Is petrographic a Scrabble word?
Yes, petrographic is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 22 points in Scrabble, and 25 points in Words with Friends
Petrographic is a valid Scrabble word.
Petrographic is a word starting with p ending with c. Check our list of words starting with p ending with c.
Table of Contents
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in petrographic?
10 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- achiote12
- airport9
- aphetic14
- aphotic14
- apogeic12
- apricot11
- aprotic11
- argotic10
- carport11
- chappie16
- chapter14
- charger13
- charier12
- chariot12
- charter12
- chipper16
- chirper14
- chopper16
- choragi13
- choregi13
- cigaret10
- cirrate9
- crapper13
- crappie13
- creator9
- cropper13
- croppie13
- ectopia11
- epicarp13
- epitaph14
- ergotic10
- erotica9
- erratic9
- gappier12
- garrote8
- graphic15
- grapier10
- gripper12
- happier14
- haricot12
- hepatic14
- heritor10
- hoarier10
- hoppier14
- paretic11
- parotic11
- partier9
- patcher14
- periapt11
- phorate12
- picrate11
- pierrot9
- pitcher14
- poacher14
- porrect11
- portage10
- potiche14
- praetor9
- preriot9
- procarp13
- prophet14
- propria11
- prorate9
- rapport11
- reactor9
- rechart12
- repatch14
- righter11
- theriac12
- trapper11
- tripper11
- trochar12
- trophic14
6 Letter Words
- achier11
- aigret7
- aortic8
- archer11
- aright10
- artier6
- atopic10
- cagier9
- cahier11
- capote10
- capper12
- captor10
- carhop13
- carper10
- carpet10
- carrot8
- carter8
- cartop10
- ceriph13
- charge12
- charro11
- cheapo13
- chigoe12
- chirre11
- chorea11
- cipher13
- cither11
- coater8
- coheir11
- copier10
- copper12
- coppra12
- coprah13
- copter10
- corrie8
- crater8
- eparch13
- ephori11
- gaiter7
- garote7
- garret7
- garter7
- gather10
- gharri10
- gherao10
- gipper11
- goiter7
- goitre7
- gopher12
- gorier7
- gotcha12
- gothic12
- grater7
- griper9
- grippe11
- grocer9
- groper9
- haptic13
- harper11
- hector11
- hegari10
- hegira10
- hepcat13
- heriot9
- heroic11
- hipper13
- hoagie10
- hogtie10
- hopper13
- irater6
- ochrea11
- ophite11
- opiate8
- orache11
- orgeat7
- orgiac9
- orphic13
- orrice8
- pacier10
- parget9
- parrot8
- peptic12
- phatic13
- photic13
- picaro10
- pipage11
- pirate8
- poetic10
- porter8
- potage9
- pother11
- potpie10
- prater8
- preach13
- preact10
- pretor8
- pricer10
- proper10
- protea8
- protei8
- rachet11
- racier8
- ragtop9
- rapier8
- rapper10
- raptor8
- rather9
- recoat8
- rector8
- repair8
- report8
- rhetor9
- rhotic11
- richer11
- righto10
- rioter6
- ripper10
- riprap10
- rochet11
- ropier8
- rotche11
- tapper10
- tephra11
- teraph11
- thoria9
- thoric11
- thorpe11
- threap11
- thrice11
- tipper10
- tocher11
- toecap10
- topper10
- tracer8
- tragic9
- triage7
- tricep10
- trocar8
- troche11
- tropic10
5 Letter Words
- actor7
- airer5
- airth8
- aitch10
- aport7
- apter7
- areic7
- argot6
- atrip7
- cager8
- caper9
- carer7
- caret7
- cargo8
- carpi9
- carte7
- cater7
- ceria7
- chair10
- chape12
- chapt12
- chare10
- charr10
- chart10
- cheap12
- cheat10
- chert10
- chiao10
- chiro10
- chirp12
- chirr10
- choir10
- chore10
- cigar8
- citer7
- coapt9
- coati7
- coper9
- copra9
- corer7
- corgi8
- coria7
- crape9
- crate7
- crept9
- crier7
- cripe9
- crore7
- earth8
- eight9
- epact9
- ephor10
- epoch12
- ergot6
- erica7
- ethic10
- gaper8
- garth9
- gater6
- gator6
- gerah9
- girth9
- grace8
- grape8
- graph11
- grate6
- great6
- griot6
- gripe8
- gript8
- grith9
- groat6
- grope8
- hater8
- heart8
- hippo12
- hirer8
- hoper10
- ichor10
- irate5
- ither8
- oater5
- ocher10
- ochre10
- ocrea7
- opera7
- optic9
- orach10
- orate5
- orgic8
- other8
- pacer9
- pager8
- paper9
- parch12
- pareo7
- parer7
- parge8
- pargo8
- patch12
- pater7
- patio7
- peach12
- peart7
- perch12
- phage11
- picot9
- pieta7
- piper9
- pipet9
- pirog8
- pitch12
- poach12
- porch12
- prate7
- preop9
- price9
- prier7
- prior7
- racer7
- raper7
- raphe10
- ratch10
- rater5
- rathe8
- ratio5
- reach10
- react7
- recap9
- recit7
- recta7
- recti7
- recto7
- repot7
- repro7
- rerig6
- retag6
- retch10
- retia5
- retro5
- ricer7
- right9
- rigor6
- riper7
- roach10
- roger6
- roper7
- rotch10
- tache10
- taper7
- tapir7
- targe6
- taroc7
- tarre5
- teach10
- terai5
- terga6
- terra5
- theca10
- their8
- thorp10
- thrip10
- throe8
- tiger6
- togae6
- toper7
- tophe10
- tophi10
- topic9
- torah8
- torch10
- toric7
- trace7
- tragi6
- triac7
- trice7
- trier5
- trigo6
- tripe7
- trope7
4 Letter Words
- ache9
- acre6
- aero4
- ager5
- agio5
- airt4
- aper6
- arch9
- arco6
- atop6
- cage7
- cape8
- caph11
- capo8
- care6
- carp8
- carr6
- cart6
- cate6
- cero6
- chai9
- chao9
- chap11
- char9
- chat9
- chia9
- chip11
- chit9
- chop11
- ciao6
- cire6
- cite6
- coat6
- coir6
- cope8
- core6
- cote6
- crag7
- crit6
- crop8
- each9
- eath7
- echo9
- echt9
- epha9
- epic8
- ergo5
- etch9
- etic6
- gait5
- gape7
- gate5
- gear5
- geta5
- ghat8
- giro5
- girt5
- gite5
- goat5
- goer5
- gore5
- gorp7
- goth8
- grat5
- grip7
- grit5
- grot5
- haet7
- hair7
- hare7
- harp9
- hart7
- hate7
- heap9
- hear7
- heat7
- heir7
- hero7
- hire7
- hoar7
- hoer7
- hope9
- hora7
- iota4
- itch9
- oath7
- ogre5
- ohia7
- opah9
- orca6
- orra4
- otic6
- pace8
- pact8
- page7
- pair6
- pare6
- parr6
- part6
- pate6
- path9
- peag7
- pear6
- peat6
- pech11
- pepo8
- peri6
- perp8
- pert6
- phat9
- phot9
- pica8
- pice8
- pier6
- pipe8
- pita6
- pith9
- poet6
- pope8
- pore6
- port6
- prao6
- prat6
- prep8
- prig7
- proa6
- prog7
- prop8
- race6
- rage5
- ragi5
- rape6
- rapt6
- rare4
- rate4
- rath7
- rato4
- reap6
- rear4
- repo6
- repp8
- rhea7
- rice6
- rich9
- riot4
- ripe6
- rite4
- roar4
- rope6
- rota4
- rote4
- roti4
- tace6
- tach9
- taco6
- tahr7
- tape6
- tare4
- taro4
- tarp6
- tear4
- tech9
- tepa6
- thae7
- thio7
- thir7
- thro7
- tier4
- tire4
- tiro4
- toea4
- toga5
- tope6
- toph9
- topi6
- tora4
- torc6
- tore4
- tori4
- torr4
- trap6
- trig5
- trio4
- trip6
- trog5
- trop6
3 Letter Words
- ace5
- act5
- age4
- ago4
- ahi6
- air3
- ait3
- ape5
- apo5
- app7
- apt5
- arc5
- are3
- art3
- ate3
- cap7
- car5
- cat5
- cep7
- chi8
- cig6
- cog6
- cop7
- cor5
- cot5
- ear3
- eat3
- ego4
- era3
- erg4
- err3
- eta3
- eth6
- gae4
- gap6
- gar4
- gat4
- get4
- ghi7
- gie4
- gip6
- git4
- goa4
- gor4
- got4
- hae6
- hag7
- hao6
- hap8
- hat6
- hep8
- her6
- het6
- hic8
- hie6
- hip8
- hit6
- hoe6
- hog7
- hop8
- hot6
- ice5
- ich8
- ire3
- oar3
- oat3
- oca5
- ope5
- opt5
- ora3
- orc5
- ore3
- ort3
- pac7
- pah8
- pap7
- par5
- pat5
- pea5
- pec7
- peg6
- peh8
- pep7
- per5
- pet5
- phi8
- pht8
- pia5
- pic7
- pie5
- pig6
- pip7
- pit5
- poh8
- poi5
- pop7
- pot5
- pro5
- rag4
- rah6
- rai3
- rap5
- rat3
- rec5
- reg4
- rei3
- rep5
- ret3
- rho6
- ria3
- rig4
- rip5
- roc5
- roe3
- rot3
- tae3
- tag4
- tao3
- tap5
- tar3
- tea3
- teg4
- the6
- tho6
- tic5
- tie3
- tip5
- toe3
- tog4
- top5
- tor3