Is papyruses a Scrabble word?
Yes, papyruses is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 16 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Papyruses is a valid Scrabble word.
Papyruses is a word starting with p ending with s. Check our list of words starting with p ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word papyruses
The meaning of papyruses
3 definitions of the word papyruses.
- Paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans
- Tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times
- A document written on papyrus
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in papyruses?
8 Letter Words
- superspy15
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- apers7
- apery10
- apres7
- apses7
- arses5
- asper7
- aures5
- essay8
- eyass8
- eyras8
- paper9
- pares7
- pareu7
- parse7
- pases7
- passe7
- pause7
- payer10
- pears7
- perps9
- prase7
- praus7
- prays10
- preps9
- presa7
- press7
- preys10
- pupae9
- pupas9
- purse7
- pursy10
- puses7
- pyres10
- rapes7
- rases5
- rasps7
- raspy10
- reaps7
- repay10
- repps9
- resay8
- ruses5
- sappy12
- saury8
- sayer8
- sears5
- spaes7
- spare7
- spars7
- spays10
- spear7
- spray10
- sprue7
- spues7
- spurs7
- suers5
- super7
- supes7
- supra7
- suras5
- syrup10
- upper9
- urase5
- ureas5
- ursae5
- users5
- yaups10
- years8
4 Letter Words
- aery7
- aper6
- apes6
- apps8
- apse6
- ares4
- asps6
- ayes7
- ears4
- easy7
- eras4
- espy9
- eyas7
- eyra7
- paps8
- pare6
- pars6
- pase6
- pass6
- pays9
- pear6
- peas6
- peps8
- perp8
- prau6
- pray9
- prep8
- prey9
- pupa8
- pups8
- pure6
- purs6
- puss6
- pyas9
- pyes9
- pyre9
- rape6
- raps6
- rase4
- rasp6
- rays7
- reap6
- repp8
- reps6
- rues4
- ruse4
- ryas7
- ryes7
- saps6
- says7
- sear4
- seas4
- sera4
- sers4
- spae6
- spar6
- spas6
- spay9
- spry9
- spue6
- spur6
- suer4
- sues4
- supe6
- sups6
- sura4
- sure4
- upas6
- urea4
- urps6
- ursa4
- user4
- uses4
- yaps9
- yare7
- yaup9
- year7
- yeas7
- yeps9
- yups9