Is negativists a Scrabble word?
Yes, negativists is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 15 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Negativists is a valid Scrabble word.
Negativists is a word starting with n ending with s. Check our list of words starting with n ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word negativists
The meaning of negativists
2 definitions of the word negativists.
- Someone who refuses to do what is asked or does the opposite of what is asked
- Someone who is resigned to defeat without offering positive suggestions
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in negativists?
10 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- ageists8
- easting8
- eatings8
- entasis7
- eviting11
- ignites8
- ingates8
- ingesta8
- ingests8
- instate7
- invests10
- invites10
- isatine7
- isatins7
- naivest10
- nasties7
- natives10
- sagiest8
- satinet7
- savines10
- savings11
- seating8
- seising8
- seitans7
- sestina7
- setting8
- sieving11
- signets8
- sitting8
- stating8
- statins7
- stative10
- staving11
- tanists7
- tansies7
- tasting8
- teasing8
- testing8
- tiniest7
- tisanes7
- titians7
- vainest10
- vastest10
- vatting11
- vesting11
- vetting11
- vinasse10
- viniest10
- vintage11
- visages11
- visaing11
- viseing11
- vitiate10
6 Letter Words
- ageist7
- agents7
- agists7
- angsts7
- anises6
- assent6
- assign7
- easing7
- eating7
- gainst7
- ganevs10
- giants7
- gittin7
- givens10
- gneiss7
- ignite7
- ingate7
- ingest7
- insets6
- insist6
- invest9
- invite9
- isatin6
- naives9
- native9
- navies9
- niseis6
- sagest7
- saints6
- sanest6
- sanies6
- sansei6
- sating7
- satins6
- savine9
- saving10
- savins9
- seisin6
- seitan6
- seniti6
- siesta6
- signet7
- singes7
- siting7
- sitten6
- stages7
- staigs7
- stains6
- stanes6
- stangs7
- states6
- statin6
- staves9
- steins6
- stents6
- stings7
- stints6
- taints6
- tanist6
- tasset6
- tassie6
- tastes6
- tenias6
- testis6
- tieing7
- tineas6
- tinges7
- tisane6
- titans6
- titian6
- vegans10
- vestas9
- vigias10
- visage10
- vising10
- visits9
- vistas9
- vittae9
5 Letter Words
- aegis6
- agent6
- agist6
- angst6
- anise5
- antes5
- antis5
- asset5
- avens8
- easts5
- entia5
- etnas5
- gains6
- gaits6
- ganev9
- gases6
- gasts6
- gates6
- genii6
- gents6
- gests6
- getas6
- giant6
- gists6
- gites6
- given9
- gives9
- gnats6
- inset5
- intis5
- issei5
- ivies8
- naevi8
- naive8
- nates5
- naves8
- neats5
- neist5
- nests5
- netts5
- nisei5
- nites5
- sages6
- sains5
- saint5
- sanes5
- sasin5
- sates5
- satin5
- satis5
- saves8
- savin8
- seats5
- segni6
- sengi6
- sensa5
- senti5
- setts5
- signa6
- signs6
- sines5
- singe6
- sings6
- sites5
- snags6
- snits5
- stage6
- stags6
- staig6
- stain5
- stane5
- stang6
- state5
- stats5
- stave8
- stein5
- stent5
- stets5
- sties5
- sting6
- stint5
- tains5
- taint5
- tangs6
- tasse5
- taste5
- tates5
- teats5
- tenia5
- tents5
- testa5
- tests5
- tinea5
- tines5
- tinge6
- tings6
- tints5
- titan5
- titis5
- vanes8
- vangs9
- vases8
- vasts8
- vegan9
- veins8
- vents8
- vesta8
- vests8
- vigas9
- vigia9
- vinas8
- vines8
- visas8
- vises8
- visit8
- vista8
- vitae8
- vitta8
4 Letter Words
- ages5
- agin5
- ains4
- aits4
- anes4
- anis4
- ante4
- anti4
- ants4
- ates4
- aves7
- east4
- eats4
- egis5
- engs5
- etas4
- etna4
- gaen5
- gaes5
- gain5
- gait5
- gane5
- gast5
- gate5
- gats5
- gave8
- gens5
- gent5
- gest5
- geta5
- gets5
- gien5
- gies5
- gins5
- gist5
- gite5
- gits5
- give8
- gnat5
- inia4
- inti4
- nags5
- nave7
- neat4
- negs5
- ness4
- nest4
- nets4
- nett4
- nevi7
- nisi4
- nite4
- nits4
- sage5
- sags5
- sain4
- sane4
- sang5
- sans4
- sate4
- sati4
- save7
- seas4
- seat4
- segs5
- seis4
- sent4
- seta4
- sets4
- sett4
- sign5
- sine4
- sing5
- sins4
- site4
- sits4
- snag5
- snit4
- stag5
- stat4
- stet4
- tags5
- tain4
- tang5
- tans4
- tass4
- tate4
- tats4
- tavs7
- teas4
- teat4
- tegs5
- tens4
- tent4
- test4
- tets4
- ties4
- tine4
- ting5
- tins4
- tint4
- titi4
- vagi8
- vain7
- vane7
- vang8
- vans7
- vase7
- vast7
- vats7
- vein7
- vena7
- vent7
- vest7
- vets7
- vies7
- viga8
- vigs8
- vina7
- vine7
- visa7
- vise7
- vita7
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to negativists:
Unscramble the letters in negativists
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'negativists'.
- E: investigates