Is petroleum a Scrabble word?
Yes, petroleum is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 13 points in Scrabble, and 17 points in Words with Friends
Petroleum is a valid Scrabble word.
Petroleum is a word starting with p ending with m. Check our list of words starting with p ending with m.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word petroleum
The meaning of petroleum
1 definition of the word petroleum.
- A dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in petroleum?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
4 Letter Words
- emeu6
- euro4
- leer4
- leet4
- lept6
- lope6
- lore4
- loup6
- lour4
- lout4
- lump8
- lure4
- lute4
- meet6
- melt6
- meou6
- mere6
- merl6
- mete6
- mole6
- molt6
- mope8
- more6
- mort6
- mote6
- moue6
- mule6
- mure6
- mute6
- omer6
- orle4
- peel6
- peer6
- pele6
- pelt6
- pere6
- perm8
- pert6
- plot6
- plum8
- poem8
- poet6
- pole6
- pome8
- pore6
- port6
- pour6
- pout6
- pree6
- prom8
- pule6
- pure6
- purl6
- reel4
- repo6
- rete4
- role4
- romp8
- rope6
- rote4
- rotl4
- roue4
- roup6
- rout4
- rule4
- rump8
- teel4
- teem6
- tele4
- temp8
- term6
- tole4
- tolu4
- tome6
- tope6
- tore4
- tour4
- tree4
- trop6
- true4
- tule4
- tump8
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to petroleum:
Unscramble the letters in petroleum
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'petroleum'.
- S: petroleums