Is purification a Scrabble word?
Yes, purification is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 19 points in Scrabble, and 23 points in Words with Friends
Purification is a valid Scrabble word.
Purification is a word starting with p ending with n. Check our list of words starting with p ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word purification
The meaning of purification
4 definitions of the word purification.
- The act of cleaning by getting rid of impurities
- The process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
- A ceremonial cleansing from defilement or uncleanness by the performance of appropriate rites
- The act of purging of sin or guilt; moral or spiritual cleansing
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in purification?
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- action8
- anuric8
- aortic8
- aroint6
- atonic8
- atopic10
- cantor8
- captor10
- carton8
- cartop10
- cation8
- catnip10
- citrin8
- citron8
- confit11
- contra8
- cornua8
- cortin8
- craton8
- cuatro8
- factor11
- finito9
- forint9
- fracti11
- iatric8
- inpour8
- iritic8
- ironic8
- nitric8
- nutria6
- outran6
- parton8
- patron8
- pianic10
- picaro10
- pionic10
- profit11
- rapini8
- ration6
- tarpon8
- toucan8
- tropic10
- tropin8
- tunica8
- turaco8
- turion6
- turnip8
- unfair9
- unific11
- uptorn8
- uranic8
- uratic8
- utopia8
5 Letter Words
- acini7
- acorn7
- actin7
- actor7
- afrit8
- antic7
- aport7
- apron7
- atrip7
- auric7
- cairn7
- canto7
- capon9
- caput9
- carpi9
- coapt9
- coati7
- copra9
- coria7
- cornu7
- cotan7
- count7
- court7
- craft10
- croft10
- croup9
- curia7
- curio7
- cutin7
- faint8
- farci10
- ficin10
- finca10
- fount8
- franc10
- front8
- fruit8
- furan8
- futon8
- inapt7
- incur7
- infra8
- input7
- intro5
- ionic7
- nairu5
- narco7
- naric7
- nitro5
- noria5
- octan7
- ontic7
- optic9
- orcin7
- orpin7
- paint7
- panic9
- panto7
- patin7
- patio7
- piano7
- picot9
- pinot7
- pinta7
- pinto7
- piton7
- point7
- print7
- prion7
- pruta7
- punto7
- purin7
- puton7
- racon7
- ratio5
- riant5
- ricin7
- runic7
- rutin5
- tapir7
- taroc7
- tauon5
- tonic7
- topic9
- toric7
- torii5
- train5
- triac7
- trona5
- tunic7
- unapt7
- uncap9
- uncia7
- unfit8
- unrip7
4 Letter Words
- airn4
- airt4
- anti4
- arco6
- atop6
- aunt4
- auto4
- cain6
- cant6
- capo8
- carn6
- carp8
- cart6
- ciao6
- cion6
- coat6
- coft9
- coif9
- coin6
- coir6
- coni6
- corf9
- corn6
- coup8
- crit6
- crop8
- cuif9
- curf9
- curn6
- curt6
- fact9
- fain7
- fair7
- fano7
- faro7
- faun7
- fiar7
- fiat7
- fico9
- fino7
- firn7
- foci9
- foin7
- font7
- fora7
- fort7
- four7
- frap9
- frat7
- frit7
- fuci9
- icon6
- info7
- inia4
- inro4
- inti4
- into4
- iota4
- iron4
- naif7
- naoi4
- narc6
- nipa6
- noir4
- nori4
- nota4
- orca6
- otic6
- pact8
- pain6
- pair6
- pant6
- part6
- pfui9
- pian6
- pica8
- pina6
- pint6
- pion6
- pirn6
- pita6
- porn6
- port6
- pouf9
- pour6
- pout6
- prao6
- prat6
- prau6
- proa6
- prof9
- ptui6
- puna6
- punt6
- puri6
- raft7
- rain4
- rani4
- rant4
- rapt6
- rato4
- rift7
- riot4
- roan4
- rota4
- roti4
- roup6
- rout4
- ruin4
- runt4
- taco6
- tain4
- tarn4
- taro4
- tarp6
- tipi6
- tiro4
- tofu7
- topi6
- tora4
- torc6
- tori4
- torn4
- tour4
- trap6
- trio4
- trip6
- trop6
- tufa7
- tuna4
- turf7
- turn4
- unai4
- unci6
- unco6
- unit4
- unto4
- upon6
- uric6
3 Letter Words
- act5
- aft6
- ain3
- air3
- ait3
- ani3
- ant3
- apo5
- apt5
- arc5
- arf6
- art3
- can5
- cap7
- car5
- cat5
- con5
- cop7
- cor5
- cot5
- cru5
- cup7
- cur5
- cut5
- fan6
- far6
- fat6
- fin6
- fir6
- fit6
- fon6
- fop8
- for6
- fou6
- fro6
- fun6
- fur6
- ion3
- nap5
- nip5
- nit3
- nor3
- not3
- nut3
- oaf6
- oar3
- oat3
- oca5
- oft6
- opt5
- ora3
- orc5
- ort3
- our3
- out3
- pac7
- pan5
- par5
- pat5
- pia5
- pic7
- pin5
- pit5
- piu5
- poi5
- pot5
- pro5
- pun5
- pur5
- put5
- rai3
- ran3
- rap5
- rat3
- ria3
- rif6
- rin3
- rip5
- roc5
- rot3
- run3
- rut3
- tan3
- tao3
- tap5
- tar3
- tau3
- tic5
- tin3
- tip5
- ton3
- top5
- tor3
- tui3
- tun3
- tup5
- upo5
- urn3
- urp5
- uta3
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to purification:
Unscramble the letters in purification
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'purification'.