Is inflations a Scrabble word?

Yes, inflations is a Scrabble word!

...and is worth 13 points in Scrabble, and 16 points in Words with Friends

Inflations is a valid Scrabble word.

Inflations is a word starting with i ending with s. Check our list of words starting with i ending with s.

Table of Contents

Dictionary definitions of the word inflations

The meaning of inflations


4 definitions of the word inflations.


  1. A general and progressive increase in prices
  2. (cosmology) a brief exponential expansion of the universe (faster than the speed of light) postulated to have occurred shortly after the big bang
  3. Lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity
  4. The act of filling something with air

What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in inflations?

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