Is vivifications a Scrabble word?
Yes, vivifications is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 24 points in Scrabble, and 28 points in Words with Friends
Vivifications is a valid Scrabble word.
Vivifications is a word starting with v ending with s. Check our list of words starting with v ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word vivifications
The meaning of vivifications
2 definitions of the word vivifications.
- Quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
- The activity of giving vitality and vigour to something
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in vivifications?
12 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- acini7
- actin7
- antic7
- antis5
- ascot7
- avion8
- aviso8
- cains7
- canso7
- canst7
- canto7
- cants7
- cions7
- coast7
- coati7
- coats7
- coifs10
- coins7
- costa7
- cotan7
- covin10
- facts10
- faint8
- fanos8
- fatso8
- fiats8
- ficin10
- finca10
- finis8
- finos8
- foins8
- foist8
- fonts8
- icons7
- infos8
- intis5
- ionic7
- iotas5
- naifs8
- novas8
- octan7
- ontic7
- ostia5
- saint5
- santo5
- satin5
- savin8
- scant7
- scion7
- softa8
- sonic7
- stain5
- stoai5
- stoic7
- tacos7
- tains5
- tonic7
- vatic10
- vinas8
- vinca10
- vinic10
- vinos8
- visit8
- vista8
- vivas11
4 Letter Words
- acts6
- ains4
- aits4
- anis4
- anti4
- ants4
- asci6
- avos7
- cain6
- cans6
- cant6
- cast6
- cats6
- ciao6
- cion6
- cist6
- coat6
- coft9
- coif9
- coin6
- coni6
- cons6
- cost6
- cots6
- fact9
- fain7
- fano7
- fans7
- fast7
- fats7
- fiat7
- fico9
- fino7
- fins7
- fisc9
- fist7
- fits7
- foci9
- foin7
- fons7
- font7
- icon6
- info7
- inia4
- inti4
- into4
- ions4
- iota4
- naif7
- naoi4
- naos4
- nisi4
- nits4
- nota4
- nova7
- oafs7
- oast4
- oats4
- ocas6
- otic6
- sain4
- sati4
- scan6
- scat6
- scot6
- sift7
- snit4
- snot4
- soca6
- sofa7
- soft7
- stoa4
- taco6
- tain4
- tans4
- taos4
- tavs7
- tics6
- tins4
- tons4
- vacs9
- vain7
- vans7
- vast7
- vats7
- vavs10
- vina7
- vino7
- visa7
- vita7
- viva10