Is ports a Scrabble word?

Yes, ports is a Scrabble word!

...and is worth 7 points in Scrabble, and 8 points in Words with Friends

Ports is a valid Scrabble word.

Ports is a word starting with p ending with s. Check our list of words starting with p ending with s.

Table of Contents

Dictionary definitions of the word ports

The meaning of ports


13 definitions of the word ports.


  1. Put or turn on the left side, of a ship
  2. Bring to port
  3. Land at or reach a port
  4. Turn or go to the port or left side, of a ship
  5. Carry, bear, convey, or bring
  6. Carry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons
  7. Drink port
  8. Modify (software) for use on a different machine or platform


  1. A place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country
  2. Sweet dark-red dessert wine originally from Portugal
  3. An opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through
  4. The left side of a ship or aircraft to someone who is aboard and facing the bow or nose
  5. (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals)

What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in ports?

5 Letter Words

3 Letter Words

2 Letter Words

3 Anagrams of Ports

Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order.

Anagrams are sometimes called a Word Unscramble

Words that can be created with an extra letter added to ports:

Unscramble the letters in ports

There are 9 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'ports'.

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