Is reformations a Scrabble word?
Yes, reformations is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 17 points in Scrabble, and 19 points in Words with Friends
Reformations is a valid Scrabble word.
Reformations is a word starting with r ending with s. Check our list of words starting with r ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word reformations
The meaning of reformations
3 definitions of the word reformations.
- Improvement (or an intended improvement) in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices etc.; intended to make a striking change for the better in social or political or religious affairs
- A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches
- Rescuing from error and returning to a rightful course
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in reformations?
11 Letter Words
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
- aeriform13
- amniotes10
- amortise10
- amotions10
- anterior8
- anteroom10
- antrorse8
- armoires10
- armories10
- atomiser10
- emotions10
- ensiform13
- fainters11
- farinose11
- fermions13
- firearms13
- fireroom13
- foamiest13
- foramens13
- forearms13
- foremast13
- foremost13
- formants13
- formates13
- frontier11
- frostier11
- informer13
- introrse8
- ionomers10
- manifest13
- mariners10
- masonite10
- mesotron10
- minarets10
- misatone10
- monitors10
- monstera10
- monteros10
- mooniest10
- moonrise10
- mooriest10
- moraines10
- morrions10
- mortiser10
- motioner10
- motorise10
- notaries8
- onstream10
- orations8
- raftsmen13
- raiments10
- ransomer10
- ratooner8
- rearmost10
- reformat13
- refrains11
- refronts11
- reinform13
- remotion10
- reniform13
- restrain8
- restroom10
- retiform13
- retrains8
- romaines10
- romanise10
- roomiest10
- rotaries8
- rotifers11
- rotiform13
- seafront11
- senorita8
- setiform13
- snootier8
- sororate8
- stormier10
- strainer8
- tearooms10
- terrains8
- tonearms10
- trainers8
- transfer11
7 Letter Words
- amniote9
- amorino9
- amorist9
- amosite9
- amotion9
- anestri7
- anomies9
- antsier7
- armoire9
- armrest9
- aroints7
- artsier7
- atomies9
- atomise9
- atoners7
- atonies7
- eftsoon10
- emotion9
- enamors9
- enroots7
- erasion7
- erosion7
- erotism9
- errants7
- etamins9
- fainest10
- fainter10
- fairest10
- famines12
- fantoms12
- farmers12
- fermion12
- festoon10
- firearm12
- fireman12
- firmans12
- firmers12
- firmest12
- foamers12
- foamier12
- foetors10
- foments12
- fomites12
- footers10
- footier10
- footies10
- footman12
- footmen12
- footsie10
- foramen12
- forearm12
- foreman12
- foreran10
- forints10
- formant12
- formate12
- formats12
- formers12
- forties10
- framers12
- fraters10
- fronter10
- frontes10
- imarets9
- infares10
- informs12
- inmates9
- insofar10
- ionomer9
- ironers7
- isoform12
- isotone7
- maestri9
- maestro9
- mafioso12
- maftirs12
- manitos9
- mariner9
- marines9
- maroons9
- marries9
- marrons9
- martens9
- martins9
- matrons9
- mentors9
- merinos9
- mestino9
- minaret9
- minster9
- minters9
- misrate9
- moaners9
- moisten9
- moister9
- monitor9
- monster9
- montero9
- mooners9
- moonier9
- moonset9
- moorier9
- mooters9
- moraine9
- morions9
- morrion9
- mortars9
- mortise9
- motions9
- nastier7
- nitroso7
- noisome9
- norites7
- oarsmen9
- oestrin7
- oration7
- orators7
- orients7
- osteoma9
- rafters10
- raiment9
- ranters7
- ratines7
- rations7
- ratoons7
- reforms12
- refrain10
- refront10
- remains9
- remints9
- remoras9
- reroofs10
- retains7
- retinas7
- retrain7
- retrims9
- retsina7
- rioters7
- roamers9
- roaster7
- roister7
- romaine9
- romanos9
- roofers10
- roofies10
- roomers9
- roomier9
- roomies9
- rooster7
- rooters7
- rootier7
- rotifer10
- santero7
- santoor7
- sarment9
- seminar9
- senator7
- sentimo9
- serrano7
- sierran7
- smarten9
- smarter9
- smartie9
- snifter10
- snorter7
- sootier7
- stainer7
- stearin7
- stonier7
- strafer10
- tameins9
- tarries7
- tarsier7
- tearoom9
- termors9
- terrain7
- tonearm9
- toonies7
- toreros7
- torsion7
- trainer7
- transom9
- treason7
- tremors9
- triform12
- trimers9
- trisome9
6 Letter Words
- afrits9
- afters9
- aimers8
- airers6
- airest6
- airmen8
- aments8
- amines8
- amnios8
- animes8
- anomie8
- antres6
- aorist6
- ariose6
- arioso6
- arisen6
- aristo6
- armers8
- armets8
- armies8
- armors8
- aroint6
- arrest6
- arseno6
- arsine6
- arsino6
- artier6
- astern6
- atoner6
- atones6
- enamor8
- enroot6
- eonism8
- errant6
- estrin6
- etamin8
- fainer9
- faints9
- fairer9
- famine11
- fantom11
- farers9
- farmer11
- fasten9
- faster9
- feints9
- femora11
- ferias9
- fermis11
- fetors9
- fiesta9
- finest9
- firers9
- firman11
- firmer11
- foamer11
- foeman11
- foetor9
- foison9
- foment11
- fomite11
- footer9
- footie9
- forams11
- forest9
- forint9
- format11
- former11
- formes11
- forrit9
- fortes9
- fortis9
- foster9
- fraise9
- framer11
- frames11
- frater9
- friars9
- friers9
- frites9
- fronts9
- imaret8
- inarms8
- inerts6
- infare9
- infers9
- infest9
- inform11
- inmate8
- inmost8
- inseam8
- insert6
- instar6
- inters6
- intros6
- irater6
- ironer6
- irones6
- isomer8
- maftir11
- manito8
- manors8
- mantes8
- mantis8
- marine8
- maroon8
- marron8
- marten8
- martin8
- master8
- maters8
- matier8
- matins8
- matres8
- matron8
- mentor8
- merino8
- merits8
- mesian8
- metros8
- miners8
- minors8
- minter8
- misate8
- miseat8
- mister8
- miters8
- mitres8
- moaner8
- moires8
- monies8
- monist8
- montes8
- mooner8
- mooter8
- morion8
- morons8
- morose8
- morris8
- morros8
- mortar8
- motifs11
- motion8
- motors8
- namers8
- nestor6
- niters6
- nitres6
- nitros6
- nooser6
- norias6
- norite6
- nosier6
- noters6
- oaters6
- omenta8
- orates6
- orator6
- orient6
- orison6
- ormers8
- ornate6
- osetra6
- otiose6
- rafter9
- raiser6
- ramets8
- ramies8
- ramose8
- ramson8
- ransom8
- ranter6
- rarest6
- raster6
- raters6
- ratine6
- ration6
- ratios6
- ratoon6
- rearms8
- reason6
- refits9
- reform11
- remain8
- remans8
- remint8
- remits8
- remora8
- reroof9
- resift9
- resort6
- retain6
- retina6
- retorn6
- retrim8
- retros6
- rifest9
- rimers8
- rimose8
- rinser6
- rioter6
- ristra6
- roamer8
- romano8
- romans8
- romeos8
- roofer9
- roofie9
- roomer8
- roomie8
- rooser6
- rooter6
- rosier6
- roster6
- rostra6
- rotors6
- samite8
- santir6
- sartor6
- satire6
- satori6
- seitan6
- semina8
- senior6
- senora6
- sermon8
- sierra6
- sifter9
- simoon8
- sinter6
- smiter8
- snarer6
- snorer6
- soarer6
- soften9
- softer9
- softie9
- somite8
- somoni8
- sooner6
- sorner6
- sorter6
- sortie6
- stamen8
- starer6
- sterna6
- stoner6
- storer6
- strafe9
- strain6
- stream8
- striae6
- strife9
- stroma8
- tamein8
- tamers8
- tarres6
- tenias6
- tenors6
- tensor6
- terais6
- termor8
- terras6
- timers8
- tineas6
- tisane6
- tomans8
- toners6
- tonier6
- toonie6
- torero6
- tories6
- torose6
- trains6
- tremor8
- triens6
- triers6
- trimer8
- trines6
- triose6
- tronas6
- trones6
5 Letter Words
- aeons5
- afire8
- afoot8
- afore8
- afrit8
- after8
- aimer7
- airer5
- airns5
- airts5
- amens7
- ament7
- amies7
- amine7
- amino7
- amins7
- amirs7
- amnio7
- amort7
- anime7
- anise5
- antes5
- antis5
- antre5
- arise5
- armer7
- armet7
- armor7
- arose5
- arris5
- arson5
- aster5
- astir5
- atoms7
- atone5
- earns5
- emirs7
- emits7
- enorm7
- entia5
- eosin5
- etnas5
- faint8
- fairs8
- fames10
- fanes8
- fanos8
- farer8
- fares8
- farms10
- faros8
- farts8
- fates8
- fatso8
- fears8
- feast8
- feats8
- feint8
- feist8
- feria8
- fermi10
- ferns8
- fetas8
- fetor8
- fiars8
- fiats8
- finer8
- fines8
- finos8
- firer8
- fires8
- firms10
- firns8
- first8
- foams10
- foins8
- foist8
- fonts8
- foots8
- foram10
- fores8
- forme10
- forms10
- forte8
- forts8
- frame10
- frats8
- frena8
- frets8
- friar8
- frier8
- fries8
- frise8
- frits8
- froes8
- frons8
- front8
- frore8
- frost8
- inarm7
- inert5
- infer8
- infos8
- infra8
- inset5
- inter5
- intro5
- iotas5
- irate5
- irone5
- irons5
- items7
- mains7
- mairs7
- maist7
- manes7
- manor7
- manos7
- manse7
- mares7
- marse7
- marts7
- maser7
- mason7
- mater7
- mates7
- matin7
- means7
- meant7
- meats7
- mensa7
- menta7
- merit7
- meson7
- metis7
- metro7
- miens7
- minae7
- minas7
- miner7
- mines7
- minor7
- mints7
- mires7
- miser7
- miter7
- mites7
- mitre7
- moans7
- moats7
- moira7
- moire7
- moist7
- monas7
- monie7
- monos7
- monte7
- moons7
- moors7
- moose7
- moots7
- morae7
- moras7
- mores7
- morns7
- moron7
- morro7
- morse7
- morts7
- moste7
- motes7
- motif10
- motor7
- naifs8
- namer7
- names7
- nares5
- naris5
- nates5
- nears5
- neats5
- neifs8
- neist5
- nemas7
- nerts5
- niter5
- nites5
- nitre5
- nitro5
- noirs5
- noise5
- nomas7
- nomes7
- nomoi7
- nomos7
- noose5
- noria5
- noris5
- norms7
- noter5
- notes5
- oaten5
- oater5
- often8
- ofter8
- omens7
- omers7
- omits7
- onset5
- oorie5
- orate5
- ormer7
- ornis5
- orris5
- osier5
- ostia5
- rafts8
- rains5
- raise5
- ramen7
- ramet7
- ramie7
- ranis5
- rants5
- rares5
- raser5
- rater5
- rates5
- ratio5
- ratos5
- reams7
- rearm7
- rears5
- refit8
- reifs8
- reins5
- reman7
- remit7
- rents5
- reran5
- resat5
- resin5
- resit5
- retia5
- retro5
- riant5
- rifer8
- rifts8
- rimer7
- rimes7
- rinse5
- riots5
- risen5
- riser5
- rites5
- roams7
- roans5
- roars5
- roast5
- roman7
- romeo7
- roofs8
- rooms7
- roose5
- roost5
- roots5
- roset5
- rosin5
- rotas5
- rotes5
- rotis5
- rotor5
- rotos5
- safer8
- saint5
- saner5
- santo5
- sarin5
- satem7
- satin5
- senor5
- senti5
- serai5
- serif8
- serin5
- seton5
- simar7
- siren5
- sirra5
- sitar5
- smart7
- smear7
- smite7
- smote7
- snare5
- snarf8
- snoot5
- snore5
- snort5
- sofar8
- softa8
- soman7
- sonar5
- sorer5
- sorta5
- stain5
- stair5
- stane5
- stare5
- steam7
- stein5
- steno5
- stern5
- stime7
- stoae5
- stoai5
- stoma7
- stone5
- store5
- storm7
- stria5
- tains5
- tamer7
- tames7
- tamis7
- tares5
- tarns5
- taros5
- tarre5
- tarsi5
- teams7
- tears5
- tenia5
- tenor5
- terai5
- terms7
- terns5
- terra5
- tiers5
- timer7
- times7
- tinea5
- tines5
- tires5
- tiros5
- toeas5
- toman7
- tomes7
- toner5
- tones5
- toons5
- toras5
- tores5
- toros5
- torrs5
- torse5
- torsi5
- torso5
- train5
- trams7
- trans5
- trier5
- tries5
- trims7
- trine5
- trios5
- trois5
- trona5
- trone5
4 Letter Words
- aeon4
- aero4
- aims6
- ains4
- airn4
- airs4
- airt4
- aits4
- amen6
- amie6
- amin6
- amir6
- amis6
- anes4
- anis4
- ante4
- anti4
- ants4
- ares4
- arfs7
- arms6
- arts4
- ates4
- atom6
- earn4
- ears4
- east4
- eats4
- efts7
- emir6
- emit6
- eons4
- eras4
- erns4
- eros4
- errs4
- erst4
- etas4
- etna4
- fain7
- fair7
- fame9
- fane7
- fano7
- fans7
- fare7
- farm9
- faro7
- fast7
- fate7
- fats7
- fear7
- feat7
- fems9
- fens7
- fern7
- fest7
- feta7
- fets7
- fiar7
- fiat7
- fine7
- fino7
- fins7
- fire7
- firm9
- firn7
- firs7
- fist7
- fits7
- foam9
- foes7
- foin7
- fons7
- font7
- foot7
- fora7
- fore7
- form9
- fort7
- frae7
- frat7
- fret7
- frit7
- froe7
- from9
- info7
- inro4
- into4
- ions4
- iota4
- ires4
- iron4
- item6
- maes6
- main6
- mair6
- mane6
- mano6
- mans6
- mare6
- mars6
- mart6
- mast6
- mate6
- mats6
- mean6
- meat6
- meno6
- mesa6
- meta6
- mien6
- mina6
- mine6
- mint6
- mire6
- mirs6
- mise6
- miso6
- mist6
- mite6
- moan6
- moas6
- moat6
- mono6
- mons6
- moon6
- moor6
- moos6
- moot6
- mora6
- more6
- morn6
- mors6
- mort6
- most6
- mote6
- mots6
- naif7
- name6
- naoi4
- naos4
- near4
- neat4
- neif7
- nema6
- nest4
- nets4
- nims6
- nite4
- nits4
- noes4
- noir4
- noma6
- nome6
- noms6
- nori4
- norm6
- nose4
- nota4
- note4
- oafs7
- oars4
- oast4
- oats4
- omen6
- omer6
- omit6
- ones4
- onos4
- onto4
- oots4
- ores4
- orra4
- orts4
- osar4
- raft7
- rain4
- rais4
- rami6
- rams6
- rani4
- rant4
- rare4
- rase4
- rate4
- rato4
- rats4
- ream6
- rear4
- refs7
- reft7
- reif7
- rein4
- reis4
- rems6
- rent4
- rest4
- rets4
- rias4
- rife7
- rifs7
- rift7
- rime6
- rims6
- rins4
- riot4
- rise4
- rite4
- roam6
- roan4
- roar4
- roes4
- roms6
- roof7
- room6
- root4
- rose4
- rota4
- rote4
- roti4
- roto4
- rots4
- safe7
- sain4
- same6
- sane4
- sari4
- sate4
- sati4
- seam6
- sear4
- seat4
- seif7
- semi6
- sent4
- sera4
- serf7
- seta4
- sift7
- sima6
- sine4
- sire4
- site4
- smit6
- snit4
- snot4
- soar4
- sofa7
- soft7
- soma6
- some6
- sone4
- soon4
- soot4
- sora4
- sore4
- sori4
- sorn4
- sort4
- star4
- stem6
- stir4
- stoa4
- tain4
- tame6
- tams6
- tans4
- taos4
- tare4
- tarn4
- taro4
- tars4
- team6
- tear4
- teas4
- tens4
- term6
- tern4
- tier4
- ties4
- time6
- tine4
- tins4
- tire4
- tiro4
- toea4
- toes4
- tome6
- toms6
- tone4
- tons4
- toom6
- toon4
- tora4
- tore4
- tori4
- torn4
- toro4
- torr4
- tors4
- tram6
- tref7
- tres4
- trim6
- trio4
- tsar4
3 Letter Words
- aft6
- aim5
- ain3
- air3
- ais3
- ait3
- ami5
- ane3
- ani3
- ant3
- are3
- arf6
- arm5
- ars3
- art3
- ate3
- ear3
- eat3
- efs6
- eft6
- ems5
- ens3
- eon3
- era3
- ern3
- err3
- ers3
- eta3
- fan6
- far6
- fas6
- fat6
- fem8
- fen6
- fer6
- fes6
- fet6
- fie6
- fin6
- fir6
- fit6
- foe6
- fon6
- for6
- fro6
- ifs6
- ins3
- ion3
- ire3
- ism5
- its3
- mae5
- man5
- mar5
- mas5
- mat5
- men5
- met5
- mir5
- mis5
- moa5
- mon5
- moo5
- mor5
- mos5
- mot5
- nae3
- nam5
- net3
- nim5
- nit3
- nom5
- noo3
- nor3
- nos3
- not3
- oaf6
- oar3
- oat3
- oes3
- oft6
- oms5
- one3
- ono3
- ons3
- oot3
- ora3
- ore3
- ors3
- ort3
- ose3
- rai3
- ram5
- ran3
- ras3
- rat3
- ref6
- rei3
- rem5
- res3
- ret3
- ria3
- rif6
- rim5
- rin3
- roe3
- rom5
- rot3
- sae3
- sat3
- sea3
- sei3
- sen3
- ser3
- set3
- sim5
- sin3
- sir3
- sit3
- som5
- son3
- sot3
- sri3
- tae3
- tam5
- tan3
- tao3
- tar3
- tas3
- tea3
- ten3
- tie3
- tin3
- tis3
- toe3
- tom5
- ton3
- too3
- tor3
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to reformations:
Unscramble the letters in reformations
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'reformations'.