Is embrocating a Scrabble word?
Yes, embrocating is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 18 points in Scrabble, and 23 points in Words with Friends
Embrocating is a valid Scrabble word.
Embrocating is a word starting with e ending with g. Check our list of words starting with e ending with g.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word embrocating
The meaning of embrocating
1 definition of the word embrocating.
- Administer an oil or ointment to; often in a religious ceremony of blessing
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in embrocating?
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
- aborting11
- actioner10
- amercing13
- anoretic10
- argentic11
- bacterin12
- baritone10
- becoming15
- berating11
- bergamot13
- boracite12
- borating11
- breaming13
- cameoing13
- caroming13
- catering11
- coinmate12
- combater14
- combiner14
- creaming13
- creating11
- creation10
- emigrant11
- germanic13
- gerontic11
- intercom12
- magnetic13
- obtainer10
- reacting11
- reaction10
- rebating11
- remating11
- reobtain10
- romantic12
- tabering11
- taborine10
- taboring11
7 Letter Words
- aconite9
- acrogen10
- aerobic11
- ambient11
- amniote9
- amoebic13
- anergic10
- argotic10
- baronet9
- beaming12
- bearing10
- beating10
- begonia10
- begroan10
- berming12
- bicorne11
- boating10
- boatmen11
- bornite9
- botanic11
- bracing12
- bromate11
- bromine11
- cabinet11
- carbine11
- carmine11
- carotin9
- carting10
- centimo11
- ceratin9
- certain9
- cigaret10
- coagent10
- coaming12
- coating10
- cognate10
- coinage10
- cointer9
- combine13
- combing14
- corbina11
- coreign10
- coremia11
- cortina9
- cotinga10
- crating10
- creatin9
- embargo12
- emoting10
- enactor9
- encomia11
- ergotic10
- erotica9
- gambier12
- gametic12
- garment10
- genitor8
- genomic12
- germina10
- granite8
- gratine8
- grimace12
- iceboat11
- incomer11
- ingrate8
- magneto10
- mangier10
- mantric11
- marengo10
- margent10
- marting10
- megabit12
- megaron10
- megaton10
- metring10
- microbe13
- migrant10
- migrate10
- minaret9
- minorca11
- mintage10
- mitogen10
- moating10
- montage10
- moraine9
- mortice11
- negator8
- nematic11
- niobate9
- noticer9
- orating8
- organic10
- ragtime10
- raiment9
- reaming10
- reboant9
- roaming10
- romaine9
- romance11
- taborin9
- tacrine9
- tangier8
- teaming10
- tearing8
- tegmina10
- terming10
- tombing12
- tonearm9
- tonemic11
- tracing10
6 Letter Words
- acetin8
- acting9
- action8
- aeonic8
- agonic9
- aigret7
- airmen8
- amebic12
- anemic10
- anomic10
- anomie8
- aortic8
- arcing9
- argent7
- arming9
- aroint6
- atomic10
- atoner6
- atonic8
- bagmen11
- bagnio9
- baiter8
- banger9
- banter8
- baring9
- barite8
- barmen10
- barmie10
- barong9
- bating9
- batmen10
- beacon10
- begirt9
- begrim11
- bemoan10
- bicorn10
- bicron10
- binate8
- binger9
- biogen9
- boater8
- bogart9
- bonaci10
- bonier8
- bonita8
- borage9
- borane8
- borate8
- boring9
- bregma11
- brogan9
- bromic12
- bromin10
- cabmen12
- cagier9
- camber12
- camion10
- canoer8
- canter8
- cantor8
- carbon10
- caribe10
- caring9
- carmen10
- carnet8
- carnie8
- carton8
- cation8
- centai8
- centra8
- cering9
- cinema10
- citron8
- coater8
- cogent9
- coigne9
- coiner8
- comate10
- combat12
- comber12
- coming11
- conger9
- contra8
- corban10
- corbie10
- coring9
- cornea8
- cornet8
- cortin8
- coting9
- crambe12
- crambo12
- craton8
- cretin8
- cringe9
- earing7
- eating7
- enamor8
- enatic8
- engirt7
- engram9
- enigma9
- entomb10
- eringo7
- etamin8
- gabion9
- gainer7
- gaiter7
- gambir11
- gambit11
- gamier9
- gamine9
- garcon9
- garnet7
- garote7
- german9
- gitano7
- gnomic11
- goiter7
- goitre7
- graben9
- gratin7
- iceman10
- ignore7
- imager9
- imaret8
- incage9
- income10
- ingate7
- inmate8
- intomb10
- macing11
- macron10
- magnet9
- maigre9
- manger9
- manioc10
- manito8
- mantic10
- margin9
- marine8
- marten8
- martin8
- matier8
- mating9
- matron8
- mentor8
- merino8
- meting9
- metric10
- micron10
- mincer10
- minter8
- mirage9
- moaner8
- monger9
- morgan9
- morgen9
- nectar8
- noetic8
- norite6
- notice8
- oaring7
- obtain8
- octane8
- omenta8
- onager7
- onagri7
- orange7
- orbing9
- orcein8
- orgeat7
- orgiac9
- orient6
- origan7
- ornate6
- racing9
- ragmen9
- ratine6
- rating7
- ration6
- reagin7
- rebait8
- rebato8
- recant8
- recoat8
- recoin8
- recomb12
- regain7
- regina7
- region7
- remain8
- remint8
- retain6
- retina6
- robing9
- tamein8
- taming9
- tanrec8
- taring7
- terbia8
- terbic10
- timber10
- timbre10
- toeing7
- tombac12
- tonger7
- tonier6
- tragic9
- trance8
- triage7
- trigon7
5 Letter Words
- abort7
- acerb9
- acing8
- acorn7
- actin7
- actor7
- agent6
- agone6
- aimer7
- amber9
- ambit9
- ament7
- amice9
- amigo8
- amine7
- amino7
- amnic9
- amnio7
- among8
- amort7
- anger6
- anime7
- antic7
- antre5
- areic7
- argon6
- argot6
- armet7
- atone5
- bacon9
- bairn7
- banco9
- barge8
- baric9
- baron7
- baton7
- beano7
- began8
- begat8
- begin8
- begot8
- being8
- bento7
- beton7
- bigot8
- biner7
- binge8
- bingo8
- biome9
- biont7
- biota7
- biter7
- boart7
- bogan8
- bogie8
- boing8
- boite7
- boric9
- borne7
- brace9
- bract9
- brain7
- brant7
- bream9
- brent7
- brine7
- bring8
- brome9
- bronc9
- caber9
- cabin9
- cager8
- cairn7
- cameo9
- caner7
- canoe7
- canto7
- carbo9
- caret7
- cargo8
- carob9
- carom9
- carte7
- cater7
- ceiba9
- cento7
- ceria7
- cigar8
- citer7
- coati7
- cobia9
- cobra9
- coign8
- comae9
- combe11
- comer9
- comet9
- comte9
- conga8
- conge8
- conte7
- corgi8
- coria7
- cotan7
- crane7
- crate7
- cream9
- crime9
- crone7
- embar9
- enact7
- enorm7
- entia5
- ergot6
- erica7
- gambe10
- gamer8
- gamic10
- gamin8
- garni6
- gater6
- gator6
- gemot8
- genic8
- genoa6
- genom8
- genro6
- giant6
- giber8
- giron6
- gnome8
- goban8
- gomer8
- goner6
- gonia6
- grace8
- grain6
- grant6
- grate6
- great6
- grime8
- griot6
- groan6
- groat6
- groin6
- image8
- imago8
- inarm7
- incog8
- inert5
- ingot6
- inter5
- intro5
- irate5
- irone5
- macer9
- macon9
- macro9
- magic10
- magot8
- mange8
- mango8
- manic9
- manor7
- marge8
- mater7
- matin7
- mbira9
- meant7
- menta7
- merit7
- metro7
- micra9
- micro9
- minae7
- mince9
- miner7
- minor7
- miter7
- mitre7
- moira7
- moire7
- monie7
- monte7
- morae7
- nacre7
- namer7
- narco7
- naric7
- nicer7
- niter5
- nitre5
- nitro5
- noria5
- noter5
- oaten5
- oater5
- ocean7
- ocrea7
- octan7
- omber9
- ombre9
- omega8
- oncet7
- ontic7
- orang6
- orate5
- orbit7
- orcin7
- organ6
- orgic8
- rabic9
- racon7
- ramen7
- ramet7
- ramie7
- rance7
- range6
- ratio5
- react7
- recit7
- recon7
- recta7
- recti7
- recto7
- regma8
- regna6
- reign6
- reman7
- remit7
- renig6
- retag6
- retia5
- riant5
- robin7
- roman7
- taber7
- tabor7
- tamer7
- tango6
- targe6
- taroc7
- tenia5
- tenor5
- terai5
- terga6
- tiger6
- tigon6
- timer7
- tinea5
- tinge6
- togae6
- toman7
- toner5
- tonga6
- tonic7
- toric7
- trace7
- tragi6
- train5
- triac7
- tribe7
- trice7
- trigo6
- trine5
- trona5
- trone5
4 Letter Words
- abet6
- abri6
- acme8
- acne6
- acre6
- aeon4
- aero4
- ager5
- agin5
- agio5
- agon5
- airn4
- airt4
- ambo8
- amen6
- amie6
- amin6
- amir6
- ante4
- anti4
- arco6
- atom6
- bait6
- bane6
- bang7
- bani6
- bare6
- barm8
- barn6
- bate6
- beam8
- bean6
- bear6
- beat6
- bema8
- bent6
- berg7
- berm8
- beta6
- bice8
- bier6
- bima8
- bine6
- bint6
- biog7
- biro6
- bite6
- boar6
- boat6
- bone6
- bong7
- bora6
- bore6
- born6
- bort6
- bota6
- brae6
- brag7
- bran6
- brat6
- bren6
- brie6
- brig7
- brim8
- brin6
- brio6
- brit6
- cage7
- cain6
- came8
- camo8
- cane6
- cant6
- carb8
- care6
- carn6
- cart6
- cate6
- cent6
- cero6
- ciao6
- cine6
- cion6
- cire6
- cite6
- coat6
- coin6
- coir6
- coma8
- comb10
- come8
- cone6
- coni6
- core6
- corm8
- corn6
- cote6
- crab8
- crag7
- cram8
- crib8
- crit6
- earn4
- ebon6
- emic8
- emir6
- emit6
- ergo5
- etic6
- etna4
- gaen5
- gain5
- gait5
- gamb9
- game7
- gane5
- garb7
- gate5
- gear5
- gent5
- germ7
- geta5
- gibe7
- gien5
- girn5
- giro5
- girt5
- gite5
- gnar5
- gnat5
- goat5
- goer5
- gone5
- gore5
- gorm7
- grab7
- gram7
- gran5
- grat5
- grim7
- grin5
- grit5
- grot5
- iamb8
- icon6
- inro4
- into4
- iota4
- iron4
- item6
- mabe8
- mace8
- mage7
- magi7
- main6
- mair6
- mane6
- mano6
- marc8
- mare6
- mart6
- mate6
- mean6
- meat6
- mega7
- meno6
- merc8
- meta6
- mica8
- mice8
- mien6
- mina6
- mine6
- mint6
- mire6
- mite6
- moan6
- moat6
- mora6
- more6
- morn6
- mort6
- mote6
- nabe6
- name6
- naoi4
- narc6
- near4
- neat4
- nema6
- nice6
- nite4
- noir4
- noma6
- nome6
- nori4
- norm6
- nota4
- note4
- obia6
- obit6
- ogam7
- ogre5
- omen6
- omer6
- omit6
- once6
- orca6
- otic6
- race6
- rage5
- ragi5
- rain4
- rami6
- rang5
- rani4
- rant4
- rate4
- rato4
- ream6
- rein4
- rent4
- rice6
- rime6
- ring5
- riot4
- rite4
- roam6
- roan4
- robe6
- rota4
- rote4
- roti4
- tace6
- taco6
- tain4
- tame6
- tang5
- tare4
- tarn4
- taro4
- team6
- tear4
- term6
- tern4
- tier4
- time6
- tine4
- ting5
- tire4
- tiro4
- toea4
- toga5
- tomb8
- tome6
- tone4
- tong5
- tora4
- torc6
- tore4
- tori4
- torn4
- tram6
- trig5
- trim6
- trio4
- trog5
3 Letter Words
- ace5
- act5
- age4
- ago4
- aim5
- ain3
- air3
- ait3
- ami5
- ane3
- ani3
- ant3
- arb5
- arc5
- are3
- arm5
- art3
- ate3
- bag6
- bam7
- ban5
- bar5
- bat5
- beg6
- ben5
- bet5
- big6
- bin5
- bio5
- bit5
- boa5
- bog6
- bot5
- bra5
- bro5
- cab7
- cam7
- can5
- car5
- cat5
- cig6
- cob7
- cog6
- con5
- cor5
- cot5
- ear3
- eat3
- ego4
- eng4
- eon3
- era3
- erg4
- ern3
- eta3
- gab6
- gae4
- gam6
- gan4
- gar4
- gat4
- gem6
- gen4
- get4
- gib6
- gie4
- gin4
- git4
- goa4
- gob6
- gor4
- got4
- ice5
- ion3
- ire3
- mac7
- mae5
- mag6
- man5
- mar5
- mat5
- meg6
- men5
- met5
- mib7
- mic7
- mig6
- mir5
- moa5
- mob7
- moc7
- mog6
- mon5
- mor5
- mot5
- nab5
- nae3
- nag4
- nam5
- neb5
- neg4
- net3
- nib5
- nim5
- nit3
- nob5
- nog4
- nom5
- nor3
- not3
- oar3
- oat3
- oba5
- obe5
- obi5
- oca5
- one3
- ora3
- orb5
- orc5
- ore3
- ort3
- rag4
- rai3
- ram5
- ran3
- rat3
- reb5
- rec5
- reg4
- rei3
- rem5
- ret3
- ria3
- rib5
- rig4
- rim5
- rin3
- rob5
- roc5
- roe3
- rom5
- rot3
- tab5
- tae3
- tag4
- tam5
- tan3
- tao3
- tar3
- tea3
- teg4
- ten3
- tic5
- tie3
- tin3
- toe3
- tog4
- tom5
- ton3
- tor3