnotic17
- pyelitic15
- pyknotic19
- pyogenic16
- pyrrolic15
- pythonic18
- quidnunc20
- quixotic26
- rabbinic14
- rabietic12
- rachitic15
- reaginic11
- republic14
- rhematic15
- rhetoric13
- rhizomic24
- rhythmic21
- romantic12
- ruthenic13
- sabbatic14
- saccadic15
- sachemic17
- sadistic11
- salvific16
- sandarac11
- santalic10
- sapremic14
- saprobic14
- sardonic11
- scotopic14
- semantic12
- semiotic12
- seraphic15
- sermonic12
- shamanic15
- sibyllic15
- simoniac12
- siphonic15
- slivovic16
- sonantic10
- spagyric16
- specific17
- sphygmic21
- spondaic13
- sporadic13
- stanzaic19
- stenotic10
- stolonic10
- stomatic12
- strontic10
- strophic15
- stylitic13
- suboptic14
- subpubic16
- subsonic12
- subtonic12
- subtopic14
- subtunic12
- succinic14
- sulfitic13
- sulfonic13
- sulfuric13
- sultanic10
- syenitic13
- syllabic15
- sylvatic16
- symbolic17
- synaptic15
- syncopic17
- syndetic14
- synectic15
- synergic14
- syngamic16
- syngenic14
- synoptic15
- syntonic13
- systemic15
- systolic13
- tagmemic15
- talmudic13
- tantalic10
- tartaric10
- tectonic12
- tektitic14
- telestic10
- telluric10
- telsonic10
- tenesmic12
- termitic12
- terpenic12
- terrific13
- tetradic11
- thalamic15
- theatric13
- theistic13
- thematic15
- theurgic14
- thoracic15
- toreutic10
- tornadic11
- toxaemic19
- triassic10
- tribadic13
- tribasic12
- trictrac12
- trimeric12
- tripodic13
- trisemic12
- trisomic12
- trochaic15
- truistic10
- tsunamic12
- tungstic11
- turmeric12
- tympanic17
- typhonic18
- tyrannic13
- unacidic13
- unerotic10
- unexotic17
- unheroic13
- unironic10
- unpoetic12
- uralitic10
- uranitic10
- uranylic13
- ureteric10
- urinemic12
- urologic11
- vampiric17
- vandalic14
- vanillic13
- veristic13
- vibronic15
- villatic13
- volcanic15
- vulcanic15
- ytterbic15
- zeolitic19
- zirconic21
- zoogenic20
- zoologic20
- zoonotic19
- zootomic21
7 Letter Words That End in C
- abiotic11
- aboulic11
- acerbic13
- aclinic11
- acmatic13
- acronic11
- acrotic11
- acrylic14
- actinic11
- acyclic16
- aerobic11
- agapeic12
- aggadic12
- agnatic10
- agravic13
- albinic11
- albitic11
- alembic13
- alkalic13
- alkylic16
- allelic9
- allylic12
- almanac11
- aloetic9
- ammonic13
- amnesic11
- amoebic13
- anaemic11
- anergic10
- angelic10
- anionic9
- anosmic11
- aphasic14
- aphetic14
- aphonic14
- aphotic14
- aplitic11
- apnoeic11
- apogeic12
- apraxic18
- aprotic11
- aquatic18
- archaic14
- argotic10
- arkosic13
- arsenic9
- ascetic11
- ascitic11
- aseptic11
- astatic9
- atactic11
- atresic9
- atretic9
- augitic10
- auxetic16
- auxinic16
- aviatic12
- avionic12
- bacchic18
- baldric12
- barytic14
- basilic11
- bawdric15
- benefic14
- benthic14
- benzoic20
- bibasic13
- biontic11
- biopsic13
- bioptic13
- bivouac14
- boracic13
- boronic11
- bosonic11
- botanic11
- bubonic13
- bucolic13
- bulimic13
- butyric14
- caloric11
- cambric15
- canonic11
- canopic13
- cardiac12
- caustic11
- centric11
- ceramic13
- cerotic11
- champac18
- chaotic14
- chasmic16
- chloric14
- choreic14
- chromic16
- chronic14
- classic11
- clastic11
- coeliac11
- colitic11
- colonic11
- comatic13
- comedic14
- cometic13
- cryonic14
- cryptic16
- daturic10
- deictic12
- deistic10
- delphic15
- deltaic10
- demonic12
- demotic12
- deontic10
- dharmic15
- dibasic12
- dimeric12
- dineric10
- diploic12
- dipodic13
- disomic12
- docetic12
- drastic10
- druidic11
- dryadic14
- dunitic10
- dynamic15
- dysuric13
- ecbolic13
- ectatic11
- ectopic13
- edaphic15
- eidetic10
- eidolic10
- eirenic9
- ekistic13
- elastic9
- elegiac10
- embolic13
- empiric13
- endemic12
- enteric9
- entopic11
- enzymic23
- eosinic9
- epeiric11
- ephebic16
- epigeic12
- epizoic20
- erethic12
- ergodic11
- ergotic10
- eristic9
- erratic9
- etheric12
- ethylic15
- eugenic10
- eupneic11
- exosmic18
- fanatic12
- faradic13
- fatidic13
- fjordic20
- flueric12
- fluidic13
- fluoric12
- frantic12
- fumaric14
- futharc15
- futhorc15
- galenic10
- gametic12
- gastric10
- generic10
- genetic10
- genomic12
- georgic11
- glottic10
- glyphic18
- glyptic15
- gnathic13
- gnostic10
- gonadic11
- gonidic11
- graphic15
- gynecic15
- hagadic14
- halakic16
- hebetic14
- hedonic13
- hematic14
- hepatic14
- heretic12
- hexadic20
- hexylic22
- homeric14
- hyaenic15
- hypoxic24
- icteric11
- identic10
- idiotic10
- idyllic13
- illitic9
- illogic10
- isthmic14
- jaditic17
- jalapic18
- juridic17
- karstic13
- kenotic13
- keramic15
- ketonic13
- ketotic13
- kinesic13
- kinetic13
- laconic11
- lexemic18
- lipidic12
- litotic9
- lunatic9
- malefic14
- mantric11
- masonic11
- medevac15
- medivac15
- meiotic11
- melanic11
- melodic12
- meropic13
- mesonic11
- metopic13
- miasmic13
- mimetic13
- mitotic11
- mollusc11
- monadic12
- monodic12
- moronic11
- morphic16
- motific14
- motivic14
- motoric11
- muntjac18
- myalgic15
- mycotic16
- myrrhic17
- nematic11
- nephric14
- nepotic11
- neritic9
- neustic9
- nomadic12
- noritic9
- numeric11
- obconic13
- oceanic11
- octadic12
- oghamic15
- omnific14
- oneiric9
- oolitic9
- oologic10
- ophitic14
- opsonic11
- orectic11
- organic10
- osmatic11
- osmotic11
- ossific12
- otalgic10
- pacific16
- paretic11
- parodic12
- parotic11
- pelagic12
- pelitic11
- peloric11
- phallic14
- phrenic14
- piratic11
- plasmic13
- plastic11
- pleonic11
- plumbic15
- poditic12
- polemic13
- politic11
- postdoc12
- potamic13
- practic13
- priapic13
- prosaic11
- prussic11
- psalmic13
- psoatic11
- psychic19
- puranic11
- pyaemic16
- pyloric14
- pyretic14
- pyrexic21
- pyridic15
- pyritic14
- pyrrhic17
- quadric19
- quantic18
- quartic18
- quintic18
- racemic13
- rheumic14
- rhombic16
- robotic11
- rubidic12
- sapphic16
- satanic9
- satiric9
- satyric12
- scaldic12
- scandic12
- sceptic13
- sciatic11
- sebacic13
- sebasic11
- seismic11
- selenic9
- sematic11
- sememic13
- shellac12
- shoepac14
- sibylic14
- silicic11
- skaldic14
- skeptic15
- smectic13
- somatic11
- somitic11
- soritic9
- spastic11
- spathic14
- spermic13
- sphenic14
- spheric14
- splenic11
- stannic9
- stearic9
- sthenic12
- stichic14
- strobic11
- styptic14
- suberic11
- subfusc14
- sylphic17
- synodic13
- tabetic11
- tantric9
- taxemic18
- taxitic16
- technic14
- telomic11
- terebic11
- tetanic9
- thallic12
- theriac12
- thermic14
- thiolic12
- thionic12
- titanic9
- tonemic11
- tonetic9
- totemic11
- toxemic18
- traffic15
- triadic10
- trismic11
- trophic14
- tryptic14
- tyronic12
- umbonic13
- uncomic13
- uraemic11
- uveitic12
- valeric12
- vanadic13
- venatic12
- veridic13
- vinylic15
- viremic14
- vivific18
- vocalic14
- voltaic12
- xanthic19
- xerotic16
- yashmac17
- zebraic20
- zygotic22
- zymotic23
6 Letter Words That End in C
- abulic10
- acetic10
- acidic11
- acinic10
- adipic11
- aeonic8
- agamic11
- agaric9
- agonic9
- alcaic10
- amebic12
- amidic11
- aminic10
- amtrac10
- amylic13
- anemic10
- anisic8
- anodic9
- anomic10
- anoxic15
- anuric8
- aortic8
- apneic10
- arabic10
- arctic10
- atavic11
- ataxic15
- atelic8
- atomic10
- atonic8
- atopic10
- atypic13
- axenic15
- axonic15
- azonic17
- azotic17
- bardic11
- beylic13
- bionic10
- biopic12
- biotic10
- bonduc11
- bromic12
- bustic10
- cadmic13
- calcic12
- calpac12
- cantic10
- capric12
- caseic10
- celiac10
- chebec15
- chemic15
- choric13
- chymic18
- citric10
- cleric10
- clinic10
- clitic10
- clonic10
- coccic14
- cognac11
- corsac10
- cosmic12
- cretic10
- crisic10
- critic10
- cultic10
- cupric12
- cyanic13
- cyclic15
- cystic13
- deific12
- deltic9
- dermic11
- dezinc18
- dyadic13
- ecesic10
- echoic13
- edenic9
- emetic10
- enatic8
- enolic8
- ethnic11
- exilic15
- exonic15
- exotic15
- fabric13
- fanfic14
- felsic11
- fennec11
- ferric11
- filmic13
- fistic11
- formic13
- frolic11
- fundic12
- fungic12
- fustic11
- gallic9
- galyac12
- garlic9
- geodic10
- gestic9
- gnomic11
- gothic12
- guaiac9
- gweduc13
- haemic13
- haptic13
- hectic13
- heliac11
- herdic12
- heroic11
- holmic13
- hydric15
- hyenic14
- hypnic16
- iambic12
- iatric8
- iconic10
- imidic11
- ipecac12
- irenic8
- iridic9
- iritic8
- ironic8
- italic8
- kalpac14
- kaonic12
- karmic14
- lactic10
- lentic8
- limbic12
- limnic10
- lithic11
- lubric10
- luetic8
- maniac10
- manioc10
- mantic10
- mastic10
- metric10
- miotic10
- mosaic10
- mucluc12
- muonic10
- myopic15
- myotic13
- mystic13
- mythic16
- nastic8
- neumic10
- niobic10
- nitric8
- noetic8
- nordic9
- nostoc8
- oomiac10
- orgiac9
- orphic13
- otitic8
- ovisac11
- ovonic11
- oxalic15
- oxidic16
- ozonic17
- parsec10
- pectic12
- pelvic13
- peptic12
- phasic13
- phatic13
- phobic15
- phonic13
- photic13
- phylic16
- physic16
- pianic10
- picnic12
- picric12
- pionic10
- poetic10
- ptotic10
- public12
- pyemic15
- pyknic17
- quinic17
- rhodic12
- rhotic11
- ricrac10
- rubric10
- rustic8
- scenic10
- septic10
- sialic8
- sorbic10
- static8
- stelic8
- steric8
- syndic12
- tactic10
- tambac12
- tannic8
- tanrec8
- tarmac10
- tenrec8
- terbic10
- thetic11
- thoric11
- thymic16
- tictac10
- tictoc10
- toluic8
- tombac12
- tragic9
- tropic10
- unchic13
- unific11
- uranic8
- uratic8
- uremic10
- uretic8
- viatic11
- vitric11
- yttric11
- zincic19
- zodiac18
5 Letter Words That End in C
- acmic11
- adunc8
- amnic9
- antic7
- areic7
- asdic8
- aspic9
- attic7
- aulic7
- auric7
- azoic16
- baric9
- basic9
- boric9
- bronc9
- ceric9
- civic12
- codec10
- colic9
- comic11
- conic9
- cosec9
- cubic11
- cusec9
- cynic12
- daric8
- demic10
- domic10
- duroc8
- ethic10
- folic10
- franc10
- gamic10
- genic8
- havoc13
- hemic12
- humic12
- ictic9
- ileac7
- iliac7
- iodic8
- ionic7
- lilac7
- linac7
- logic8
- lotic7
- ludic8
- lyric10
- lytic10
- mafic12
- magic10
- malic9
- manic9
- medic10
- melic9
- mesic9
- mimic11
- music9
- naric7
- ohmic12
- oleic7
- ontic7
- optic9
- orgic8
- osmic9
- panic9
- pubic11
- pudic10
- pyric12
- rabic9
- rebec9
- relic7
- runic7
- salic7
- sepic9
- serac7
- sodic8
- sonic7
- stoic7
- sumac9
- taroc7
- telic7
- tonic7
- topic9
- toric7
- toxic14
- triac7
- tunic7
- typic12
- umiac9
- ureic7
- vatic10
- vinic10
- xebec16
- xenic14
- xeric14
- yogic11
- yonic10
- zebec18
FAQ on words ending with C
What are the best Scrabble words ending with C?
The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with C is Quixotic, which is worth at least 26 points without any bonuses. The next best word ending with C is pyrexic, which is worth 21 points. Other high score words ending with C are zymotic (23), enzymic (23), hexylic (22), hypoxic (24), benzoic (20), zebraic (20), fjordic (20), and epizoic (20).
How many words end in C?
There are 1,388 words that end with C in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 620 are 8 letter words, 395 are 7 letter words, 228 are 6 letter words, 99 are 5 letter words, 27 are 4 letter words, and 19 are 3 letter words.
How many two letter words end with C?
There are no two letter Scrabble words that end with C.