Is humanizations a Scrabble word?
Yes, humanizations is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 27 points in Scrabble, and 30 points in Words with Friends
Humanizations is a valid Scrabble word.
Humanizations is a word starting with h ending with s. Check our list of words starting with h ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word humanizations
The meaning of humanizations
1 definition of the word humanizations.
- The act of making more human
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in humanizations?
12 Letter Words
11 Letter Words
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- amazons18
- amnions9
- amounts9
- animato9
- animist9
- anoints7
- anosmia9
- antiman9
- atonias7
- automan9
- azimuth21
- hanuman12
- hazanim21
- hazmats21
- himatia12
- hoatzin19
- hosanna10
- inhuman12
- intimas9
- ioniums9
- mahonia12
- mahouts12
- manhunt12
- manihot12
- manitos9
- manitou9
- manitus9
- mannish12
- mansion9
- mantuas9
- matzahs21
- matzohs21
- minions9
- minutia9
- mizunas18
- muntins9
- nations7
- nimious9
- nonsuit7
- onanism9
- onanist7
- outmans9
- santimi9
- santimu9
- shaitan10
- shiatzu19
- stamina9
- stannum9
- tahinis10
- tannish10
- thiamin12
- thiazin19
- thionin10
- tinamou9
- tonnish10
- tsunami9
- zinnias16
6 Letter Words
- ahimsa11
- amazon17
- amnion8
- amnios8
- amount8
- amusia8
- animas8
- animis8
- animus8
- anions6
- anoint6
- ashman11
- asthma11
- atmans8
- atonia6
- autism8
- azoths18
- haints9
- hamzas20
- hansom11
- haunts9
- hazans18
- hazmat20
- hiatus9
- hitman11
- honans9
- humans11
- inions6
- inmost8
- intima8
- ionium8
- isatin6
- isthmi11
- mahout11
- manats8
- manias8
- manito8
- manitu8
- mannas8
- mantas8
- mantis8
- mantua8
- matins8
- matsah11
- matzah20
- matzas17
- matzoh20
- matzos17
- miaous8
- minion8
- minish11
- mishit11
- mizuna17
- monish11
- monist8
- months11
- mounts8
- mouths11
- muntin8
- mutons8
- nanism8
- nasion6
- nation6
- ninths9
- nitons6
- nizams17
- nomina8
- numina8
- ostium8
- outman8
- outsin6
- saimin8
- shaman11
- shanti9
- shazam20
- simian8
- somata8
- sonant6
- sonata6
- stanza15
- sunnah9
- suntan6
- tahini9
- tauons6
- tinman8
- tomans8
- tonish9
- unhats9
- unions6
- unison6
- unmans8
- zamias17
- zinnia15
5 Letter Words
- amahs10
- amain7
- amias7
- amino7
- amins7
- amnia7
- amnio7
- anima7
- animi7
- anion5
- annas5
- anoas5
- antas5
- antis5
- atman7
- atmas7
- atoms7
- aunts5
- autos5
- azans14
- azons14
- azoth17
- haint8
- hamza19
- hansa8
- hants8
- haunt8
- hazan17
- hints8
- hoist8
- honan8
- hosta8
- human10
- hunts8
- imino7
- inion5
- intis5
- iotas5
- mains7
- maist7
- manas7
- manat7
- mania7
- manna7
- manos7
- manta7
- manus7
- mason7
- maths10
- matin7
- matza16
- matzo16
- mauts7
- miaou7
- minas7
- minis7
- mints7
- minus7
- mitis7
- moans7
- moats7
- moist7
- monas7
- month10
- moths10
- mount7
- mouth10
- munis7
- muons7
- musth10
- muton7
- naans5
- nanas5
- nazis14
- ninth8
- niton5
- nizam16
- nomas7
- nonas5
- notum7
- nouns5
- oaths8
- ohias8
- omasa7
- omits7
- onium7
- ostia5
- saint5
- saith8
- santo5
- satin5
- sauna5
- shoat8
- shout8
- shunt8
- smith10
- snath8
- snout5
- soman7
- south8
- sozin14
- stain5
- stoai5
- stoma7
- suint5
- sunna5
- tains5
- tamis7
- tauon5
- thins8
- thous8
- toman7
- tonus5
- tunas5
- unais5
- unhat8
- union5
- units5
- unman7
- zamia16
- zitis14
4 Letter Words
- aahs7
- ahis7
- aims6
- ains4
- aits4
- amah9
- amas6
- amia6
- amin6
- amis6
- amus6
- anas4
- anis4
- anna4
- anoa4
- anon4
- ansa4
- anta4
- anti4
- ants4
- atma6
- atom6
- aunt4
- auto4
- azan13
- azon13
- hams9
- hant7
- hast7
- hats7
- haut7
- hims9
- hins7
- hint7
- hisn7
- hist7
- hits7
- hons7
- host7
- hots7
- hums9
- huns7
- hunt7
- huts7
- inia4
- inns4
- inti4
- into4
- ions4
- iota4
- main6
- mana6
- mano6
- mans6
- masa6
- mash9
- mast6
- math9
- mats6
- maun6
- maut6
- mhos9
- mina6
- mini6
- mint6
- miso6
- mist6
- moan6
- moas6
- moat6
- mons6
- mosh9
- most6
- moth9
- mots6
- muni6
- muns6
- muon6
- mush9
- must6
- muts6
- naan4
- nana4
- nans4
- naoi4
- naos4
- nazi13
- nims6
- nisi4
- nits4
- noma6
- noms6
- nona4
- nosh7
- nota4
- noun4
- nous4
- nuns4
- nuts4
- oast4
- oath7
- oats4
- ohia7
- ohms9
- omit6
- onus4
- oust4
- outs4
- sain4
- sati4
- sham9
- shat7
- shim9
- shin7
- shmo9
- shot7
- shun7
- shut7
- sima6
- sinh7
- sith7
- smit6
- smut6
- snit4
- snot4
- soma6
- soth7
- stoa4
- stum6
- stun4
- suit4
- sumo6
- sunn4
- tain4
- tams6
- tans4
- taos4
- taus4
- than7
- thin7
- thio7
- this7
- thou7
- thus7
- tins4
- toms6
- tons4
- tosh7
- tuis4
- tuna4
- tuns4
- tush7
- unai4
- unit4
- unto4
- utas4
- zins13
- ziti13
- zits13
- zona13
3 Letter Words
- aah6
- aas3
- aha6
- ahi6
- ahs6
- aim5
- ain3
- ais3
- ait3
- ama5
- ami5
- amu5
- ana3
- ani3
- ant3
- ash6
- azo12
- ham8
- hao6
- has6
- hat6
- him8
- hin6
- his6
- hit6
- hon6
- hos6
- hot6
- hum8
- hun6
- hut6
- inn3
- ins3
- ion3
- ism5
- its3
- man5
- mas5
- mat5
- mho8
- mis5
- moa5
- mon5
- mos5
- mot5
- mun5
- mus5
- mut5
- nah6
- nam5
- nan3
- nim5
- nit3
- noh6
- nom5
- nos3
- not3
- nth6
- nun3
- nus3
- nut3
- oat3
- ohm8
- ohs6
- oms5
- ons3
- out3
- sat3
- sau3
- sha6
- sim5
- sin3
- sit3
- som5
- son3
- sot3
- sou3
- sum5
- sun3
- tam5
- tan3
- tao3
- tas3
- tau3
- tho6
- tin3
- tis3
- tom5
- ton3
- tui3
- tun3
- uns3
- uta3
- uts3
- zas12
- zin12
- zit12
- zoa12