Words With Ant In Them | 2,278 Scrabble Words With Ant
We’ve put together a list of 2,278 words that contain the letters "Ant" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends.
We’ve organized this list by starting with the highest scoring Scrabble words, and then by the number of letters that the word has. Use the Table Of Contents below to navigate to the exact word lists you’re looking for.
Whether you’re playing Wordle, Scrabble, or any word game like it, Wordfind can help you get ahead of the pack and win game after game.
Ant is a playable Scrabble Word!
The highest scoring words with Ant
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with ant, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words with Ant | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
quanted | 17 | 19 |
antefix | 17 | 18 |
bezants | 18 | 20 |
piquant | 18 | 21 |
quantic | 18 | 21 |
xanthic | 19 | 20 |
bezzant | 27 | 29 |
byzants | 21 | 22 |
quantum | 18 | 22 |
xanthin | 17 | 18 |
2,278 Scrabble words that contain Ant
11 Letter Words With Ant
- accelerants15
- accordantly19
- accountants15
- adulterants12
- advantaging17
- ailanthuses14
- allantoides12
- alloantigen12
- amantadines14
- amaranthine16
- amianthuses16
- antagonisms14
- antagonists12
- antagonized22
- antagonizes21
- antalkalies15
- antecedence16
- antecedents14
- antecessors13
- antechamber20
- antechapels18
- antenatally14
- antenuptial13
- antependium16
- antepenults13
- anteverting15
- antheridial15
- antheridium17
- anthocyanin19
- anthologies15
- anthologist15
- anthologize24
- anthracenes16
- anthracites16
- anthracitic18
- anthracnose16
- anthropical18
- anthropoids17
- antialcohol16
- antianxiety21
- antibiotics15
- antiboycott18
- antiburglar14
- antichoicer18
- anticipants15
- anticipated16
- anticipates15
- anticipator15
- anticruelty16
- anticyclone18
- antidotally15
- antidumping17
- antielitism13
- antielitist11
- antiemetics15
- antifascism18
- antifascist16
- antifashion17
- antifatigue15
- antifoaming17
- antifogging17
- antiforeign15
- antifouling15
- antifreezes23
- antifungals15
- antigravity18
- antihelices16
- antihelixes21
- antiheroine14
- antihunting15
- antijamming23
- antileprosy16
- antiliberal13
- antilogical14
- antimalaria13
- antimatters13
- antimissile13
- antimitotic15
- antimonials13
- antimonides14
- antimusical15
- antinatural11
- antineutron11
- antinomians13
- antinuclear13
- antinucleon13
- antiobesity16
- antioxidant19
- antiozonant20
- antiparties13
- antipathies16
- antiphonals16
- antiphonary19
- antiphonies16
- antiphrases16
- antiphrasis16
- antipodeans14
- antipopular15
- antipoverty19
- antiprotons13
- antipyretic18
- antipyrines16
- antiquarian20
- antiquaries20
- antiquating21
- antiquation20
- antiquities20
- antiracisms15
- antiracists13
- antiradical14
- antirealism13
- antirealist11
- antirrhinum16
- antiscience15
- antisecrecy18
- antiseizure20
- antiseptics15
- antisexists18
- antislavery17
- antismokers17
- antismoking18
- antistories11
- antistrophe16
- antistudent12
- antisubsidy17
- antisuicide14
- antitarnish14
- antithyroid18
- antitobacco17
- antitruster11
- antitumoral13
- antitussive14
- antityphoid20
- antiviruses14
- antivitamin16
- antiwelfare17
- antiwhaling18
- antiwrinkle18
- antonomasia13
- antsinesses11
- appurtenant15
- ascendantly17
- attractants13
- banteringly17
- benignantly17
- brigantines14
- brilliantly16
- cantaloupes15
- cantatrices15
- cantharides17
- cantharidin17
- canthitises16
- cantilevers16
- cantillated14
- cantillates13
- cantonments15
- chanterelle16
- chanticleer18
- clairvoyant19
- codefendant18
- codominants16
- coelacanths18
- cohabitants18
- commandants18
- communicant19
- complainant17
- complaisant17
- compliantly20
- concomitant17
- confidantes17
- conflagrant17
- congregants15
- consonantal13
- consonantly16
- constantans13
- consultants13
- contaminant15
- contestants13
- continuants13
- convulsants16
- corroborant15
- covenantees16
- covenanters16
- covenanting17
- covenantors16
- decantation14
- denaturants12
- depressants14
- descendants15
- determinant14
- detoxicants21
- dilettantes12
- discussants14
- disenchants17
- dismantling15
- dispersants14
- displanting15
- disquantity24
- dissonantly15
- distantness12
- elephantine16
- enantiomers13
- enchantment18
- enchantress16
- equidistant21
- equilibrant22
- euphoriants16
- exanthemata23
- expectantly25
- expectorant22
- extravagant22
- exuberantly23
- fantabulous16
- fantasising15
- fantasizers23
- fantasizing24
- fantastical16
- fantasyland18
- flagellants15
- flamboyants21
- flocculants18
- frantically19
- franticness16
- fucoxanthin26
- galavanting16
- galivanting16
- gallantries12
- gallivanted16
- geanticline14
- gesticulant14
- gigantesque22
- guarantying16
- hierophants19
- houseplants16
- illuminants13
- implantable17
- importantly18
- impregnants16
- incantation13
- incantatory16
- incessantly16
- incognizant23
- incompliant17
- inconsonant13
- indignantly16
- inelegantly15
- infanticide17
- infantilism16
- infantility17
- infantilize23
- infantryman19
- infantrymen19
- inhabitants16
- inobservant16
- instantiate11
- instantness11
- interactant13
- interplants13
- intoxicants20
- intriguants12
- isoantibody17
- isoantigens12
- itinerantly14
- lanthanides15
- lieutenants11
- luxuriantly21
- lycanthropy24
- maidservant17
- malignantly17
- manifestant16
- mantelpiece17
- mantelshelf19
- matriculant15
- menservants16
- merchanting19
- merchantman20
- merchantmen20
- ministrants13
- misanthrope18
- misanthropy21
- misplanting16
- necromantic17
- nonconstant13
- nondominant14
- nonirritant11
- nonmilitant13
- nonpregnant14
- nonrelevant14
- nonresonant11
- nonruminant13
- obscurantic17
- observantly19
- overmantels16
- overplanted17
- pageantries14
- pantalettes13
- pantdresses14
- pantheistic18
- pantographs19
- pantomiming18
- pantomimist17
- pantropical17
- pantywaists19
- participant17
- peasantries13
- phantasmata18
- phantasying20
- phantomlike22
- piquantness22
- plainchants18
- plantations13
- plantigrade15
- plantocracy20
- pleasantest13
- pococurante17
- portmanteau15
- precipitant17
- predominant16
- preplanting16
- preromantic17
- propellants15
- protectants15
- protestants13
- protuberant15
- pursuivants16
- pyracanthas21
- quantifiers23
- quantifying27
- quantitated21
- quantitates20
- quarantined21
- quarantines20
- recantation13
- recombinant17
- redundantly16
- refrigerant15
- registrants12
- reimplanted16
- reluctantly16
- remonstrant13
- repentantly16
- repugnantly17
- restaurants11
- resultantly14
- retreatants11
- reverberant16
- romanticise15
- romanticism17
- romanticist15
- romanticize24
- scantnesses13
- scintillant13
- semanticist15
- sergeanties12
- serjeanties18
- servanthood18
- servantless14
- shantytowns20
- significant17
- solicitants13
- subdominant16
- submediants16
- substantial13
- substantive16
- supergiants14
- supernatant13
- supplanters15
- supplanting16
- suppliantly18
- supplicants17
- suppressant15
- surfactants16
- surveillant14
- sycophantic23
- sycophantly24
- tantalising12
- tantalizers20
- tantalizing21
- tarantellas11
- topgallants14
- tragacanths17
- transhumant16
- transplants13
- trenchantly19
- trochanters16
- unbrilliant13
- undertenant12
- unenchanted17
- ungallantly15
- unimportant15
- unreluctant13
- unrepentant13
- unresistant11
- unwarranted15
- valiantness14
- vigilantism17
- warrantable16
- warrantably19
- warrantless14
- warrantying18
- xanthophyll29
- zoantharian23
10 Letter Words With Ant
- aberrantly15
- absorbants14
- abundantly16
- acanthuses15
- accelerant14
- accountant14
- adamantine13
- adulterant11
- advantaged16
- advantages15
- affirmants18
- agapanthus16
- allantoids11
- allantoins10
- allegiants11
- alleviants13
- alternants10
- amantadine13
- amiantuses12
- andantinos11
- annuitants10
- anovulants13
- antagonism13
- antagonist11
- antagonize20
- antalkalis14
- antebellum14
- antecedent13
- anteceding14
- antecessor12
- antechapel17
- antechoirs15
- antedating12
- antemortem14
- antennular10
- antennules10
- antependia13
- antepenult12
- anteriorly13
- anteverted14
- anthelices15
- anthelions13
- anthelixes20
- antheridia14
- anthocyans18
- anthozoans22
- anthracene15
- anthracite15
- anthropoid16
- anthuriums15
- antianemia12
- antiasthma15
- antiauxins17
- antibioses12
- antibiosis12
- antibiotic14
- antibodies13
- antibusers12
- antibusing13
- anticaking17
- anticancer14
- anticaries12
- antichlors15
- antichoice17
- antichurch20
- anticipant14
- anticipate14
- anticlimax21
- anticlinal12
- anticlines12
- anticodons13
- antidoting12
- antidromic15
- antielites10
- antiemetic14
- antierotic12
- antifamily18
- antifemale15
- antifreeze22
- antifungal14
- antigrowth17
- antiheroes13
- antiheroic15
- antiherpes15
- antihijack26
- antihunter13
- antiknocks20
- antilifers13
- antilitter10
- antilogies11
- antimarket16
- antimatter12
- antimerger13
- antimodern13
- antimonial12
- antimonide13
- antimonies12
- antimonyls15
- antimusics14
- antimycins17
- antinature10
- antinausea10
- antinomian12
- antinomies12
- antinovels13
- antinukers14
- antipastos12
- antiphonal15
- antipiracy17
- antiplague13
- antiplaque21
- antipodals13
- antipodean13
- antipoetic14
- antipolice14
- antiproton12
- antipyrine15
- antiquarks23
- antiquated20
- antiquates19
- antirabies12
- antiracism14
- antiracist12
- antiradars11
- antireform15
- antisepses12
- antisepsis12
- antiseptic14
- antiserums12
- antisexist17
- antisexual17
- antishocks19
- antismoker16
- antisocial12
- antistatic12
- antistress10
- antistrike14
- antistyles13
- antitheses13
- antithesis13
- antithetic15
- antitoxins17
- antitrades11
- antitragus11
- antitumors12
- antivenins13
- antivenoms15
- antonymies15
- antonymous15
- appellants14
- appendants15
- applicants16
- arrestants10
- arrogantly14
- ascendants13
- assailants10
- assistants10
- assonantal10
- attendants11
- attestants10
- attractant12
- bacchantes19
- brigantine13
- brilliants12
- cantabiles14
- cantaloupe14
- cantaloups14
- cantatrice14
- cantatrici14
- cantilenas12
- cantilever15
- cantillate12
- cantonment14
- cauterants12
- celebrants14
- chanteuses15
- chatoyants18
- clinquants21
- coagulants13
- codominant15
- coelacanth17
- cohabitant17
- combatants16
- commandant17
- concordant15
- confidante16
- confidants16
- congregant14
- conjugants20
- consonants12
- constantan12
- constantly15
- consultant12
- contestant12
- continuant12
- conversant15
- convulsant15
- cormorants14
- corposants14
- corybantes17
- corybantic19
- courantoes12
- covenantal15
- covenanted16
- covenantee15
- covenanter15
- covenantor15
- croissants12
- debutantes13
- declarants13
- defendants15
- defoliants14
- demandants14
- demantoids14
- denaturant11
- deodorants12
- dependants14
- depressant13
- descanters13
- descanting14
- descendant14
- desiccants15
- detoxicant20
- dianthuses14
- dilettante11
- dilettanti11
- discanting14
- discordant14
- discrepant15
- discussant13
- disenchant16
- dismantled14
- dismantles13
- dispersant13
- displanted14
- disputants13
- dominantly16
- eglantines11
- enantiomer12
- enchanters15
- enchanting16
- epicanthus17
- eradicants13
- errantries10
- euphoriant15
- examinants19
- exanthemas22
- executants19
- exfoliants20
- exorbitant19
- expectants21
- expellants19
- explanting20
- exultantly20
- fabricants17
- fantasised14
- fantasises13
- fantasists13
- fantasized23
- fantasizer22
- fantasizes22
- fantastico15
- fantastics15
- fantasying17
- fantoccini17
- flagellant14
- flagrantly17
- flamboyant20
- flippantly20
- flocculant17
- fragrantly17
- galantines11
- galavanted15
- galivanted15
- gallanting12
- gallivants14
- gantelopes13
- gantleting12
- gargantuan12
- gargantuas12
- giantesses11
- gigantisms14
- guaranteed12
- guarantees11
- guarantied12
- guaranties11
- guarantors11
- hamantasch20
- hantavirus16
- hesitantly16
- hierophant18
- houseplant15
- humectants17
- hypanthium23
- ignorantly14
- illuminant12
- immigrants15
- implanters14
- implanting15
- impregnant15
- impuissant14
- incogitant13
- inconstant12
- inebriants12
- infantries13
- infestants13
- informants15
- inhabitant15
- injectants19
- inoculants12
- insouciant12
- integrants11
- intendants11
- interplant12
- intolerant10
- intoxicant19
- intrigants11
- intriguant11
- invariants13
- irrelevant13
- isoantigen11
- itinerants10
- jubilantly22
- lanthanide14
- lanthanons13
- lanthanums15
- leadplants13
- levantines13
- libellants12
- lieutenant10
- lubricants14
- manservant15
- manticores14
- mendicants15
- mercantile14
- merchanted18
- militantly15
- ministrant12
- miscreants14
- mishanters15
- misplanted15
- mordanting14
- multiplant14
- negotiants11
- nonchalant15
- nondeviant14
- nondormant13
- nonmigrant13
- nonmutants12
- obeisantly15
- obscurants14
- observants15
- officiants18
- overmantel15
- overplants15
- pantalones12
- pantaloons12
- pantheisms17
- pantheists15
- pantoffles18
- pantograph18
- pantomimed17
- pantomimes16
- pantomimic18
- pantsuited13
- pantywaist18
- pedantries13
- penetrants12
- petulantly15
- phantasied16
- phantasies15
- phantasmal17
- phantasmic19
- plainchant17
- plantation12
- pleasanter12
- pleasantly15
- pleasantry15
- pliantness12
- poignantly16
- pollutants12
- polyanthas18
- polyanthus18
- postulants12
- predicants15
- pregnantly16
- propellant14
- protectant14
- protestant12
- pursuivant15
- pustulants12
- pyracantha20
- quadrantal20
- quadrantes20
- quantified23
- quantifier22
- quantifies22
- quantitate19
- quantities19
- quantizers28
- quantizing29
- quarantine19
- reductants13
- reentrants10
- registrant11
- regranting12
- reimplants14
- relevantly16
- remontants12
- repellants12
- replanting13
- resemblant14
- resistants10
- resonantly13
- restaurant10
- resultants10
- retardants11
- retreatant10
- revertants13
- ruminantly15
- santolinas10
- santonicas12
- scantiness12
- scantlings13
- segregants12
- semantemes14
- semantical14
- shantytown19
- sibilantly15
- slantingly14
- solicitant12
- sovranties13
- stagnantly14
- sterilants10
- stimulants12
- submediant15
- subtenants12
- supergiant13
- supplanted15
- supplanter14
- suppliants14
- supplicant16
- surfactant15
- sweatpants15
- sycophants20
- tantalates10
- tantalised11
- tantalises10
- tantalites10
- tantalized20
- tantalizer19
- tantalizes19
- tantaluses10
- tantamount12
- tarantases10
- tarantella10
- tarantisms12
- tarantists10
- tarantulae10
- tarantulas10
- tenantable12
- tenantless10
- tenantries10
- termagants13
- tolerantly13
- topgallant13
- tragacanth16
- transplant12
- triumphant17
- trochanter15
- truantries10
- unarrogant11
- underpants13
- unpedantic15
- unpleasant12
- unpregnant13
- unromantic14
- untenanted11
- vacantness15
- vicariants15
- vigilantes14
- vigilantly17
- vociferant18
- wantonness13
- warrantees13
- warranters13
- warrantied14
- warranties13
- warranting14
- warrantors13
- xanthomata22
9 Letter Words With Ant
- aberrants11
- abradants12
- absorbant13
- acanthine14
- acanthoid15
- acanthous14
- acceptant15
- accordant14
- accusants13
- adamantly15
- adjutants17
- adjuvants20
- advantage14
- affirmant17
- ailanthic14
- ailanthus12
- allantoic11
- allantoid10
- allantoin9
- allantois9
- allegiant10
- alleviant12
- alterants9
- alternant9
- amaranths14
- amianthus14
- andantini10
- andantino10
- annuitant9
- anovulant12
- antalgics12
- antalkali13
- antarctic13
- anteaters9
- anteceded13
- antecedes12
- antechoir14
- antedated11
- antedates10
- antefixae19
- antefixal19
- antefixes19
- antelopes11
- antenatal9
- antennule9
- antepasts11
- anterooms11
- antetypes14
- anteverts12
- anthelion12
- antheming15
- anthemion14
- antherids13
- anthocyan17
- anthodium15
- anthology16
- anthozoan21
- anthozoic23
- anthraces14
- anthropic16
- anthurium14
- antiabuse11
- antiaging11
- antialien9
- antiarins9
- antiarmor11
- antiatoms11
- antiauxin16
- antiblack17
- antibuser11
- antically14
- antichlor14
- anticivic16
- anticking16
- anticline11
- anticling12
- anticodon12
- anticrack17
- anticrime13
- anticults11
- antidotal10
- antidoted11
- antidotes10
- antidraft13
- antielite9
- antifraud13
- antigenes10
- antigenic12
- antiglare10
- antigraft13
- antihelix19
- antihuman14
- antikings14
- antiknock19
- antilabor11
- antilifer12
- antimacho16
- antimasks15
- antimeres11
- antimeric13
- antimonic13
- antimonyl14
- antimusic13
- antimycin16
- antinodal10
- antinodes10
- antinoise9
- antinomes11
- antinomic13
- antinovel12
- antinuker13
- antinukes13
- antipapal13
- antiparty14
- antipasti11
- antipasto11
- antipathy17
- antiphons14
- antiphony17
- antipodal12
- antipodes12
- antipolar11
- antipoles11
- antipopes13
- antipress11
- antipyics16
- antiquark22
- antiquary21
- antiquate18
- antiquely21
- antiquers18
- antiquing19
- antiquity21
- antiradar10
- antiroyal12
- antirusts9
- antisense9
- antiserum11
- antishark16
- antishock18
- antisleep11
- antismoke15
- antisnobs11
- antisolar9
- antistate9
- antistats9
- antistick15
- antistory12
- antistyle12
- antitheft15
- antitoxic18
- antitoxin16
- antitrade10
- antitragi10
- antitrust9
- antitumor11
- antitypes14
- antitypic16
- antiulcer11
- antiunion9
- antiurban11
- antivenin12
- antivenom14
- antiviral12
- antivirus12
- antiwoman14
- antonymic16
- antsiness9
- appellant13
- appendant14
- applicant15
- arrestant9
- ascendant12
- ashplants14
- aspirants11
- assailant9
- assistant9
- assonants9
- attendant10
- attestant9
- bacchante18
- bacchants18
- banterers11
- bantering12
- bantlings12
- benignant12
- blatantly14
- bouffants17
- brantails11
- brilliant11
- buoyantly17
- byzantine23
- cantabile13
- cantaloup13
- cantering12
- cantharis14
- canthitis14
- canticles13
- cantilena11
- cantoning12
- cantorial11
- cantraips13
- cauterant11
- celebrant13
- chantable16
- chantages15
- chanteuse14
- chantries14
- chatoyant17
- cilantros11
- claimants13
- clamantly16
- clinquant20
- coagulant12
- cognizant21
- colorants11
- combatant15
- compliant15
- confidant15
- conjugant19
- consonant11
- constants11
- corantoes11
- cormorant13
- corposant13
- coruscant13
- corybants16
- cosecants13
- cotenants11
- courantes11
- courantos11
- covariant14
- covenants14
- crepitant13
- croissant11
- culminant13
- debutante12
- debutants12
- decanters12
- decanting13
- declarant12
- defendant14
- defiantly16
- defoliant13
- demandant13
- demantoid13
- deodorant11
- dependant13
- descanted13
- descanter12
- desiccant14
- diamantes12
- dilatants10
- discanted13
- dismantle12
- displants12
- disputant12
- dissonant10
- distantly13
- dominants12
- eggplants13
- eglantine10
- elegantly13
- elephants14
- emigrants12
- enchanted15
- enchanter14
- epicanthi16
- eradicant12
- evacuants14
- examinant18
- exanthema21
- exanthems21
- excitants18
- executant18
- exfoliant19
- exhalants19
- expectant20
- expellant18
- explanted19
- exsecants18
- exuberant18
- fabricant16
- faineants12
- fantailed13
- fantasias12
- fantasied13
- fantasies12
- fantasise12
- fantasist12
- fantasize21
- fantastic14
- figurants13
- fluctuant14
- franticly17
- fulgurant13
- fulminant14
- fumigants15
- galantine10
- galavants13
- galivants13
- gallanted11
- gallantly13
- gallantry13
- gallivant13
- gantelope12
- gantleted11
- gantlines10
- gantlopes12
- gargantua11
- geomantic14
- germinant12
- giantisms12
- giantlike14
- gigantean11
- gigantism13
- grantable12
- grantsman12
- grantsmen12
- grievants13
- guarantee10
- guarantor10
- guardants11
- habitants14
- humectant16
- hydranths19
- hypanthia20
- immigrant14
- impeccant17
- implanted14
- implanter13
- important13
- incanting12
- incessant11
- incitants11
- indicants12
- indignant11
- inebriant11
- inelegant10
- infantile12
- infantine12
- infectant14
- infestant12
- informant14
- inhalants12
- injectant18
- inoculant11
- instanter9
- instantly12
- insulants9
- insurants9
- integrant10
- intendant10
- intrigant10
- invariant12
- irradiant10
- irritants9
- itinerant9
- lanthanon12
- lanthanum14
- lanthorns12
- leadplant12
- levanters12
- levantine12
- levanting13
- libelants11
- libellant11
- litigants10
- lubricant13
- luxuriant16
- malignant12
- mantelets11
- manticore13
- mantillas11
- mantissas11
- mantlings12
- meantimes13
- medicants14
- mendicant14
- merchants16
- militants11
- miscreant13
- mishanter14
- misplants13
- mordanted13
- mordantly15
- nauseants9
- negotiant10
- nictitant11
- nonextant16
- nonmutant11
- nonpliant11
- nonvacant14
- nurturant9
- obscurant13
- observant14
- occupants15
- officiant17
- operantly14
- oppugnant14
- overplant14
- pageantry15
- palpitant13
- pantalets11
- pantalone11
- pantaloon11
- pantdress12
- pantheism16
- pantheist14
- pantheons14
- pantihose14
- pantingly15
- pantoffle17
- pantofles14
- pantomime15
- pantropic15
- pantryman16
- pantrymen16
- pantsuits11
- pantyhose17
- peasantry14
- peccantly18
- penchants16
- pendantly15
- penetrant11
- perianths14
- phantasma16
- phantasms16
- phantasts14
- pheasants14
- pieplants13
- piquantly23
- plantable13
- plantains11
- plantings12
- plantlets11
- plantlike15
- plantsman13
- plantsmen13
- pollutant11
- polyantha17
- polyanthi17
- postulant11
- predicant14
- procreant13
- pustulant11
- quadrants19
- quantally21
- quantiles18
- quantized28
- quantizer27
- quantizes27
- quantongs19
- radiantly13
- rampantly16
- rantingly13
- reactants11
- recanters11
- recanting12
- recreants11
- recusants11
- reductant12
- redundant11
- reentrant9
- regardant11
- regranted11
- reimplant13
- relaxants16
- reliantly12
- reluctant11
- remnantal11
- remontant11
- repellant11
- repentant11
- replanted12
- repugnant12
- resistant9
- resonants9
- resultant9
- retardant10
- retirants9
- revenants12
- revertant12
- roborants11
- romantics13
- ruminants11
- santalols9
- santerias9
- santolina9
- santonica11
- santonins9
- saturants9
- scantiest11
- scantling12
- scantness11
- segregant11
- semanteme13
- semantics13
- sergeants10
- sergeanty13
- serjeants16
- serjeanty19
- setenants9
- shantungs13
- shantyman17
- shantymen17
- sibilants11
- simulants11
- slantways15
- slantwise12
- sonorants9
- sterilant9
- stimulant11
- subtenant11
- supplants13
- suppliant13
- susurrant9
- sycophant19
- tantalate9
- tantalise9
- tantalite9
- tantalize18
- tantalous9
- tantalums11
- tantivies12
- tantrisms11
- tarantism11
- tarantist9
- tarantula9
- tenanting10
- termagant12
- toxicants18
- tremulant11
- trenchant14
- trepidant12
- truanting10
- ungallant10
- unisonant9
- unplanted12
- urticants11
- vacillant14
- vagrantly16
- valiantly15
- verdantly16
- vesicants14
- vibrantly17
- vicariant14
- vigilante13
- visitants12
- wantoners12
- wantoning13
- warranted13
- warrantee12
- warranter12
- warrantor12
- waxplants21
- xanthates19
- xantheins19
- xanthenes19
- xanthines19
- xanthomas21
- xanthones19
8 Letter Words With Ant
- aberrant10
- abradant11
- absonant10
- abundant11
- acanthae13
- acanthus13
- accusant12
- adamants11
- adjutant16
- adjuvant19
- affiants14
- aliquant17
- alterant8
- amaranth13
- ambulant12
- amiantus10
- andantes9
- antacids11
- antalgic11
- antbears10
- anteater8
- antecede11
- antedate9
- antefixa18
- antelope10
- antennae8
- antennal8
- antennas8
- antepast10
- anterior8
- anteroom10
- antetype13
- antevert11
- anthelia11
- anthelix18
- anthemed14
- anthemia13
- anthemic15
- antheral11
- antherid12
- antheses11
- anthesis11
- anthills11
- anthodia12
- antiacne10
- antiarin8
- antiatom10
- antibias10
- antibody14
- antiboss10
- anticity13
- anticked15
- anticold11
- anticult10
- antidora9
- antidote9
- antidrug10
- antifoam13
- antigang10
- antigene9
- antigens9
- antihero11
- antiking13
- antileak12
- antileft11
- antilife11
- antilock14
- antilogs9
- antilogy12
- antimale10
- antimask14
- antimere10
- antimine10
- antimony13
- antinode9
- antinome10
- antinomy13
- antinuke12
- antiphon13
- antipill10
- antipode11
- antipole10
- antipope12
- antipyic15
- antiqued18
- antiquer17
- antiques17
- antirape10
- antiriot8
- antirock14
- antiroll8
- antirust8
- antisera8
- antiship13
- antiskid13
- antislip10
- antismog11
- antismut10
- antisnob10
- antispam12
- antistat8
- antitank12
- antitype13
- antiwear11
- antiweed12
- antlered9
- antlions8
- antonyms13
- antonymy16
- antrorse8
- antsiest8
- arrantly11
- arrogant9
- ashplant13
- aspirant10
- assonant8
- atlantes8
- bacchant17
- bantengs11
- bantered11
- banterer10
- bantling11
- bezzants28
- bouffant16
- brantail10
- callants10
- cantalas10
- cantatas10
- cantdogs12
- canteens10
- cantered11
- canticle12
- cantinas10
- cantonal10
- cantoned11
- cantraip12
- cantraps12
- cantrips12
- chantage14
- chanters13
- chanteys16
- chanties13
- chanting14
- chantors13
- chiantis13
- cilantro10
- claimant12
- colorant10
- constant10
- coolants10
- corantos10
- corybant15
- cosecant12
- cotenant10
- couchant15
- courante10
- couranto10
- courants10
- covenant13
- currants10
- debutant11
- decanted12
- decanter11
- descants11
- deviants12
- diamante11
- dianthus12
- dilatant9
- discants11
- displant11
- dominant11
- eggplant12
- elephant13
- emigrant11
- enchants13
- entrants8
- equitant17
- errantly11
- errantry11
- etchants13
- evacuant13
- exanthem20
- excitant17
- exhalant18
- explants17
- exsecant17
- exultant15
- faineant11
- fantails11
- fantasia11
- fantasie11
- fantasms13
- fantasts11
- figurant12
- flagrant12
- flippant15
- fondants12
- formants13
- fragrant12
- fumigant14
- galavant12
- galivant12
- gallants9
- gantlets9
- gantline9
- gantlope11
- gantries9
- gellants9
- giantess9
- giantism11
- gigantic12
- grantees9
- granters9
- granting10
- grantors9
- grievant12
- guaranty12
- guardant10
- habitant13
- hesitant11
- hydranth18
- hydrants15
- ignorant9
- implants12
- incanted11
- incitant10
- indicant11
- inerrant8
- infantas11
- infantes11
- infantry14
- inhalant11
- instants8
- insulant8
- insurant8
- intrants8
- inundant9
- irritant8
- jubilant17
- kanteles12
- lantanas8
- lanterns8
- lanthorn11
- levanted12
- levanter11
- libelant10
- litigant9
- manteaus10
- manteaux17
- mantelet10
- mantilla10
- mantises10
- mantissa10
- mantlets10
- mantling11
- mantrams12
- mantraps12
- marantas10
- meantime12
- mediants11
- medicant13
- merchant15
- migrants11
- militant10
- misplant12
- mordants11
- natantly11
- nauseant8
- obeisant10
- occupant14
- octantal10
- odorants9
- operants10
- oppilant12
- oscitant10
- osculant10
- oxidants16
- pageants11
- pantalet10
- pantheon13
- panthers13
- pantiled11
- pantiles10
- pantofle13
- pantoums12
- pantries10
- pantsuit10
- parlante10
- peasants10
- pedantic13
- pedantry14
- penchant15
- pendants11
- pennants10
- perianth13
- permeant12
- petulant10
- phantasm15
- phantast13
- phantasy16
- phantoms15
- pheasant13
- pieplant12
- pissants10
- plantain10
- planters10
- planting11
- plantlet10
- pleasant10
- pliantly13
- poignant11
- pregnant11
- preplant12
- puissant10
- pursuant10
- quadrant18
- quantics19
- quantify23
- quantile17
- quanting18
- quantity20
- quantize26
- quantong18
- radiants9
- reactant10
- recanted11
- recanter10
- recreant10
- recusant10
- regrants9
- relaxant15
- relevant11
- remnants10
- replants10
- resonant8
- retirant8
- revenant11
- roborant10
- romantic12
- ruminant10
- rutilant8
- santalic10
- santalol8
- santeras8
- santeria8
- santeros8
- santonin8
- santoors8
- santours8
- saturant8
- scantest10
- scantier10
- scanties10
- scantily13
- scanting11
- sealants8
- seawants11
- secantly13
- semantic12
- sergeant9
- serjeant15
- servants11
- setenant8
- sextants15
- shanteys14
- shanties11
- shantihs14
- shantung12
- sibilant10
- simulant10
- slanting9
- sonantal8
- sonantic10
- sonorant8
- sovranty14
- spirants10
- stagnant9
- supplant12
- taggants10
- tantalic10
- tantalum10
- tantalus8
- tantaras8
- tantrism10
- tantrums10
- tarantas8
- tenanted9
- tenantry11
- titrants8
- titubant10
- tolerant8
- toxicant17
- truanted9
- truantly11
- truantry11
- undulant9
- unpliant10
- unwanted12
- urticant10
- vacantly16
- vagrants12
- valiants11
- vantages12
- variants11
- vegetant12
- versants11
- vesicant13
- vibrants13
- vigilant12
- visitant11
- volitant11
- wantages12
- wantoned12
- wantoner11
- wantonly14
- warrants11
- warranty14
- waxplant20
- xanthans18
- xanthate18
- xanthein18
- xanthene18
- xanthine18
- xanthins18
- xanthoma20
- xanthone18
- xanthous18
7 Letter Words With Ant
- abeyant12
- acantha12
- acanthi12
- adamant10
- affiant13
- andante8
- antacid10
- antbear9
- antefix17
- anteing8
- antenna7
- anthems12
- anthers10
- anthill10
- anthoid11
- anthrax17
- antiair7
- antiars7
- antibug10
- anticar9
- anticks13
- anticly12
- antifat10
- antiflu10
- antifog11
- antifur10
- antigay11
- antigen8
- antigun8
- antijam16
- antilog8
- antiman9
- antings8
- antipot9
- antique16
- antired8
- antisag8
- antisex14
- antitax14
- antiwar10
- antlers7
- antlike11
- antlion7
- antonym12
- antrums9
- antsier7
- bantams11
- banteng10
- banters9
- banties9
- bezants18
- bezzant27
- blatant9
- brisant9
- buoyant12
- byzants21
- callant9
- cantala9
- cantals9
- cantata9
- cantdog11
- canteen9
- canters9
- canthal12
- canthus12
- cantina9
- canting10
- cantles9
- cantons9
- cantors9
- cantrap11
- cantrip11
- chanted13
- chanter12
- chantey15
- chantor12
- chantry15
- chianti12
- clamant11
- coolant9
- coranto9
- courant9
- currant9
- decants10
- defiant11
- descant10
- deviant11
- discant10
- distant8
- dopants10
- dormant10
- elegant8
- eluants7
- emanant9
- enchant12
- entrant7
- errants7
- etchant12
- explant16
- fantail10
- fantasm12
- fantast10
- fantasy13
- fantods11
- fantoms12
- fondant11
- formant12
- frantic12
- gallant8
- gantlet8
- gardant9
- gelants8
- gellant8
- granted9
- grantee8
- granter8
- grantor8
- hanting11
- hantles10
- hydrant14
- implant11
- incants9
- infanta10
- infante10
- infants10
- instant7
- intrant7
- issuant7
- iterant7
- jessant14
- jurants14
- kantars11
- kantele11
- lantana7
- lantern7
- levants10
- manteau9
- mantels9
- mantids10
- mantled10
- mantles9
- mantlet9
- mantram11
- mantrap11
- mantras9
- mantric11
- mantuas9
- maranta9
- mediant10
- migrant10
- mordant10
- mutants9
- octants9
- odorant8
- operant9
- oxidant15
- pageant10
- panther12
- panties9
- pantile9
- panting10
- pantoum11
- passant9
- peasant9
- peccant13
- pedants10
- pendant10
- pennant9
- phantom14
- picante11
- piquant18
- pissant9
- plantar9
- planted10
- planter9
- pulsant9
- quantal16
- quanted17
- quantic18
- quantum18
- radiant8
- rampant11
- ranters7
- ranting8
- reboant9
- recants9
- regnant8
- regrant8
- reliant7
- remnant9
- replant9
- reptant9
- riantly10
- saltant7
- santera7
- santero7
- santimi9
- santims9
- santimu9
- santirs7
- santols7
- santoor7
- santour7
- santurs7
- savants10
- scanted10
- scanter9
- scantly12
- sealant7
- seawant10
- secants9
- sejeant14
- servant10
- sextant14
- shantey13
- shantih13
- shantis10
- slanted8
- slantly10
- sonants7
- spirant9
- statant7
- taggant9
- tantara7
- tantivy13
- tantras7
- tantric9
- tantrum9
- tenants7
- titrant7
- truants7
- tyrants10
- ululant7
- unmeant9
- vagrant11
- valiant10
- vantage11
- variant10
- verdant11
- versant10
- vibrant12
- volante10
- wantage11
- wanters10
- wanting11
- wantons10
- warrant10
- xanthan17
- xanthic19
- xanthin17
- yantras10
6 Letter Words With Ant
- alants6
- anteed7
- anthem11
- anther9
- antiar6
- antick12
- antics8
- anting7
- antler6
- antral6
- antres6
- antrum8
- arrant6
- askant10
- aslant6
- bantam10
- banter8
- bezant17
- brants8
- byzant20
- cantal8
- canted9
- canter8
- canthi11
- cantic10
- cantle8
- canton8
- cantor8
- cantos8
- cantus8
- chants11
- chanty14
- decant9
- dopant9
- eluant6
- errant6
- extant13
- fantod10
- fantom11
- gantry10
- gelant7
- giants7
- grants7
- hanted10
- hantle9
- incant8
- infant9
- jurant13
- kantar10
- levant9
- mantas8
- mantel8
- mantes8
- mantic10
- mantid9
- mantis8
- mantle8
- mantra8
- mantua8
- mutant8
- natant6
- nutant6
- octant8
- panted9
- pantie8
- pantos8
- pantry11
- pedant9
- plants8
- pliant8
- quanta15
- quants15
- ranted7
- ranter6
- recant8
- santir6
- santol6
- santos6
- santur6
- savant9
- scants8
- scanty11
- secant8
- sejant13
- shanti9
- shanty12
- slants6
- slanty9
- sonant6
- tantra6
- tenant6
- truant6
- tyrant9
- vacant11
- volant9
- wanted10
- wanter9
- wanton9
- yantra9
5 Letter Words With Ant
3 Letter Words With Ant
- ant3
FAQ on words containing Ant
What are the best Scrabble words with Ant?
The highest scoring Scrabble word containing Ant is Quantizing, which is worth at least 29 points without any bonuses. The next best word with Ant is antefix, which is worth 17 points. Other high score words with Ant are bezants (18), piquant (18), quantic (18), xanthic (19), bezzant (27), byzants (21), quantum (18), and xanthin (17).
How many words contain Ant?
There are 2,278 words that contaih Ant in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 402 are 11 letter words, 491 are 10 letter words, 562 are 9 letter words, 427 are 8 letter words, 251 are 7 letter words, 99 are 6 letter words, 36 are 5 letter words, 9 are 4 letter words, and 1 is a 3 letter word.