Is mediation a Scrabble word?
Yes, mediation is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 12 points in Scrabble, and 14 points in Words with Friends
Mediation is a valid Scrabble word.
Mediation is a word starting with m ending with n. Check our list of words starting with m ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word mediation
The meaning of mediation
2 definitions of the word mediation.
- A negotiation to resolve differences that is conducted by some impartial party
- The act of intervening for the purpose of bringing about a settlement
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in mediation?
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- admen8
- admit8
- aimed8
- amend8
- ament7
- amide8
- amido8
- amine7
- amino7
- amnio7
- anime7
- animi7
- anode6
- anted6
- atone5
- danio6
- demit8
- demon8
- denim8
- entia5
- idiom8
- idiot6
- imide8
- imido8
- imine7
- imino7
- indie6
- iodin6
- maned8
- mated8
- matin7
- meant7
- media8
- medii8
- menad8
- menta7
- minae7
- mined8
- monad8
- monde8
- monie7
- monte7
- named8
- nitid6
- nomad8
- noted6
- oaten5
- oidia6
- tamed8
- teiid6
- teind6
- tenia5
- timed8
- timid8
- tinea5
- tined6
- toman7
- tondi6
- toned6
4 Letter Words
- adit5
- aeon4
- aide5
- amen6
- amid7
- amie6
- amin6
- ante4
- anti4
- atom6
- dame7
- date5
- dato5
- dean5
- demo7
- deni5
- dent5
- diet5
- dime7
- dine5
- dino5
- dint5
- dita5
- dite5
- doat5
- doit5
- dome7
- dona5
- done5
- dote5
- edit5
- emit6
- etna4
- idea5
- idem7
- imid7
- inia4
- inti4
- into4
- iota4
- item6
- made7
- maid7
- main6
- mane6
- mano6
- mate6
- mead7
- mean6
- meat6
- mend7
- meno6
- meta6
- midi7
- mien6
- mina6
- mind7
- mine6
- mini6
- mint6
- mite6
- moan6
- moat6
- mode7
- modi7
- mote6
- name6
- naoi4
- neat4
- nema6
- nide5
- nidi5
- nite4
- node5
- nodi5
- noma6
- nome6
- nota4
- note4
- odea5
- omen6
- omit6
- tain4
- tame6
- team6
- tend5
- tide5
- tied5
- time6
- tine4
- toad5
- toea4
- toed5
- tome6
- tone4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to mediation:
Unscramble the letters in mediation
There are 6 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'mediation'.