Is evolutionary a Scrabble word?
Yes, evolutionary is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 18 points in Scrabble, and 21 points in Words with Friends
Evolutionary is a valid Scrabble word.
Evolutionary is a word starting with e ending with y. Check our list of words starting with e ending with y.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word evolutionary
The meaning of evolutionary
1 definition of the word evolutionary.
- Of or relating to or produced by evolution
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in evolutionary?
10 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- aileron7
- aleuron7
- alienor7
- alunite7
- anolyte10
- elation7
- elution7
- elytron10
- inertly10
- inlayer10
- irately10
- latrine7
- layover13
- levator10
- loonier7
- naively13
- naivety13
- nervily13
- neutral7
- novelty13
- olivary13
- orality10
- oration7
- ortolan7
- outearn7
- outlain7
- outlier7
- outline7
- outlive10
- outlove10
- outrave10
- ovality13
- ovately13
- ovation10
- overlay13
- overlit10
- overtly13
- ovulary13
- ovulate10
- rainout7
- ratline7
- ravelin10
- reality10
- reliant7
- retinal7
- retinol7
- riantly10
- rivulet10
- routine7
- ruinate7
- taurine7
- tearily10
- toenail7
- torulae7
- tourney10
- trenail7
- unitary10
- unravel10
- uralite7
- uranite7
- urinate7
- variety13
- variole10
- vaulter10
- vaunter10
- vauntie10
- ventail10
- ventral10
- venturi10
- venular10
- vilayet13
- violate10
- violent10
- violone10
- virelay13
- virtual10
- volante10
- volutin10
6 Letter Words
- aerily9
- alevin9
- aliner6
- aliyot9
- alvine9
- antler6
- aroint6
- aroynt9
- artily9
- atoner6
- auntie6
- auntly9
- eluant6
- eluvia9
- elytra9
- enroot6
- entail6
- entoil6
- enviro9
- eolian6
- etalon6
- invert9
- larine6
- latino6
- layout9
- learnt6
- lenity9
- levant9
- levity12
- linear6
- linter6
- litany9
- livery12
- livyer12
- loaner6
- loiter6
- looney9
- loonie6
- looter6
- lotion6
- louver9
- louvre9
- lunate6
- lunier6
- lutein6
- lyrate9
- nailer6
- naiver9
- native9
- nature6
- nearly9
- neatly9
- neroli6
- neural6
- nitery9
- norite6
- notary9
- nutria6
- oolite6
- oorali6
- orient6
- oriole6
- ornate6
- outlay9
- outlie6
- outran6
- outvie9
- overly12
- ovular9
- ratine6
- ration6
- ratlin6
- ratoon6
- ravine9
- realty9
- reloan6
- renail6
- rental6
- renvoi9
- retail6
- retain6
- retial6
- retina6
- retool6
- revolt9
- rialto6
- ritual6
- rootle6
- runlet6
- rutile6
- tailer6
- tailor6
- talion6
- tavern9
- tenail6
- tenour6
- tineal6
- toiler6
- tolane6
- tonier6
- tooler6
- toonie6
- torula6
- travel9
- trinal6
- triune6
- turion6
- uniter6
- unlive9
- unreal6
- unroot6
- unrove9
- unveil9
- uranyl9
- urinal6
- vainer9
- vainly12
- valine9
- valour9
- valuer9
- vanity12
- varlet9
- vaulty12
- vaunty12
- veinal9
- velour9
- venial9
- verily12
- verity12
- vernal9
- viator9
- vineal9
- vinery12
- violet9
- virtue9
- volant9
- volery12
- volute9
- votary12
- voyeur12
5 Letter Words
- aiver8
- alert5
- alien5
- aline5
- alive8
- aloin5
- alone5
- alter5
- anile5
- anole5
- antre5
- anvil8
- ariel5
- artel5
- atone5
- atony8
- aunty8
- aurei5
- avert8
- avion8
- early8
- elain5
- elint5
- eloin5
- enrol5
- entia5
- entry8
- envoi8
- envoy11
- ervil8
- inert5
- inlay8
- inlet5
- inter5
- intro5
- inure5
- invar8
- irate5
- irone5
- irony8
- ivory11
- laevo8
- laity8
- laten5
- later5
- laver8
- layer8
- layin8
- leant5
- learn5
- leary8
- leavy11
- lento5
- levin8
- liane5
- liner5
- liney8
- linty8
- lirot5
- liter5
- litre5
- liven8
- liver8
- livre8
- loner5
- looey8
- looie5
- loony8
- loran5
- louie5
- loury8
- lovat8
- lover8
- lunar5
- lunet5
- lutea5
- lyart8
- naevi8
- nairu5
- naive8
- navel8
- nerol5
- nervy11
- niter5
- nitre5
- nitro5
- nival8
- noily8
- noria5
- notal5
- noter5
- novae8
- novel8
- oaten5
- oater5
- oiler5
- olein5
- olive8
- onery8
- onlay8
- oorie5
- orate5
- oriel5
- orlon5
- ourie5
- outer5
- outre5
- ovary11
- ovate8
- overt8
- ovine8
- ovoli8
- ovule8
- rainy8
- ratel5
- ratio5
- ravel8
- raven8
- ravin8
- rayon8
- relay8
- relit5
- renal5
- reoil5
- retia5
- riant5
- riley8
- rival8
- riven8
- rivet8
- riyal8
- roily8
- rooty8
- rouen5
- route5
- roven8
- royal8
- runty8
- rutin5
- taler5
- talon5
- tauon5
- teary8
- telia5
- teloi5
- tenia5
- tenor5
- terai5
- tiler5
- tinea5
- toile5
- tolan5
- tolar5
- tonal5
- toner5
- toney8
- toyer8
- toyon8
- trail5
- train5
- trave8
- trial5
- trine5
- triol5
- trona5
- trone5
- trove8
- truly8
- tuner5
- tuyer8
- ulnae5
- ulnar5
- ultra5
- unary8
- unite5
- unity8
- unlay8
- unlet5
- unlit5
- untie5
- until5
- uraei5
- urate5
- ureal5
- urial5
- urine5
- uteri5
- utile5
- uveal8
- valet8
- valor8
- value8
- vault8
- vaunt8
- vealy11
- veiny11
- velar8
- venal8
- vertu8
- viler8
- vinal8
- vinyl11
- viola8
- viral8
- vireo8
- virtu8
- vitae8
- vital8
- voila8
- voile8
- volar8
- volta8
- volte8
- volti8
- voter8
- yearn8
- yenta8
- yourn8
- yulan8
- yurta8
4 Letter Words
- aeon4
- aero4
- aery7
- airn4
- airt4
- airy7
- alit4
- aloe4
- alto4
- anil4
- ante4
- anti4
- aril4
- arty7
- arvo7
- aryl7
- aunt4
- auto4
- aver7
- ayin7
- earl4
- earn4
- elan4
- enol4
- envy10
- etna4
- etui4
- euro4
- evil7
- eyra7
- ilea4
- inly7
- inro4
- into4
- iota4
- iron4
- lain4
- lair4
- lane4
- lari4
- late4
- lati4
- latu4
- lave7
- lean4
- lear4
- leno4
- lent4
- leva7
- levo7
- levy10
- liar4
- lien4
- lier4
- lieu4
- line4
- lino4
- lint4
- liny7
- lion4
- lira4
- lire4
- lite4
- litu4
- live7
- loan4
- loin4
- lone4
- loon4
- loot4
- lore4
- lorn4
- lory7
- lota4
- loti4
- lour4
- lout4
- love7
- luna4
- lune4
- lunt4
- luny7
- lure4
- lute4
- lyre7
- nail4
- naoi4
- nary7
- nave7
- navy10
- near4
- neat4
- nevi7
- nite4
- noel4
- noil4
- noir4
- nolo4
- nori4
- nota4
- note4
- nova7
- nurl4
- oily7
- olea4
- oleo4
- olio4
- only7
- onto4
- oral4
- orle4
- oval7
- oven7
- over7
- oyer7
- rail4
- rain4
- rale4
- rani4
- rant4
- rate4
- rato4
- rave7
- real4
- rein4
- rely7
- rent4
- rial4
- riel4
- rile4
- riot4
- rite4
- rive7
- roan4
- roil4
- role4
- root4
- rota4
- rote4
- roti4
- rotl4
- roto4
- roue4
- rout4
- rove7
- ruin4
- rule4
- ruly7
- rune4
- runt4
- ryot7
- tael4
- tail4
- tain4
- tale4
- tali4
- tare4
- tarn4
- taro4
- teal4
- tear4
- tela4
- tern4
- tier4
- tile4
- tine4
- tiny7
- tire4
- tirl4
- tiro4
- tivy10
- toea4
- toil4
- tola4
- tole4
- tolu4
- tone4
- tony7
- tool4
- toon4
- tora4
- tore4
- tori4
- torn4
- toro4
- tory7
- tour4
- toyo7
- tray7
- trey7
- trio4
- troy7
- true4
- tule4
- tuna4
- tune4
- turn4
- tyer7
- tyin7
- tyne7
- tyre7
- tyro7
- ulan4
- ulna4
- ulva7
- unai4
- unit4
- unto4
- urea4
- uvea7
- vail7
- vain7
- vair7
- vale7
- vane7
- vary10
- vatu7
- veal7
- veil7
- vein7
- vela7
- vena7
- vent7
- vera7
- vert7
- very10
- veto7
- vial7
- vier7
- vile7
- vina7
- vine7
- vino7
- viny10
- viol7
- virl7
- vita7
- vole7
- volt7
- vote7
- yare7
- yarn7
- yean7
- year7
- yeti7
- yoni7
- yore7
- your7
- yuan7
- yule7
- yurt7
3 Letter Words
- ail3
- ain3
- air3
- ait3
- ale3
- alt3
- ane3
- ani3
- ant3
- any6
- are3
- art3
- ate3
- ave6
- avo6
- aye6
- ear3
- eat3
- eau3
- eon3
- era3
- ern3
- eta3
- ion3
- ire3
- ivy9
- lar3
- lat3
- lav6
- lay6
- lea3
- lei3
- let3
- leu3
- lev6
- ley6
- lie3
- lin3
- lit3
- loo3
- lot3
- luv6
- lye6
- nae3
- nay6
- net3
- nil3
- nit3
- noo3
- nor3
- not3
- nut3
- oar3
- oat3
- oil3
- ole3
- one3
- ono3
- oot3
- ora3
- ore3
- ort3
- our3
- out3
- ova6
- rai3
- ran3
- rat3
- ray6
- rei3
- ret3
- rev6
- ria3
- rin3
- roe3
- rot3
- rue3
- run3
- rut3
- rya6
- rye6
- tae3
- tan3
- tao3
- tar3
- tau3
- tav6
- tea3
- tel3
- ten3
- tie3
- til3
- tin3
- toe3
- ton3
- too3
- tor3
- toy6
- try6
- tui3
- tun3
- tye6
- urn3
- uta3
- ute3
- van6
- var6
- vat6
- vau6
- vet6
- via6
- vie6
- voe6
- yar6
- yea6
- yen6
- yet6
- yin6
- yon6
- you6
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to evolutionary:
Unscramble the letters in evolutionary
There are 2 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'evolutionary'.