Is integrating a Scrabble word?
Yes, integrating is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 13 points in Scrabble, and 17 points in Words with Friends
Integrating is a valid Scrabble word.
Integrating is a word starting with i ending with g. Check our list of words starting with i ending with g.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word integrating
The meaning of integrating
5 definitions of the word integrating.
- Make into a whole or make part of a whole
- Open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups
- Become one; become integrated
- Calculate the integral of; calculate by integration
- The action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in integrating?
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- aginner8
- airting8
- anteing8
- antigen8
- earning8
- engrain8
- entrain7
- entrant7
- gaining9
- gaiting9
- gearing9
- gentian8
- getting9
- ginnier8
- girning9
- girting9
- gittern8
- gitting9
- granite8
- grannie8
- gratine8
- grating9
- igniter8
- inertia7
- ingrain8
- ingrate8
- intrant7
- intreat7
- iterant7
- naggier9
- nattier7
- nearing8
- netting8
- nitrate7
- nitrite7
- nittier7
- raining8
- ranging9
- ranting8
- ratting8
- regnant8
- reining8
- renting8
- retting8
- ringent8
- ringgit9
- ringing9
- tangent8
- tangier8
- tanging9
- tarting8
- tearing8
- tenting8
- tertian7
- tiering8
- tinging9
- tinnier7
- tinting8
- trining8
6 Letter Words
- ageing8
- aigret7
- airing7
- anting7
- argent7
- attire6
- earing7
- eating7
- engirt7
- gaeing8
- gainer7
- gaiter7
- ganger8
- gannet7
- garget8
- garnet7
- gating8
- gieing8
- ginger8
- ginner7
- gittin7
- grange8
- gratin7
- gringa8
- ignite7
- inaner6
- ingate7
- innage7
- innate6
- intent6
- intern6
- intine6
- nagger8
- narine6
- natter6
- raging8
- ratine6
- rating7
- ratite6
- ratten6
- reagin7
- regain7
- regina7
- retain6
- retina6
- retint6
- tagger8
- tanner6
- target7
- taring7
- tenant6
- tieing7
- tinier6
- tining7
- tinner6
- tinter6
- tiring7
- titian6
- triage7
5 Letter Words
- agent6
- agger7
- aggie7
- aging7
- anent5
- anger6
- antre5
- eggar7
- entia5
- gager7
- garni6
- gater6
- genii6
- giant6
- grain6
- grant6
- grate6
- great6
- inane5
- inert5
- inner5
- inter5
- irate5
- iring6
- niter5
- nitre5
- range6
- regna6
- reign6
- renig6
- renin5
- retag6
- retia5
- riant5
- taint5
- targe6
- tater5
- tenia5
- terai5
- terga6
- tetra5
- tetri5
- tiger6
- tinea5
- tinge6
- titan5
- titer5
- titre5
- tragi6
- train5
- trait5
- treat5
- trine5
- trite5
4 Letter Words
- ager5
- agin5
- airn4
- airt4
- ante4
- anti4
- earn4
- etna4
- gaen5
- gage6
- gain5
- gait5
- gane5
- gang6
- gate5
- gear5
- gent5
- geta5
- gien5
- giga6
- girn5
- girt5
- gite5
- gnar5
- gnat5
- gran5
- grat5
- grig6
- grin5
- grit5
- inia4
- inti4
- near4
- neat4
- nett4
- nine4
- nite4
- rage5
- ragg6
- ragi5
- rain4
- rang5
- rani4
- rant4
- rate4
- rein4
- rent4
- ring5
- rite4
- tain4
- tang5
- tare4
- tarn4
- tart4
- tate4
- tear4
- teat4
- tegg6
- tent4
- tern4
- tier4
- tine4
- ting5
- tint4
- tire4
- titi4
- tret4
- trig5