Is tribulation a Scrabble word?
Yes, tribulation is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 13 points in Scrabble, and 17 points in Words with Friends
Tribulation is a valid Scrabble word.
Tribulation is a word starting with t ending with n. Check our list of words starting with t ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word tribulation
The meaning of tribulation
1 definition of the word tribulation.
- An annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in tribulation?
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- albino8
- aroint6
- attorn6
- bailor8
- biotin8
- bonita8
- brulot8
- brutal8
- burial8
- burton8
- button8
- intort6
- intuit6
- labour8
- latino6
- lattin6
- nitril6
- nutria6
- obtain8
- outran6
- ration6
- ratlin6
- ratton6
- rialto6
- ritual6
- rubati8
- rubato8
- tabour8
- tabuli8
- tailor6
- talion6
- tibial8
- titian6
- torula6
- tribal8
- trinal6
- triton6
- truant6
- turban8
- turbit8
- turbot8
- turion6
- unbolt8
- urinal6
5 Letter Words
- aboil7
- abort7
- about7
- aioli5
- alibi7
- aloin5
- atilt5
- bairn7
- baron7
- baton7
- battu7
- biali7
- binal7
- binit7
- biont7
- biota7
- blain7
- blini7
- bloat7
- blunt7
- blurt7
- boart7
- bolar7
- boral7
- bourn7
- brail7
- brain7
- brant7
- britt7
- broil7
- bruin7
- bruit7
- brunt7
- built7
- buran7
- burin7
- burnt7
- intro5
- labor7
- libra7
- libri7
- lirot5
- litai5
- lobar7
- loran5
- lunar5
- nairu5
- nitro5
- noria5
- notal5
- nubia7
- orbit7
- oribi7
- ottar5
- ratio5
- riant5
- robin7
- rutin5
- tabor7
- tabun7
- taint5
- talon5
- tanto5
- tarot5
- taunt5
- tauon5
- tibia7
- titan5
- tolan5
- tolar5
- tonal5
- torii5
- torta5
- total5
- trail5
- train5
- trait5
- trial5
- triol5
- trona5
- trout5
- tubal7
- turbo7
- tutor5
- ulnar5
- ultra5
- unbar7
- unlit5
- until5
- urban7
- urbia7
- urial5
4 Letter Words
- abri6
- abut6
- airn4
- airt4
- alit4
- alto4
- anil4
- anti4
- aril4
- aunt4
- auto4
- bail6
- bait6
- bani6
- barn6
- batt6
- bint6
- birl6
- biro6
- bitt6
- blat6
- blin6
- blot6
- blur6
- boar6
- boat6
- boil6
- bola6
- bolt6
- bora6
- born6
- bort6
- bota6
- bott6
- bout6
- bran6
- brat6
- brin6
- brio6
- brit6
- brut6
- buna6
- bunt6
- bura6
- burl6
- burn6
- butt6
- ilia4
- inia4
- inro4
- inti4
- into4
- iota4
- iron4
- lain4
- lair4
- lari4
- lati4
- latu4
- liar4
- lino4
- lint4
- lion4
- lira4
- liri4
- litu4
- loan4
- loin4
- lorn4
- lota4
- loti4
- lour4
- lout4
- luna4
- lunt4
- nail4
- naoi4
- noil4
- noir4
- nori4
- nota4
- nurl4
- obia6
- obit6
- oral4
- rail4
- rain4
- rani4
- rant4
- rato4
- rial4
- riot4
- roan4
- roil4
- rota4
- roti4
- rotl4
- rout4
- ruin4
- runt4
- tabu6
- tail4
- tain4
- tali4
- tarn4
- taro4
- tart4
- taut4
- tilt4
- tint4
- tirl4
- tiro4
- titi4
- toil4
- toit4
- tola4
- tolu4
- tora4
- tori4
- torn4
- tort4
- tour4
- tout4
- trio4
- trot4
- tuba6
- tuna4
- turn4
- ulan4
- ulna4
- unai4
- unit4
- unto4
3 Letter Words
- ail3
- ain3
- air3
- ait3
- alb5
- alt3
- ani3
- ant3
- arb5
- art3
- att3
- bal5
- ban5
- bar5
- bat5
- bin5
- bio5
- bit5
- boa5
- bot5
- bra5
- bro5
- bun5
- bur5
- but5
- ion3
- lab5
- lar3
- lat3
- lib5
- lin3
- lit3
- lob5
- lot3
- nab5
- nib5
- nil3
- nit3
- nob5
- nor3
- not3
- nub5
- nut3
- oar3
- oat3
- oba5
- obi5
- oil3
- ora3
- orb5
- ort3
- our3
- out3
- rai3
- ran3
- rat3
- ria3
- rib5
- rin3
- rob5
- rot3
- rub5
- run3
- rut3
- tab5
- tan3
- tao3
- tar3
- tat3
- tau3
- til3
- tin3
- tit3
- ton3
- tor3
- tot3
- tub5
- tui3
- tun3
- tut3
- urb5
- urn3
- uta3
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to tribulation:
Unscramble the letters in tribulation
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'tribulation'.
- S: tribulations