Is oriental a Scrabble word?
Yes, oriental is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 8 points in Scrabble, and 10 points in Words with Friends
Oriental is a valid Scrabble word.
Oriental is a word starting with o ending with l. Check our list of words starting with o ending with l.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word oriental
The meaning of oriental
2 definitions of the word oriental.
- Denoting or characteristic of countries of Asia
- A member of an Oriental race; the term is regarded as offensive by Asians (especially by Asian Americans)
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in oriental?
8 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- alert5
- alien5
- aline5
- aloin5
- alone5
- alter5
- anile5
- anole5
- antre5
- ariel5
- artel5
- atone5
- elain5
- elint5
- eloin5
- enrol5
- entia5
- inert5
- inlet5
- inter5
- intro5
- irate5
- irone5
- laten5
- later5
- leant5
- learn5
- lento5
- liane5
- liner5
- lirot5
- liter5
- litre5
- loner5
- loran5
- nerol5
- niter5
- nitre5
- nitro5
- noria5
- notal5
- noter5
- oaten5
- oater5
- oiler5
- olein5
- orate5
- oriel5
- ratel5
- ratio5
- relit5
- renal5
- reoil5
- retia5
- riant5
- taler5
- talon5
- telia5
- teloi5
- tenia5
- tenor5
- terai5
- tiler5
- tinea5
- toile5
- tolan5
- tolar5
- tonal5
- toner5
- trail5
- train5
- trial5
- trine5
- triol5
- trona5
- trone5
4 Letter Words
- aeon4
- aero4
- airn4
- airt4
- alit4
- aloe4
- alto4
- anil4
- ante4
- anti4
- aril4
- earl4
- earn4
- elan4
- enol4
- etna4
- ilea4
- inro4
- into4
- iota4
- iron4
- lain4
- lair4
- lane4
- lari4
- late4
- lati4
- lean4
- lear4
- leno4
- lent4
- liar4
- lien4
- lier4
- line4
- lino4
- lint4
- lion4
- lira4
- lire4
- lite4
- loan4
- loin4
- lone4
- lore4
- lorn4
- lota4
- loti4
- nail4
- naoi4
- near4
- neat4
- nite4
- noel4
- noil4
- noir4
- nori4
- nota4
- note4
- olea4
- oral4
- orle4
- rail4
- rain4
- rale4
- rani4
- rant4
- rate4
- rato4
- real4
- rein4
- rent4
- rial4
- riel4
- rile4
- riot4
- rite4
- roan4
- roil4
- role4
- rota4
- rote4
- roti4
- rotl4
- tael4
- tail4
- tain4
- tale4
- tali4
- tare4
- tarn4
- taro4
- teal4
- tear4
- tela4
- tern4
- tier4
- tile4
- tine4
- tire4
- tirl4
- tiro4
- toea4
- toil4
- tola4
- tole4
- tone4
- tora4
- tore4
- tori4
- torn4
- trio4
3 Letter Words
1 Anagram of Oriental
Anagrams are words that use the same letters as other words, but in a different order.
Anagrams are sometimes called a Word Unscramble
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to oriental:
Unscramble the letters in oriental
There are 6 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'oriental'.