Is manchets a Scrabble word?
Yes, manchets is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 15 points in Scrabble, and 17 points in Words with Friends
Manchets is a valid Scrabble word.
Manchets is a word starting with m ending with s. Check our list of words starting with m ending with s.
Table of Contents
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in manchets?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- aches10
- acmes9
- acnes7
- amens7
- ament7
- antes5
- ashen8
- cames9
- canes7
- canst7
- cants7
- caste7
- cates7
- cents7
- cesta7
- chams12
- chant10
- chase10
- chasm12
- chats10
- cheat10
- chest10
- enact7
- etnas5
- haems10
- haets8
- hames10
- hance10
- hanse8
- hants8
- haste8
- hates8
- heats8
- hents8
- maces9
- mache12
- machs12
- manes7
- manse7
- match12
- mates7
- maths10
- means7
- meant7
- meats7
- mensa7
- mensh10
- menta7
- meths10
- names7
- natch10
- nates5
- neath8
- neats5
- nemas7
- satem7
- scant7
- scena7
- scent7
- shame10
- shent8
- snath8
- stane5
- steam7
- taces7
- tache10
- tachs10
- tames7
- teach10
- teams7
- techs10
- tench10
- thane8
- theca10
- thens8
4 Letter Words
- aces6
- ache9
- acme8
- acne6
- acts6
- ahem9
- amen6
- anes4
- ante4
- ants4
- ates4
- came8
- cams8
- cane6
- cans6
- cant6
- case6
- cash9
- cast6
- cate6
- cats6
- cent6
- cham11
- chat9
- each9
- east4
- eath7
- eats4
- echt9
- etas4
- etch9
- eths7
- etna4
- haem9
- haen7
- haes7
- haet7
- hame9
- hams9
- hant7
- hast7
- hate7
- hats7
- heat7
- hems9
- hens7
- hent7
- hest7
- hets7
- mace8
- mach11
- macs8
- maes6
- mane6
- mans6
- mash9
- mast6
- mate6
- math9
- mats6
- mean6
- meat6
- mesa6
- mesh9
- meta6
- meth9
- name6
- neat4
- nema6
- nest4
- nets4
- same6
- sane4
- sate4
- scam8
- scan6
- scat6
- seam6
- seat4
- sect6
- sent4
- seta4
- sham9
- shat7
- shea7
- stem6
- tace6
- tach9
- tame6
- tams6
- tans4
- team6
- teas4
- tech9
- tens4
- thae7
- than7
- them9
- then7
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to manchets:
Unscramble the letters in manchets
There are 3 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'manchets'.