Is rescissions a Scrabble word?
Yes, rescissions is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 13 points in Scrabble, and 15 points in Words with Friends
Rescissions is a valid Scrabble word.
Rescissions is a word starting with r ending with s. Check our list of words starting with r ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word rescissions
The meaning of rescissions
1 definition of the word rescissions.
- (law) the act of rescinding; the cancellation of a contract and the return of the parties to the positions they would have had if the contract had not been made
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in rescissions?
10 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- censor8
- coiner8
- conies8
- corses8
- cosier8
- cosies8
- cosine8
- crises8
- crisis8
- crones8
- crosse8
- enosis6
- eosins6
- essoin6
- icones8
- incise8
- ionics8
- ionise6
- irenic8
- irises6
- irones6
- ironic8
- isseis6
- niseis6
- noesis6
- noises6
- nosier6
- orcein8
- orcins8
- oscine8
- osiers6
- ossein6
- recoin8
- recons8
- resins6
- ricins8
- rinses6
- rosins6
- scions8
- scones8
- scores8
- scorns8
- scries8
- seisin6
- seisor6
- senior6
- senors6
- sensor6
- serins6
- sirens6
- sisses6
- snores6
- sonics8
- sonsie6
5 Letter Words
- ceros7
- cines7
- cions7
- cires7
- coins7
- coirs7
- cones7
- cores7
- corns7
- corse7
- coses7
- cosie7
- cress7
- cries7
- crone7
- cross7
- eosin5
- icier7
- icons7
- ionic7
- irone5
- irons5
- issei5
- nicer7
- nisei5
- noirs5
- noise5
- noris5
- noses5
- orcin7
- ornis5
- osier5
- recon7
- reins5
- resin5
- rices7
- ricin7
- rinse5
- risen5
- rises5
- roses5
- rosin5
- scion7
- scone7
- score7
- scorn7
- senor5
- serin5
- sices7
- since7
- sines5
- siren5
- sires5
- sises5
- snore5
- sones5
- sonic7
- sores5
- sorns5
4 Letter Words
- cero6
- cess6
- cine6
- cion6
- cire6
- coin6
- coir6
- cone6
- coni6
- cons6
- core6
- corn6
- cors6
- coss6
- cris6
- eons4
- erns4
- eros4
- ices6
- icon6
- inro4
- ions4
- ires4
- iris4
- iron4
- ness4
- nice6
- nisi4
- noes4
- noir4
- nori4
- nose4
- once6
- ones4
- orcs6
- ores4
- oses4
- recs6
- rein4
- reis4
- rice6
- rins4
- rise4
- rocs6
- roes4
- rose4
- secs6
- seis4
- sers4
- sice6
- sics6
- sine4
- sins4
- sire4
- sirs4
- sone4
- sons4
- sore4
- sori4
- sorn4
- sris4