Is corns a Scrabble word?
Yes, corns is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 7 points in Scrabble, and 9 points in Words with Friends
Corns is a valid Scrabble word.
Corns is a word starting with c ending with s. Check our list of words starting with c ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word corns
The meaning of corns
9 definitions of the word corns.
- Feed (cattle) with corn
- Preserve with salt
- Tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times
- The dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal
- Ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food
- A hard thickening of the skin (especially on the top or sides of the toes) caused by the pressure of ill-fitting shoes
- (Great Britain) any of various cereal plants (especially the dominant crop of the region--wheat in Great Britain or oats in Scotland and Ireland)
- Whiskey distilled from a mash of not less than 80 percent corn
- Something sentimental or trite
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in corns?
5 Letter Words
1 Anagram of Corns
Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order.
Anagrams are sometimes called a Word Unscramble
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to corns:
Unscramble the letters in corns
There are 8 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'corns'.