Is landholders a Scrabble word?
Yes, landholders is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 16 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Landholders is a valid Scrabble word.
Landholders is a word starting with l ending with s. Check our list of words starting with l ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word landholders
The meaning of landholders
1 definition of the word landholders.
- A holder or proprietor of land
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in landholders?
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- adorned9
- daledhs12
- danders9
- dandler9
- dandles9
- darnels8
- dehorns11
- deodars9
- dollars8
- drolled9
- enhalos10
- enrolls7
- hadrons11
- halloed11
- halloes10
- handers11
- handled12
- handler11
- handles11
- handsel11
- hardens11
- heralds11
- hoarded12
- hoarsen10
- hoddens12
- holards11
- holders11
- hollaed11
- holland11
- hollers10
- hondled12
- hondles11
- ladders9
- ladlers8
- ladrone8
- ladrons8
- landers8
- landler8
- lardons8
- loaders8
- loaners7
- nodders9
- noddles9
- ordeals8
- raddles9
- relands8
- reloads8
- reloans7
- rondels8
- saddler9
- senhora10
- shoaled11
- shoaler10
- shodden12
- slander8
- snarled8
6 Letter Words
- adders8
- addles8
- adored8
- adores7
- adorns7
- aholds10
- ahorse9
- alders7
- aldols7
- aldose7
- allods7
- andros7
- anodes7
- anoles6
- arseno6
- ashler9
- ashore9
- dadoes8
- daledh11
- dalles7
- dander8
- dandle8
- darned8
- darnel7
- dashed11
- dasher10
- dedans8
- dehorn10
- denars7
- deodar8
- desand8
- dholes10
- dollar7
- dolled8
- dorsad8
- dorsal7
- dorsel7
- dreads8
- drolls7
- droned8
- drones7
- elands7
- endash10
- enhalo9
- enroll6
- enrols6
- hadron10
- halers9
- hallos9
- haloed10
- haloes9
- halons9
- handed11
- hander10
- handle10
- hansel9
- haoles9
- harden10
- hellos9
- herald10
- herons9
- hoards10
- hoarse9
- hodads11
- hodden11
- holard10
- holden10
- holder10
- hollas9
- holler9
- hondas10
- hondle10
- honers9
- horded11
- hordes10
- horned10
- horsed10
- ladder8
- ladens7
- laders7
- ladled8
- ladler7
- ladles7
- ladron7
- landed8
- lander7
- lanose6
- larded8
- lardon7
- lashed10
- lasher9
- learns6
- llanos6
- loaded8
- loader7
- loaned7
- loaner6
- lodens7
- loners6
- lorans6
- lorded8
- loreal6
- naleds7
- nerols6
- nodder8
- noddle8
- noshed10
- nosher9
- ordeal7
- oreads7
- raddle8
- radons7
- readds8
- reason6
- redans7
- redons7
- reland7
- reload7
- reloan6
- reshod10
- resold7
- rolled7
- rondel7
- sadden8
- sadder8
- saddle8
- sanded8
- sander7
- sarode7
- sendal7
- senhor9
- senora6
- shaded11
- shader10
- shaled10
- shared10
- shoran9
- shored10
- snared7
- snored7
- soared7
- sodden8
- soland7
- soldan7
- solder7
- sonder7
- sorned7
5 Letter Words
- adder7
- addle7
- adore6
- adorn6
- aeons5
- ahold9
- alder6
- aldol6
- allod6
- aloes5
- alone5
- andro6
- anode6
- anole5
- arles5
- arose5
- arson5
- ashed9
- ashen8
- dados7
- dahls9
- dales6
- dared7
- dares6
- darns6
- deads7
- deals6
- deans6
- dears6
- deash9
- dedal7
- dells6
- denar6
- dhals9
- dhole9
- doers6
- doled7
- doles6
- dolls6
- donas6
- dorsa6
- dosed7
- doser6
- dread7
- droll6
- drone6
- earls5
- earns5
- eland6
- elans5
- enols5
- enrol5
- haded10
- hades9
- haled9
- haler8
- hales8
- hallo8
- halls8
- halon8
- halos8
- hands9
- hanse8
- haole8
- hards9
- hared9
- hares8
- harls8
- heads9
- heals8
- heard9
- hears8
- hello8
- hells8
- helos8
- herds9
- herls8
- herns8
- heron8
- heros8
- hoard9
- hoars8
- hodad10
- hoers8
- holds9
- holed9
- holes8
- holla8
- honda9
- honed9
- honer8
- hones8
- horal8
- horas8
- horde9
- horns8
- horse8
- hosed9
- hosel8
- hosen8
- hoser8
- laded7
- laden6
- lader6
- lades6
- ladle6
- lands6
- lanes5
- lards6
- lares5
- lased6
- laser5
- leads6
- leans5
- learn5
- lears5
- leash8
- lehrs8
- lends6
- lenos5
- llano5
- loads6
- loans5
- loden6
- lodes6
- loner5
- loral5
- loran5
- lords6
- lores5
- losel5
- loser5
- naled6
- nards6
- nares5
- nears5
- nerds6
- nerol5
- nodal6
- nodes6
- noels5
- nosed6
- oared6
- odahs9
- odder7
- olden6
- older6
- ollas5
- orals5
- oread6
- orles5
- radon6
- rales5
- rands6
- rased6
- readd7
- reads6
- reals5
- redan6
- redds7
- redon6
- redos6
- renal5
- rends6
- resod6
- rheas8
- roads6
- roans5
- rodes6
- roles5
- rolls5
- rosed6
- sadhe9
- salol5
- salon5
- saned6
- saner5
- sarod6
- sedan6
- selah8
- senor5
- seral5
- shade9
- shale8
- shall8
- shard9
- share8
- sharn8
- sheal8
- shear8
- shell8
- shend9
- sheol8
- sherd9
- shoal8
- shoed9
- shoer8
- shone8
- shore8
- shorl8
- shorn8
- shred9
- snare5
- snarl5
- snell5
- snore5
- solan5
- solar5
- soled6
- sonar5
- sonde6
- sored6
- sorel5
4 Letter Words
- adds6
- ados5
- aeon4
- aero4
- ahed8
- ales4
- alls4
- aloe4
- also4
- ands5
- anes4
- ares4
- dado6
- dads6
- dahl8
- dahs8
- dale5
- dals5
- dans5
- dare5
- darn5
- dash8
- dead6
- deal5
- dean5
- dear5
- dell5
- dels5
- dens5
- dhal8
- doer5
- does5
- dole5
- doll5
- dols5
- dona5
- done5
- dons5
- dore5
- dors5
- dose5
- earl4
- earn4
- ears4
- eddo6
- edhs8
- elan4
- elds5
- ells4
- ends5
- enol4
- eons4
- eras4
- erns4
- eros4
- hade8
- haed8
- haen7
- haes7
- hale7
- hall7
- halo7
- hand8
- hard8
- hare7
- harl7
- head8
- heal7
- hear7
- held8
- helo7
- hens7
- herd8
- herl7
- hern7
- hero7
- hers7
- hoar7
- hods8
- hoed8
- hoer7
- hoes7
- hold8
- hols7
- hone7
- hons7
- hora7
- horn7
- hose7
- lade5
- lads5
- land5
- lane4
- lard5
- lars4
- lase4
- lash7
- lead5
- leal4
- lean4
- lear4
- leas4
- lehr7
- lend5
- leno4
- lens4
- load5
- loan4
- lode5
- lone4
- lord5
- lore4
- lorn4
- lose4
- naos4
- nard5
- near4
- nerd5
- node5
- nods5
- noel4
- noes4
- nose4
- nosh7
- oars4
- odah8
- odas5
- odds6
- odea5
- odes5
- ohed8
- olds5
- olea4
- oles4
- olla4
- ones4
- orad5
- oral4
- ores4
- orle4
- osar4
- rads5
- rale4
- rand5
- rase4
- rash7
- read5
- real4
- redd6
- redo5
- reds5
- rend5
- resh7
- rhea7
- rhos7
- road5
- roan4
- rode5
- rods5
- roes4
- role4
- roll4
- rose4
- sade5
- sale4
- sall4
- sand5
- sane4
- sard5
- seal4
- sear4
- sell4
- send5
- sera4
- shad8
- shea7
- shed8
- shod8
- shoe7
- sled5
- sloe4
- sned5
- soar4
- soda5
- sola4
- sold5
- sole4
- sone4
- sora4
- sord5
- sore4
- sorn4
3 Letter Words
- add5
- ado4
- ads4
- ahs6
- ale3
- all3
- als3
- and4
- ane3
- are3
- ars3
- ash6
- dad5
- dah7
- dal4
- dan4
- del4
- den4
- doe4
- dol4
- don4
- dor4
- dos4
- ear3
- edh7
- eds4
- eld4
- ell3
- els3
- end4
- ens3
- eon3
- era3
- ern3
- ers3
- had7
- hae6
- hao6
- has6
- hen6
- her6
- hes6
- hod7
- hoe6
- hon6
- hos6
- lad4
- lar3
- las3
- lea3
- led4
- les3
- nae3
- nah6
- nod4
- noh6
- nor3
- nos3
- oar3
- oda4
- odd5
- ode4
- ods4
- oes3
- ohs6
- old4
- ole3
- one3
- ons3
- ora3
- ore3
- ors3
- ose3
- rad4
- rah6
- ran3
- ras3
- red4
- res3
- rho6
- rod4
- roe3
- sad4
- sae3
- sal3
- sea3
- sel3
- sen3
- ser3
- sha6
- she6
- sod4
- sol3
- son3