Is skins a Scrabble word?

Yes, skins is a Scrabble word!

...and is worth 9 points in Scrabble, and 10 points in Words with Friends

Skins is a valid Scrabble word.

Skins is a word starting with s ending with s. Check our list of words starting with s ending with s.

Table of Contents

Dictionary definitions of the word skins

The meaning of skins


10 definitions of the word skins.


  1. Climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
  2. Bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of
  3. Remove the bark of a tree
  4. Strip the skin off


  1. A natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch
  2. An outer surface (usually thin)
  3. Body covering of a living animal
  4. A person's skin regarded as their life
  5. The rind of a fruit or vegetable
  6. A bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the hide of an animal

What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in skins?

5 Letter Words

4 Letter Words

3 Letter Words

2 Letter Words

1 Anagram of Skins

Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order.

Anagrams are sometimes called a Word Unscramble

Words that can be created with an extra letter added to skins:

Unscramble the letters in skins

There are 7 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'skins'.

More words that can be made using the letters in skins

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