Is rehabilitate a Scrabble word?
Yes, rehabilitate is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 17 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Rehabilitate is a valid Scrabble word.
Rehabilitate is a word starting with r ending with e. Check our list of words starting with r ending with e.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word rehabilitate
The meaning of rehabilitate
3 definitions of the word rehabilitate.
- Help to readapt, as to a former state of health or good repute
- Reinstall politically
- Restore to a state of good condition or operation
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in rehabilitate?
10 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- abettal9
- abetter9
- arietta7
- ariette7
- atelier7
- athlete10
- battier9
- battler9
- beretta9
- biretta9
- bittier9
- blather12
- blatter9
- bleater9
- blether12
- blither12
- brattle9
- breathe12
- brittle9
- eatable9
- habitat12
- halbert12
- haltere10
- hatable12
- hetaera10
- hetaira10
- hirable12
- iterate7
- labiate9
- lathier10
- leather10
- librate9
- ratable9
- rattail7
- retable9
- retitle7
- tabaret9
- tertial7
- theater10
- theatre10
- thereat10
- trehala10
- triable9
- trilith10
6 Letter Words
- abater8
- abelia8
- ablate8
- aerate6
- aerial6
- aether9
- albeit8
- albite8
- althea9
- arable8
- atrial6
- attire6
- bailee8
- bailer8
- bailie8
- baiter8
- barite8
- bather11
- batter8
- battle8
- beater8
- belier8
- belter8
- berate8
- bertha11
- bethel11
- better8
- bharal11
- bitter8
- blithe11
- breath11
- either9
- elater6
- habile11
- hailer9
- halite9
- halter9
- hartal9
- hatter9
- healer9
- heater9
- herbal11
- hereat9
- hiatal9
- hitter9
- labret8
- lariat6
- lather9
- latria6
- latter6
- letter6
- librae8
- lither9
- lithia9
- litter6
- ratite6
- rattle6
- realia6
- rebait8
- rebate8
- reheat9
- relate6
- retail6
- retial6
- retile6
- riblet8
- tablet8
- tailer6
- terbia8
- tether9
- thaler9
- threat9
- tibiae8
- tibial8
- tilter6
- tither9
- treble8
- tribal8
5 Letter Words
- aalii5
- abate7
- abele7
- abler7
- aerie5
- airth8
- alate5
- alert5
- alibi7
- altar5
- alter5
- areae5
- areal5
- arete5
- arhat8
- ariel5
- artal5
- artel5
- atilt5
- atria5
- attar5
- baith10
- baler7
- bathe10
- belie7
- beret7
- berth10
- betel7
- betta7
- biali7
- birle7
- birth10
- biter7
- blare7
- blate7
- blear7
- bleat7
- blite7
- brail7
- brith10
- britt7
- earth8
- eater5
- elate5
- elite5
- ether8
- habit10
- haler8
- hater8
- heart8
- hilar8
- hiree8
- irate5
- ither8
- laari5
- labia7
- labra7
- lahar8
- laith8
- laree5
- later5
- lathe8
- lathi8
- latte5
- lethe8
- liber7
- libra7
- libri7
- litai5
- liter5
- lithe8
- litre5
- rabat7
- raita5
- ratal5
- ratel5
- rathe8
- reata5
- rebel7
- rehab10
- relet5
- relit5
- retia5
- retie5
- riata5
- taber7
- tabla7
- table7
- talar5
- taler5
- tatar5
- tater5
- teeth8
- telae5
- telia5
- terai5
- tetra5
- tetri5
- thebe10
- their8
- there8
- theta8
- thirl8
- three8
- tiara5
- tibia7
- tiler5
- tilth8
- titer5
- tithe8
- title5
- titre5
- trail5
- trait5
- treat5
- trial5
- tribe7
- trite5
4 Letter Words
- abet6
- able6
- abri6
- airt4
- alae4
- alar4
- alba6
- alee4
- alit4
- area4
- aria4
- aril4
- baal6
- baht9
- bail6
- bait6
- bale6
- bare6
- bate6
- bath9
- batt6
- bear6
- beat6
- beer6
- beet6
- belt6
- beta6
- beth9
- bier6
- bile6
- birl6
- bite6
- bitt6
- blae6
- blah9
- blat6
- blet6
- brae6
- brat6
- bree6
- brie6
- brit6
- earl4
- eath7
- elhi7
- haar7
- haet7
- hail7
- hair7
- hale7
- halt7
- hare7
- harl7
- hart7
- hate7
- heal7
- hear7
- heat7
- hebe9
- heel7
- heil7
- heir7
- herb9
- here7
- herl7
- hila7
- hili7
- hilt7
- hire7
- ilea4
- ilia4
- lair4
- lari4
- late4
- lath7
- lati4
- lear4
- leer4
- leet4
- lehr7
- liar4
- lier4
- lira4
- lire4
- liri4
- lite4
- raia4
- rail4
- rale4
- rate4
- rath7
- real4
- reel4
- rete4
- rhea7
- rial4
- riel4
- rile4
- rite4
- tael4
- tahr7
- tail4
- tala4
- tale4
- tali4
- tare4
- tart4
- tate4
- teal4
- tear4
- teat4
- teel4
- tela4
- tele4
- teth7
- thae7
- that7
- thee7
- thir7
- tier4
- tile4
- tilt4
- tire4
- tirl4
- titi4
- tree4
- tret4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to rehabilitate:
Unscramble the letters in rehabilitate
There are 2 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'rehabilitate'.