Is hospitalization a Scrabble word?
Yes, hospitalization is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 29 points in Scrabble, and 31 points in Words with Friends
Hospitalization is a valid Scrabble word.
Hospitalization is a word starting with h ending with n. Check our list of words starting with h ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word hospitalization
The meaning of hospitalization
4 definitions of the word hospitalization.
- A period of time when you are confined to a hospital
- The condition of being treated as a patient in a hospital
- Insurance that pays all or part of a patient's hospital expense
- Placing in medical care in a hospital
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in hospitalization?
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
- alations8
- alpinist10
- anoopsia10
- antiship13
- antislip10
- aphonias13
- ashplant13
- halation11
- haplonts13
- hoatzins20
- hospital13
- hospitia13
- initials8
- inositol8
- naphtols13
- nihilist11
- nopalito10
- optional10
- ostinati8
- ostinato8
- otoliths11
- phantast13
- pinitols10
- pintails10
- pisolith13
- platinas10
- platoons10
- position10
- postanal10
- potation10
- siphonal13
- solation8
- spittoon10
- tailspin10
- talapoin10
- talipots10
- thanatos11
- thiazins20
- thiazols20
- tilapias10
- titanias8
- tithonia11
- zaptiahs22
7 Letter Words
- alation7
- altoist7
- anattos7
- anopias9
- anopsia9
- antipot9
- aphonia12
- apostil9
- asphalt12
- atonias7
- attains7
- haplont12
- hatpins12
- hoatzin19
- hooplas12
- hotspot12
- initial7
- latinas7
- latinos7
- lattins7
- liaison7
- lithias10
- lithops12
- lotions7
- naphtol12
- ooliths10
- options9
- otolith10
- paisano9
- pastina9
- patinas9
- photons12
- pianist9
- pinatas9
- pinitol9
- pintail9
- plaints9
- planish12
- platans9
- platina9
- platoon9
- plinths12
- plosion9
- poloist9
- pontils9
- potions9
- potshot12
- salpian9
- saltant7
- saltpan9
- shaitan10
- shilpit12
- sinopia9
- solatia7
- soliton7
- spathal12
- spatial9
- spotlit9
- station7
- tahinis10
- taipans9
- talions7
- talipot9
- tapalos9
- thiazin19
- thiazol19
- tilapia9
- titania7
- titians7
- topsail9
- topsoil9
- zaptiah21
6 Letter Words
- aaliis6
- aiolis6
- alants6
- alohas9
- aloins6
- alphas11
- anatto6
- anopia8
- aslant6
- atonal6
- atonia6
- attain6
- azlons15
- azonal15
- azoths18
- haints9
- halons9
- hatpin11
- hazans18
- hiatal9
- holist9
- hoopla11
- instal6
- instil6
- isatin6
- lanais6
- lapins8
- lathis9
- latina6
- latino6
- latish9
- lattin6
- lianas6
- lipins8
- lithia9
- lithos9
- lotahs9
- lotion6
- lottos6
- nasial6
- nihils9
- nopals8
- oolith9
- option8
- otitis6
- paints8
- paisan8
- palais8
- palish11
- pantos8
- pastil8
- pathos11
- patina8
- patins8
- patios8
- patois8
- phials11
- phonal11
- phonos11
- photon11
- photos11
- pianos8
- pilots8
- pinata8
- pinots8
- pintas8
- pintos8
- pistil8
- pistol8
- piston8
- pitons8
- pittas8
- plains8
- plaint8
- plaits8
- plants8
- platan8
- plazas17
- pliant8
- plinth11
- points8
- poisha11
- poison8
- polios8
- polish11
- pontil8
- postal8
- postin8
- potash11
- potato8
- pothos11
- potion8
- pottos8
- ptisan8
- salina6
- saloon6
- saloop8
- santol6
- sapota8
- shanti9
- siphon11
- solano6
- solion6
- sonata6
- spilth11
- spinal8
- spinto8
- spital8
- splint8
- spoilt8
- stanol6
- stanza15
- statal6
- statin6
- stolon6
- stotin6
- tahini9
- tahsil9
- taints6
- taipan8
- talion6
- talons6
- tanist6
- tapalo8
- tatsoi6
- thiols9
- tholoi9
- tholos9
- tilths9
- tinpot8
- titans6
- titian6
- tolans6
- tonish9
- tonsil6
- tooths9
- totals6
- zoonal15
5 Letter Words
- aalii5
- aioli5
- alans5
- alant5
- alias5
- alist5
- aloha8
- aloin5
- alpha10
- altho8
- altos5
- anils5
- anlas5
- anoas5
- antas5
- antis5
- aphis10
- apian7
- apish10
- ataps7
- atilt5
- atlas5
- azans14
- azlon14
- azons14
- azoth17
- hails8
- haint8
- halon8
- halos8
- halts8
- hansa8
- hants8
- hazan17
- hilts8
- hints8
- hoist8
- holts8
- hoops10
- hoots8
- hosta8
- inapt7
- intis5
- iotas5
- laith8
- lanai5
- lapin7
- lapis7
- lathi8
- laths8
- liana5
- linos5
- lints5
- lions5
- lipin7
- litai5
- litas5
- litho8
- loans5
- loath8
- loins5
- loons5
- loops7
- loots5
- lotah8
- lotas5
- lotos5
- lotto5
- nails5
- nalas5
- napas7
- nasal5
- natal5
- nazis14
- nihil8
- nipas7
- noils5
- nolos5
- nopal7
- notal5
- oaths8
- ohias8
- olios5
- opahs10
- opals7
- opsin7
- ostia5
- ottos5
- pails7
- pains7
- paint7
- paisa7
- panto7
- pants7
- pasha10
- pasta7
- paths10
- patin7
- patio7
- phial10
- phono10
- phons10
- photo10
- phots10
- piano7
- pians7
- pilis7
- pilot7
- pinas7
- pinot7
- pinta7
- pinto7
- pints7
- pions7
- pitas7
- piths10
- piton7
- pitta7
- plain7
- plait7
- plans7
- plant7
- plash10
- plats7
- plaza16
- plots7
- plotz16
- point7
- polio7
- polis7
- polos7
- poohs10
- pools7
- poons7
- posit7
- potto7
- psoai7
- saint5
- saith8
- salon5
- salpa7
- santo5
- satin5
- shalt8
- shoal8
- shoat8
- shool8
- shoon8
- shoot8
- shott8
- slain5
- slant5
- slipt7
- sloop7
- sloth8
- snail5
- snath8
- snool5
- snoop7
- snoot5
- solan5
- solon5
- sooth8
- sotol5
- sozin14
- spahi10
- spail7
- spait7
- spilt7
- spitz16
- splat7
- split7
- spoil7
- spool7
- spoon7
- stain5
- staph10
- stilt5
- stint5
- stoai5
- stoat5
- stool5
- stoop7
- stopt7
- tails5
- tains5
- taint5
- talas5
- talon5
- tanto5
- tapas7
- tapis7
- thins8
- thiol8
- tilth8
- tilts5
- tints5
- tipis7
- titan5
- titis5
- toast5
- toils5
- toits5
- tolan5
- tolas5
- tonal5
- tools5
- toons5
- tooth8
- toots5
- topaz16
- tophi10
- tophs10
- topis7
- topoi7
- topos7
- total5
- zitis14
- zonal14
- zoons14
4 Letter Words
- aahs7
- aals4
- ahis7
- ails4
- ains4
- aits4
- alan4
- alas4
- alit4
- alps6
- also4
- alto4
- alts4
- anas4
- anil4
- anis4
- anoa4
- ansa4
- anta4
- anti4
- ants4
- apos6
- atap6
- atop6
- azan13
- azon13
- hail7
- halo7
- halt7
- hant7
- haps9
- hasp9
- hast7
- hats7
- hila7
- hili7
- hilt7
- hins7
- hint7
- hips9
- hisn7
- hist7
- hits7
- holp9
- hols7
- holt7
- hons7
- hoop9
- hoot7
- hops9
- host7
- hots7
- ilia4
- inia4
- inti4
- into4
- ions4
- iota4
- lain4
- laps6
- lash7
- last4
- lath7
- lati4
- lats4
- lino4
- lins4
- lint4
- lion4
- lipa6
- lips6
- lisp6
- list4
- lits4
- loan4
- loin4
- loon4
- loop6
- loos4
- loot4
- lops6
- lost4
- lota4
- loth7
- loti4
- lots4
- nail4
- nala4
- naoi4
- naos4
- napa6
- naps6
- nazi13
- nils4
- nipa6
- nips6
- nisi4
- nits4
- noil4
- nolo4
- nosh7
- nota4
- oast4
- oath7
- oats4
- ohia7
- oils4
- olio4
- onos4
- onto4
- oohs7
- oops6
- oots4
- opah9
- opal6
- opts6
- otto4
- pail6
- pain6
- pals6
- pans6
- pant6
- pash9
- past6
- path9
- pats6
- phat9
- phis9
- phiz18
- phon9
- phot9
- pial6
- pian6
- pias6
- pili6
- pina6
- pins6
- pint6
- pion6
- pish9
- piso6
- pita6
- pith9
- pits6
- plan6
- plat6
- plot6
- pois6
- polo6
- pols6
- pons6
- pooh9
- pool6
- poon6
- poos6
- posh9
- post6
- pots6
- sail4
- sain4
- salp6
- salt4
- sati4
- shat7
- shin7
- ship9
- shoo7
- shop9
- shot7
- sial4
- silo4
- silt4
- sinh7
- sith7
- slap6
- slat4
- slip6
- slit4
- slop6
- slot4
- snap6
- snip6
- snit4
- snot4
- soap6
- soil4
- sola4
- soli4
- solo4
- soon4
- soot4
- soph9
- soth7
- span6
- spat6
- spaz15
- spin6
- spit6
- spot6
- stat4
- stoa4
- stop6
- stot4
- tail4
- tain4
- tala4
- tali4
- tans4
- taos4
- tapa6
- taps6
- tats4
- than7
- that7
- thin7
- thio7
- this7
- tils4
- tilt4
- tins4
- tint4
- tipi6
- tips6
- titi4
- toil4
- toit4
- tola4
- tons4
- tool4
- toon4
- toot4
- toph9
- topi6
- topo6
- tops6
- tosh7
- tost4
- tots4
- zaps15
- zins13
- zips15
- ziti13
- zits13
- zona13
- zoon13
- zoos13
3 Letter Words
- aah6
- aal3
- aas3
- aha6
- ahi6
- ahs6
- ail3
- ain3
- ais3
- ait3
- ala3
- alp5
- als3
- alt3
- ana3
- ani3
- ant3
- apo5
- apt5
- ash6
- asp5
- att3
- azo12
- hao6
- hap8
- has6
- hat6
- hin6
- hip8
- his6
- hit6
- hon6
- hop8
- hos6
- hot6
- ins3
- ion3
- its3
- lap5
- las3
- lat3
- lin3
- lip5
- lis3
- lit3
- loo3
- lop5
- lot3
- nah6
- nap5
- nil3
- nip5
- nit3
- noh6
- noo3
- nos3
- not3
- nth6
- oat3
- oho6
- ohs6
- oil3
- ono3
- ons3
- ooh6
- oot3
- ops5
- opt5
- pah8
- pal5
- pan5
- pas5
- pat5
- phi8
- pht8
- pia5
- pin5
- pis5
- pit5
- poh8
- poi5
- pol5
- poo5
- pot5
- psi5
- pst5
- sal3
- sap5
- sat3
- sha6
- sin3
- sip5
- sit3
- sol3
- son3
- sop5
- sot3
- spa5
- tan3
- tao3
- tap5
- tas3
- tat3
- tho6
- til3
- tin3
- tip5
- tis3
- tit3
- ton3
- too3
- top5
- tot3
- zap14
- zas12
- zin12
- zip14
- zit12
- zoa12
- zoo12