Is gasification a Scrabble word?
Yes, gasification is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 18 points in Scrabble, and 21 points in Words with Friends
Gasification is a valid Scrabble word.
Gasification is a word starting with g ending with n. Check our list of words starting with g ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word gasification
The meaning of gasification
1 definition of the word gasification.
- The process of changing into gas
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in gasification?
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- acting9
- actins8
- action8
- aftosa9
- agitas7
- agonic9
- anisic8
- antics8
- atonia6
- atonic8
- caftan11
- cantos8
- casing9
- casini8
- casino8
- casita8
- cation8
- citing9
- coatis8
- coigns9
- confit11
- congas9
- congii9
- cosign9
- cotans8
- coting9
- facias11
- facing12
- fagins10
- fagots10
- faints9
- fangas10
- fascia11
- fating10
- fiasco11
- ficins11
- fincas11
- finito9
- fistic11
- gainst7
- ganofs10
- gascon9
- giants7
- gitano7
- gonifs10
- icings9
- incogs9
- ingots7
- ionics8
- isatin6
- nastic8
- octans8
- sancta8
- satang7
- sating7
- scotia8
- siting7
- sonata6
- stingo7
- tafias9
- taigas7
- tangos7
- tigons7
- tocsin8
- tongas7
- tonics8
5 Letter Words
- acing8
- acini7
- actin7
- again6
- agios6
- agist6
- agita6
- agons6
- angas6
- angst6
- anoas5
- antas5
- antic7
- antis5
- ascot7
- cains7
- canso7
- canst7
- canto7
- cants7
- cions7
- coast7
- coati7
- coats7
- coifs10
- coign8
- coins7
- conga8
- costa7
- cotan7
- facia10
- facts10
- fagin9
- fagot9
- faint8
- fanga9
- fangs9
- fanos8
- fatso8
- fiats8
- ficin10
- finca10
- finis8
- finos8
- foins8
- foist8
- fonts8
- gains6
- gaits6
- ganof9
- giant6
- gifts9
- gnats6
- goats6
- gonia6
- gonif9
- icing8
- icons7
- incog8
- infos8
- ingot6
- intis5
- ionic7
- iotas5
- naifs8
- octan7
- ontic7
- ostia5
- saiga6
- saint5
- sanga6
- santo5
- satin5
- scant7
- scion7
- signa6
- softa8
- sonic7
- staig6
- stain5
- stang6
- sting6
- stoai5
- stoic7
- tacos7
- tafia8
- taiga6
- tains5
- tanga6
- tango6
- tangs6
- tigon6
- tings6
- togas6
- tonga6
- tongs6
- tonic7
4 Letter Words
- acta6
- acts6
- agas5
- agin5
- agio5
- agon5
- ains4
- aits4
- anas4
- anga5
- anis4
- anoa4
- ansa4
- anta4
- anti4
- ants4
- asci6
- cain6
- cans6
- cant6
- casa6
- cast6
- cats6
- ciao6
- cigs7
- cion6
- cist6
- coat6
- coft9
- cogs7
- coif9
- coin6
- coni6
- cons6
- cost6
- cots6
- fact9
- fags8
- fain7
- fang8
- fano7
- fans7
- fast7
- fats7
- fiat7
- fico9
- figs8
- fino7
- fins7
- fisc9
- fist7
- fits7
- foci9
- fogs8
- foin7
- fons7
- font7
- gain5
- gait5
- gast5
- gats5
- gift8
- gins5
- gist5
- gits5
- gnat5
- goas5
- goat5
- icon6
- info7
- inia4
- inti4
- into4
- ions4
- iota4
- nags5
- naif7
- naoi4
- naos4
- nisi4
- nits4
- nogs5
- nota4
- oafs7
- oast4
- oats4
- ocas6
- otic6
- saga5
- sago5
- sain4
- sang5
- sati4
- scag7
- scan6
- scat6
- scot6
- sift7
- sign5
- sing5
- snag5
- snit4
- snog5
- snot4
- soca6
- sofa7
- soft7
- song5
- stag5
- stoa4
- taco6
- tags5
- tain4
- tang5
- tans4
- taos4
- tics6
- ting5
- tins4
- toga5
- togs5
- tong5
- tons4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to gasification:
Unscramble the letters in gasification
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'gasification'.