Words With Cat In Them | 1,033 Scrabble Words With Cat
We’ve put together a list of 1,033 words that contain the letters "Cat" for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends.
We’ve organized this list by starting with the highest scoring Scrabble words, and then by the number of letters that the word has. Use the Table Of Contents below to navigate to the exact word lists you’re looking for.
Whether you’re playing Wordle, Scrabble, or any word game like it, Wordfind can help you get ahead of the pack and win game after game.
Cat is a playable Scrabble Word!
The highest scoring words with Cat
Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with cat, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.
Top words with Cat | Scrabble Points | Words With Friends Points |
catwalk | 16 | 18 |
copycat | 16 | 18 |
zincate | 18 | 20 |
bycatch | 19 | 20 |
catjang | 17 | 22 |
catclaw | 14 | 17 |
catchup | 16 | 19 |
catfish | 15 | 15 |
catawba | 14 | 16 |
zacaton | 18 | 20 |
1,033 Scrabble words that contain Cat
11 Letter Words With Cat
- abdications16
- acatalectic17
- adjudicated23
- adjudicates22
- adjudicator22
- advocations17
- affricating20
- affricative22
- allocatable15
- allocations13
- altercating14
- altercation13
- application17
- applicative20
- applicators17
- applicatory20
- auspicating16
- avocational16
- backscatter21
- bifurcating19
- bifurcation18
- bilocations15
- brocatelles15
- busticating16
- caricatural15
- caricatured16
- caricatures15
- catabolisms17
- catabolites15
- catabolized25
- catabolizes24
- catachreses18
- catachresis18
- cataclysmal20
- cataclysmic22
- catadromous16
- catafalques25
- catalectics17
- catalepsies15
- cataleptics17
- cataloguers14
- cataloguing15
- cataplexies22
- catapulting16
- cataractous15
- catarrhally19
- catarrhines16
- catastrophe18
- catchphrase23
- catechising19
- catechismal20
- catechistic20
- catechizers27
- catechizing28
- catechumens20
- categorical16
- categorised15
- categorises14
- categorized24
- categorizes23
- catenations13
- catercorner15
- caterpillar15
- caterwauled17
- catheterize25
- catholicate18
- catholicity21
- catholicize27
- catholicons18
- cattinesses13
- certificate18
- cicatricial17
- cicatrizing25
- cocatalysts18
- coeducation16
- collocating16
- collocation15
- communicate19
- complicated20
- complicates19
- concatenate15
- confiscated19
- confiscates18
- confiscator18
- convocation18
- copycatting21
- coruscating16
- coruscation15
- cowcatchers23
- decathletes17
- decorticate16
- dedicatedly19
- dedications15
- defalcating18
- defalcation17
- defalcators17
- defecations17
- deification17
- demarcating17
- demarcation16
- deprecating17
- deprecation16
- deprecatory19
- desiccating17
- desiccation16
- desiccative19
- desiccators16
- detoxicated22
- detoxicates21
- dislocating15
- dislocation14
- divaricated18
- divaricates17
- dogcatchers20
- domesticate16
- duplicating17
- duplication16
- duplicative19
- duplicators16
- edification17
- educational14
- embrocating18
- embrocation17
- equivocated26
- equivocates25
- equivocator25
- eradicating15
- eradication14
- eradicators14
- evocatively22
- explicating23
- explication22
- explicative25
- explicators22
- explicatory25
- exsiccating23
- exsiccation22
- extricating21
- extrication20
- fabricating19
- fabrication18
- fabricators18
- flycatchers24
- fornicating17
- fornication16
- fornicators16
- gnatcatcher19
- hypothecate24
- imbricating18
- imbrication17
- implicating18
- implication17
- implicative20
- imprecating18
- imprecation17
- imprecatory20
- inculcating16
- inculcation15
- inculcators15
- indications14
- indicatives17
- intoxicated21
- intoxicates20
- intricately16
- invocations16
- judicatures21
- lemniscates15
- lubricating16
- lubrication15
- lubricative18
- lubricators15
- magnificats19
- manducating17
- masticating16
- mastication15
- masticators15
- masticatory18
- medications16
- metricating16
- metrication15
- misallocate15
- miscatalogs16
- miseducated17
- miseducates16
- mislocating16
- mislocation15
- obfuscating19
- obfuscation18
- obfuscatory21
- outcatching19
- overeducate17
- pacificator20
- piscatorial15
- placatingly19
- pontificate18
- predicating17
- predication16
- predicative19
- predicatory19
- prelocating16
- prevaricate18
- provocateur18
- provocation18
- provocative21
- publication17
- purificator18
- reallocated14
- reallocates13
- recataloged15
- reciprocate17
- rededicated16
- rededicates15
- reduplicate16
- reeducating15
- reeducation14
- reeducative17
- reification16
- relocatable15
- relocations13
- relubricate15
- replicating16
- replication15
- replicative18
- requiescats22
- revocations16
- rubricating16
- rubrication15
- rubricators15
- rusticating14
- rustication13
- rusticators13
- scatologies14
- scattergood15
- scattergram16
- scatterguns14
- scatterings14
- scattershot16
- sonications13
- subcategory19
- suffocating20
- suffocation19
- suffocative22
- supplicated18
- supplicates17
- syllabicate18
- syndicating18
- syndication17
- syndicators17
- translocate13
- trifurcated17
- trifurcates16
- triplicated16
- triplicates15
- truncations13
- umbilicated18
- unallocated14
- uncataloged15
- uncatchable20
- undedicated16
- unification16
- unmedicated17
- urtications13
- vacationers16
- vacationing17
- vacationist16
- vellicating17
- vindicating18
- vindication17
- vindicative20
- vindicators17
- vindicatory20
- wildcatters17
- wildcatting18
10 Letter Words With Cat
- abdicating16
- abdication15
- abdicators15
- adjudicate21
- advocating17
- advocation16
- advocative19
- advocators16
- affricated19
- affricates18
- allocating13
- allocation12
- allocators12
- altercated13
- altercates12
- applicator16
- auspicated15
- auspicates14
- avocations15
- bifurcated18
- bifurcates17
- bilocation14
- brocatelle14
- busticated15
- busticates14
- caricature14
- catabolism16
- catabolite14
- catabolize23
- cataclysms19
- catafalque24
- catalectic16
- cataleptic16
- catalogers13
- cataloging14
- catalogued14
- cataloguer13
- catalogues13
- catalyzers24
- catalyzing25
- catamarans14
- catamenial14
- catamounts14
- cataphoras17
- cataphoric19
- cataphylls20
- cataplasms16
- catapulted15
- catarrhine15
- catatonias12
- catatonics14
- catcallers14
- catcalling15
- catchflies20
- catchments19
- catchpenny22
- catchpoles19
- catchpolls19
- catchwords21
- catecheses17
- catechesis17
- catechised18
- catechises17
- catechisms19
- catechists17
- catechized27
- catechizer26
- catechizes26
- catechumen19
- categories13
- categorise13
- categorize22
- catenaries12
- catenating13
- catenation12
- cateresses12
- caterwauls15
- catfacings18
- cathartics17
- cathecting18
- cathedrals16
- cathepsins17
- cathodally19
- catholicoi17
- catholicon17
- catholicos17
- catnappers16
- catnapping17
- cicatrices16
- cicatrixes21
- cicatrized24
- cicatrizes23
- cocatalyst17
- collocated15
- collocates14
- colocating15
- complicate18
- confiscate17
- copycatted20
- coruscated15
- coruscates14
- cowcatcher22
- decathlete16
- decathlons16
- dedicatees14
- dedicating15
- dedication14
- dedicators14
- dedicatory17
- defalcated17
- defalcates16
- defalcator16
- defecating17
- defecation16
- defecators16
- delicately16
- demarcated16
- demarcates15
- deprecated16
- deprecates15
- desiccated16
- desiccates15
- desiccator15
- detoxicate20
- dislocated14
- dislocates13
- divaricate16
- dogcatcher19
- duplicated16
- duplicates15
- duplicator15
- educations13
- embrocated17
- embrocates16
- equivocate24
- eradicated14
- eradicates13
- eradicator13
- evocations15
- explicated22
- explicates21
- explicator21
- exsiccated22
- exsiccates21
- extricated20
- extricates19
- fabricated18
- fabricates17
- fabricator17
- flycatcher23
- fornicated16
- fornicates15
- fornicator15
- fricatives18
- furcations15
- imbricated17
- imbricates16
- implicated17
- implicates16
- imprecated17
- imprecates16
- inculcated15
- inculcates14
- inculcator14
- indelicate13
- indicating14
- indication13
- indicative16
- indicators13
- indicatory16
- intoxicate19
- invocating16
- invocation15
- invocatory18
- judicatory23
- judicature20
- lemniscate14
- locational12
- lubricated15
- lubricates14
- lubricator14
- magnificat18
- manducated16
- manducates15
- masticated15
- masticates14
- masticator14
- medicating16
- medication15
- metricated15
- metricates14
- miscatalog15
- miseducate15
- mislocated15
- mislocates14
- obfuscated18
- obfuscates17
- outcatches17
- placations14
- plications14
- plicatures14
- predicated16
- predicates15
- prelocated15
- prelocates14
- radicating14
- reallocate12
- recatalogs13
- rededicate14
- reeducated14
- reeducates13
- relocatees12
- relocating13
- relocation12
- replicated15
- replicates14
- requiescat21
- revocation15
- rubricated15
- rubricates14
- rubricator14
- rusticated13
- rusticates12
- rusticator12
- scatheless15
- scathingly19
- scatterers12
- scattergun13
- scattering13
- seecatchie17
- siccatives17
- sonicating13
- sonication12
- sonicators12
- suffocated19
- suffocates18
- sulcations12
- supplicate16
- syndicated17
- syndicates16
- syndicator16
- tomcatting15
- trifurcate15
- triplicate14
- truncating13
- truncation12
- umbilicate16
- uneducated14
- urticating13
- urtication12
- vacationed16
- vacationer15
- vellicated16
- vellicates15
- vesicating16
- vindicated17
- vindicates16
- vindicator16
- vocational15
- vocatively21
- wildcatted17
- wildcatter16
9 Letter Words With Cat
- abdicated15
- abdicates14
- abdicator14
- advocated16
- advocates15
- advocator15
- affricate17
- aguacates12
- allocated12
- allocates11
- allocator11
- altercate11
- arcatures11
- auspicate13
- avocation14
- bifurcate16
- bisulcate13
- brocatels13
- busticate13
- bycatches21
- catabolic15
- cataclysm18
- catacombs17
- catalases11
- catalatic13
- catalepsy16
- catalexes18
- catalexis18
- cataloged13
- cataloger12
- catalogic14
- catalogue12
- catalyses14
- catalysis14
- catalysts14
- catalytic16
- catalyzed24
- catalyzer23
- catalyzes23
- catamaran13
- catamenia13
- catamites13
- catamount13
- cataphora16
- cataphyll19
- cataplasm15
- cataplexy23
- catapults13
- cataracts13
- catarrhal14
- catatonia11
- catatonic13
- catbriers13
- catcalled14
- catcaller13
- catchable18
- catchalls16
- catchiest16
- catchment18
- catchpole18
- catchpoll18
- catchword20
- catechins16
- catechise16
- catechism18
- catechist16
- catechize25
- catechols16
- categoric14
- catenated12
- catenates11
- catenoids12
- caterwaul14
- catfacing17
- catfights18
- catfishes17
- catharses14
- catharsis14
- cathartic16
- cathected17
- cathectic18
- cathedrae15
- cathedral15
- cathedras15
- cathepsin16
- catheptic18
- catheters14
- catholics16
- cathouses14
- catkinate15
- catnapers13
- catnapped16
- catnapper15
- catoptric15
- catrigged14
- cattaloes11
- catteries11
- cattiness11
- cattishly17
- cattleman13
- cattlemen13
- cattleyas14
- cicatrice15
- cicatrize22
- collocate13
- colocated14
- colocates13
- corticate13
- coruscate13
- decathlon15
- dedicated14
- dedicatee13
- dedicates13
- dedicator13
- defalcate15
- defecated16
- defecates15
- defecator15
- delicates12
- demarcate14
- deprecate14
- desiccate14
- dislocate12
- duplicate14
- educating13
- education12
- educative15
- educators12
- educatory15
- embrocate15
- eradicate12
- evocation14
- evocative17
- evocators14
- explicate20
- exsiccate20
- extricate18
- fabricate16
- forficate17
- fornicate14
- fricative17
- furcately17
- furcating15
- furcation14
- hecatombs18
- imbricate15
- implicate15
- imprecate15
- inculcate13
- indicated13
- indicates12
- indicator12
- infuscate14
- intricate11
- invocated15
- invocates14
- locatable13
- locations11
- locatives14
- loricated12
- loricates11
- lubricate13
- manducate14
- masticate13
- medicated15
- medicates14
- meniscate13
- metricate13
- mislocate13
- muricated14
- muscatels13
- obfuscate16
- piscators13
- piscatory16
- pizzicati31
- pizzicato31
- placaters13
- placating14
- placation13
- placative16
- placatory16
- plicately16
- plication13
- plicature13
- precative16
- precatory16
- predicate14
- prelocate13
- pussycats16
- radicated13
- radicates12
- recatalog12
- reeducate12
- relocated12
- relocatee11
- relocates11
- replicate13
- rubricate13
- rusticate11
- scatbacks19
- scatology15
- scattered12
- scatterer11
- scattiest11
- secateurs11
- siccative16
- silicates11
- sonicated12
- sonicates11
- sonicator11
- spiccatos15
- staccatos13
- stoccatas13
- suffocate17
- sulcation11
- suricates11
- syndicate15
- tomcatted14
- truncated12
- truncates11
- tunicated12
- tunicates11
- uncatered12
- unlocated12
- unscathed15
- urticated12
- urticates11
- vacatable16
- vacations14
- vellicate14
- vesicated15
- vesicates14
- vindicate15
- vocations14
- vocatives17
8 Letter Words With Cat
- abdicate13
- aduncate11
- advocate14
- aguacate11
- allocate10
- arcature10
- baccated15
- bearcats12
- brocatel12
- calycate15
- catacomb16
- catalase10
- cataloes10
- catalogs11
- catalpas12
- catalyst13
- catalyze22
- catamite12
- catapult12
- cataract12
- catarrhs13
- catawbas15
- catbirds13
- catboats12
- catbrier12
- catcalls12
- catchall15
- catchers15
- catchfly21
- catchier15
- catching16
- catchups17
- catclaws15
- catechin15
- catechol15
- catechus15
- category14
- catenary13
- catenate10
- catenoid11
- caterans10
- caterers10
- cateress10
- catering11
- catfaces15
- catfalls13
- catfight17
- catheads14
- cathects15
- cathedra14
- catheter13
- cathexes20
- cathexis20
- cathodal14
- cathodes14
- cathodic16
- catholic15
- cathouse13
- cationic12
- catjangs18
- catlings11
- catmints12
- catnaper12
- catspaws15
- catsuits10
- cattails10
- cattalos10
- cattiest10
- cattleya13
- catwalks17
- cicatrix19
- colocate12
- copycats17
- dedicate12
- defecate14
- delicate11
- educated12
- educates11
- educator11
- evocator13
- falcated14
- furcated14
- furcates13
- hecatomb17
- hellcats13
- indicate11
- invocate13
- locaters10
- locating11
- location10
- locative13
- locators10
- loricate10
- marcatos12
- medicate13
- muricate12
- muscatel12
- outcatch15
- piscator12
- placated13
- placater12
- placates12
- plicated13
- polecats12
- pussycat15
- radicate11
- relocate10
- sacatons10
- scatback18
- scathing14
- scatters10
- scattier10
- scatting11
- secateur10
- seecatch15
- silicate10
- snowcats13
- sonicate10
- spicated13
- spiccato14
- staccati12
- staccato12
- stoccata12
- sulcated11
- suricate10
- toccatas12
- truncate10
- tunicate10
- uncatchy18
- urticate10
- vacating14
- vacation13
- vesicate13
- vocation13
- vocative16
- wildcats14
- zacatons19
- zincates19
7 Letter Words With Cat
- baccate13
- bearcat11
- bobcats13
- bycatch19
- catalog10
- catalos9
- catalpa11
- catarrh12
- catawba14
- catbird12
- catboat11
- catcall11
- catcher14
- catches14
- catchup16
- catclaw14
- catechu14
- catenae9
- catenas9
- cateran9
- catered10
- caterer9
- catface14
- catfall12
- catfish15
- catguts10
- cathead13
- cathect14
- cathode13
- cations9
- catjang17
- catkins13
- catlike13
- catling10
- catlins9
- catmint11
- catnaps11
- catnips11
- catspaw14
- catsuit9
- catsups11
- cattail9
- cattalo9
- cattery12
- cattier9
- catties9
- cattily12
- catting10
- cattish12
- catwalk16
- copycat16
- educate10
- falcate12
- furcate12
- hellcat12
- hepcats14
- located10
- locater9
- locates9
- locator9
- marcato11
- mudcats12
- muscats11
- ocicats11
- piccata13
- placate11
- plicate11
- polecat11
- sacaton9
- saccate11
- scathed13
- scathes12
- scatted10
- scatter9
- snowcat12
- spicate11
- sulcate9
- thecate12
- tipcats11
- toccata11
- toccate11
- tomcats11
- vacated13
- vacates12
- wildcat13
- zacaton18
- zincate18
6 Letter Words With Cat
3 Letter Words With Cat
- cat5
FAQ on words containing Cat
What are the best Scrabble words with Cat?
The highest scoring Scrabble word containing Cat is Pizzicati, which is worth at least 31 points without any bonuses. The next best word with Cat is copycat, which is worth 16 points. Other high score words with Cat are zincate (18), bycatch (19), catjang (17), catclaw (14), catchup (16), catfish (15), catawba (14), and zacaton (18).
How many words contain Cat?
There are 1,033 words that contaih Cat in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 273 are 11 letter words, 262 are 10 letter words, 235 are 9 letter words, 138 are 8 letter words, 87 are 7 letter words, 27 are 6 letter words, 7 are 5 letter words, 3 are 4 letter words, and 1 is a 3 letter word.