Is habilitating a Scrabble word?
Yes, habilitating is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 18 points in Scrabble, and 21 points in Words with Friends
Habilitating is a valid Scrabble word.
Habilitating is a word starting with h ending with g. Check our list of words starting with h ending with g.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word habilitating
The meaning of habilitating
2 definitions of the word habilitating.
- Qualify for teaching at a university in Europe
- Provide with clothes or put clothes on
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in habilitating?
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
4 Letter Words
- agha8
- agin5
- alan4
- alba6
- alga5
- alit4
- anga5
- anil4
- anta4
- anti4
- baal6
- baht9
- bail6
- bait6
- bang7
- bani6
- bath9
- batt6
- bint6
- bitt6
- blah9
- blat6
- blin6
- gain5
- gait5
- gala5
- ghat8
- gilt5
- glia5
- glib7
- gnat5
- hail7
- halt7
- hang8
- hant7
- hila7
- hili7
- hilt7
- hint7
- ilia4
- inia4
- inti4
- lain4
- lang5
- lath7
- lati4
- ling5
- lint4
- nail4
- nala4
- nigh8
- tail4
- tain4
- tala4
- tali4
- tang5
- than7
- that7
- thin7
- tilt4
- ting5
- tint4
- titi4