Is reallocation a Scrabble word?
Yes, reallocation is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 14 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Reallocation is a valid Scrabble word.
Reallocation is a word starting with r ending with n. Check our list of words starting with r ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word reallocation
The meaning of reallocation
2 definitions of the word reallocation.
- A share that has been allocated again
- A new apportionment (especially a new apportionment of congressional seats in the United States on the basis of census results)
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in reallocation?
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
- acrolein10
- actioner10
- aeration8
- allanite8
- alliance10
- allocate10
- analcite10
- ancillae10
- anoretic10
- antiroll8
- arillate8
- atenolol8
- canaille10
- canaller10
- carillon10
- carinate10
- cilantro10
- clarinet10
- cliental10
- clitoral10
- colinear10
- collaret10
- collator10
- colonial10
- colorant10
- contrail10
- coronate10
- cotillon10
- craniate10
- creation10
- ecotonal10
- erotical10
- laitance10
- localite10
- location10
- loricate10
- notarial8
- oriental8
- raincoat10
- rational8
- reaction10
- relation8
- rocaille10
- tailrace10
- teocalli10
- tornillo8
7 Letter Words
- acarine9
- acerola9
- aconite9
- actinal9
- aeolian7
- aileron7
- alation7
- alienor7
- aloetic9
- ancilla9
- anticar9
- article9
- callant9
- calorie9
- canella9
- carinae9
- carinal9
- cariole9
- carline9
- carotin9
- cartoon9
- cateran9
- central9
- ceratin9
- certain9
- clarion9
- coalier9
- cointer9
- collate9
- collier9
- colonel9
- control9
- coolant9
- coontie9
- coranto9
- corneal9
- corolla9
- coronae9
- coronal9
- coronel9
- coronet9
- cortina9
- cranial9
- creatin9
- criollo9
- elation7
- enactor9
- erotica9
- lacteal9
- lactean9
- lactone9
- lanital7
- lateral7
- latrine7
- lection9
- literal7
- litoral7
- locater9
- locator9
- loonier7
- loricae9
- noticer9
- ocarina9
- ocellar9
- octanol9
- oration7
- orcinol9
- ortolan7
- ralline7
- ratline7
- reallot7
- recital9
- reliant7
- retinal7
- retinol7
- tacrine9
- tallier7
- toenail7
- trenail7
6 Letter Words
- acetal8
- acetin8
- acinar8
- action8
- aecial8
- aeonic8
- aerial6
- aliner6
- alnico8
- anlace8
- antiar6
- antler6
- antral6
- aortae6
- aortal6
- aortic8
- arcane8
- areola6
- arnica8
- aroint6
- atelic8
- atonal6
- atoner6
- atonia6
- atonic8
- atrial6
- callan8
- caller8
- callet8
- canoer8
- canola8
- cantal8
- canter8
- cantle8
- cantor8
- carate8
- carina8
- carlin8
- carnal8
- carnet8
- carnie8
- caroli8
- cartel8
- carton8
- catalo8
- catena8
- cation8
- catlin8
- cellar8
- centai8
- cental8
- centra8
- cineol8
- citola8
- citole8
- citral8
- citron8
- claret8
- client8
- clinal8
- clonal8
- cloner8
- coaler8
- coater8
- coiler8
- coiner8
- coital8
- collar8
- collet8
- collie8
- colone8
- coloni8
- colter8
- contra8
- cooler8
- coolie8
- cootie8
- cornea8
- cornel8
- cornet8
- corona8
- cortin8
- crania8
- craton8
- cretin8
- croton8
- eclair8
- enatic8
- enolic8
- enroll6
- enroot6
- entail6
- entoil6
- eolian6
- etalon6
- inlace8
- lacier8
- laical8
- lanate6
- lancer8
- lancet8
- lariat6
- larine6
- latina6
- latino6
- latria6
- learnt6
- lectin8
- lector8
- lentic8
- lentil6
- lictor8
- lienal6
- lineal6
- linear6
- lintel6
- linter6
- lintol6
- loaner6
- locale8
- locate8
- loiter6
- loonie6
- looter6
- loreal6
- lorica8
- lotion6
- nailer6
- narial6
- nectar8
- neroli6
- niello6
- noetic8
- norite6
- notice8
- ocelli8
- ocelot8
- octane8
- octroi8
- oilcan8
- oolite6
- oorali6
- oracle8
- orcein8
- orient6
- oriole6
- ornate6
- racial8
- racoon8
- ratine6
- ration6
- ratlin6
- ratoon6
- realia6
- recall8
- recant8
- recoal8
- recoat8
- recoil8
- recoin8
- rectal8
- relict8
- reloan6
- renail6
- rental6
- retail6
- retain6
- retial6
- retina6
- retool6
- rialto6
- rictal8
- rillet6
- rootle6
- taenia6
- tailer6
- taille6
- tailor6
- talion6
- taller6
- tanrec8
- tarnal6
- telial6
- tenail6
- tiller6
- tincal8
- tineal6
- toiler6
- tolane6
- toller6
- tonier6
- tooler6
- toonie6
- trance8
- trinal6
5 Letter Words
- acari7
- aceta7
- acorn7
- actin7
- actor7
- aecia7
- alane5
- alant5
- alate5
- alert5
- alien5
- aline5
- allot5
- aloin5
- alone5
- altar5
- alter5
- anear5
- anile5
- anole5
- antae5
- antic7
- antra5
- antre5
- aorta5
- areal5
- areca7
- areic7
- arena5
- ariel5
- artal5
- artel5
- atoll5
- atone5
- atria5
- cairn7
- calla7
- canal7
- caner7
- canoe7
- canto7
- carat7
- caret7
- carle7
- carol7
- carte7
- cater7
- cella7
- celli7
- cello7
- cento7
- ceorl7
- ceria7
- citer7
- claro7
- clean7
- clear7
- cleat7
- cline7
- clone7
- cloot7
- coala7
- coati7
- colin7
- colon7
- color7
- conte7
- conto7
- cooer7
- coral7
- coria7
- cotan7
- craal7
- crane7
- crate7
- crone7
- croon7
- eclat7
- elain5
- elint5
- eloin5
- enact7
- enrol5
- entia5
- erica7
- ileac7
- ileal5
- iller5
- inert5
- inlet5
- inter5
- intro5
- irate5
- irone5
- laari5
- lacer7
- lanai5
- lance7
- laten5
- later5
- leant5
- learn5
- lento5
- liana5
- liane5
- lilac7
- linac7
- liner5
- lirot5
- liter5
- litre5
- llano5
- local7
- loner5
- looie5
- loral5
- loran5
- lotic7
- nacre7
- naira5
- narco7
- naric7
- natal5
- nerol5
- nicer7
- nicol7
- niter5
- nitre5
- nitro5
- noria5
- notal5
- noter5
- oaten5
- oater5
- ocean7
- ocrea7
- octal7
- octan7
- oiler5
- oleic7
- olein5
- oncet7
- ontic7
- oorie5
- orate5
- orcin7
- oriel5
- orlon5
- racon7
- raita5
- rance7
- ratal5
- ratan5
- ratel5
- ratio5
- react7
- reata5
- recit7
- recon7
- recta7
- recti7
- recto7
- relic7
- relit5
- renal5
- reoil5
- retia5
- riant5
- riata5
- rille5
- talar5
- taler5
- talon5
- taroc7
- telco7
- telia5
- telic7
- teloi5
- tenia5
- tenor5
- terai5
- tiara5
- tical7
- tiler5
- tinea5
- toile5
- tolan5
- tolar5
- tonal5
- toner5
- tonic7
- toric7
- trace7
- trail5
- train5
- triac7
- trial5
- trice7
- trill5
- trine5
- triol5
- troll5
- trona5
- trone5
4 Letter Words
- acne6
- acre6
- acta6
- aeon4
- aero4
- airn4
- airt4
- alae4
- alan4
- alar4
- alec6
- alit4
- aloe4
- alto4
- anil4
- anoa4
- anta4
- ante4
- anti4
- arco6
- area4
- aria4
- aril4
- cain6
- call6
- calo6
- cane6
- cant6
- care6
- carl6
- carn6
- cart6
- cate6
- ceil6
- cell6
- celt6
- cent6
- cero6
- ciao6
- cine6
- cion6
- cire6
- cite6
- clan6
- clon6
- clot6
- coal6
- coat6
- coil6
- coin6
- coir6
- cola6
- cole6
- colt6
- cone6
- coni6
- cool6
- coot6
- core6
- corn6
- cote6
- crit6
- earl4
- earn4
- elan4
- enol4
- etic6
- etna4
- icon6
- ilea4
- inro4
- into4
- iota4
- iron4
- lace6
- laic6
- lain4
- lair4
- lane4
- lari4
- late4
- lati4
- leal4
- lean4
- lear4
- leno4
- lent4
- liar4
- lice6
- lien4
- lier4
- lilo4
- lilt4
- line4
- lino4
- lint4
- lion4
- lira4
- lire4
- lite4
- loan4
- loca6
- loci6
- loco6
- loin4
- lone4
- loon4
- loot4
- lore4
- lorn4
- lota4
- loti4
- nail4
- nala4
- naoi4
- narc6
- near4
- neat4
- nice6
- nill4
- nite4
- noel4
- noil4
- noir4
- nolo4
- nori4
- nota4
- note4
- olea4
- oleo4
- olio4
- olla4
- once6
- onto4
- oral4
- orca6
- orle4
- otic6
- race6
- raia4
- rail4
- rain4
- rale4
- rani4
- rant4
- rate4
- rato4
- real4
- rein4
- rent4
- rial4
- rice6
- riel4
- rile4
- rill4
- riot4
- rite4
- roan4
- roil4
- role4
- roll4
- root4
- rota4
- rote4
- roti4
- rotl4
- roto4
- tace6
- taco6
- tael4
- tail4
- tain4
- tala4
- talc6
- tale4
- tali4
- tall4
- tare4
- tarn4
- taro4
- teal4
- tear4
- tela4
- tell4
- tern4
- tier4
- tile4
- till4
- tine4
- tire4
- tirl4
- tiro4
- toea4
- toil4
- tola4
- tole4
- toll4
- tone4
- tool4
- toon4
- tora4
- torc6
- tore4
- tori4
- torn4
- toro4
- trio4
3 Letter Words
- aal3
- ace5
- act5
- ail3
- ain3
- air3
- ait3
- ala3
- ale3
- all3
- alt3
- ana3
- ane3
- ani3
- ant3
- arc5
- are3
- art3
- ate3
- can5
- car5
- cat5
- cel5
- col5
- con5
- coo5
- cor5
- cot5
- ear3
- eat3
- ell3
- eon3
- era3
- ern3
- eta3
- ice5
- ill3
- ion3
- ire3
- lac5
- lar3
- lat3
- lea3
- lei3
- let3
- lie3
- lin3
- lit3
- loo3
- lot3
- nae3
- net3
- nil3
- nit3
- noo3
- nor3
- not3
- oar3
- oat3
- oca5
- oil3
- ole3
- one3
- ono3
- oot3
- ora3
- orc5
- ore3
- ort3
- rai3
- ran3
- rat3
- rec5
- rei3
- ret3
- ria3
- rin3
- roc5
- roe3
- rot3
- tae3
- tan3
- tao3
- tar3
- tea3
- tel3
- ten3
- tic5
- tie3
- til3
- tin3
- toe3
- ton3
- too3
- tor3
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to reallocation:
Unscramble the letters in reallocation
There are 2 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'reallocation'.