Is dissociations a Scrabble word?
Yes, dissociations is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 16 points in Scrabble, and 18 points in Words with Friends
Dissociations is a valid Scrabble word.
Dissociations is a word starting with d ending with s. Check our list of words starting with d ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word dissociations
The meaning of dissociations
3 definitions of the word dissociations.
- The act of removing from association
- A state in which some integrated part of a person's life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently
- (chemistry) the temporary or reversible process in which a molecule or ion is broken down into smaller molecules or ions
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in dissociations?
12 Letter Words
11 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- actins8
- action8
- adonis7
- anisic8
- anodic9
- antics8
- ascots8
- asdics9
- assist6
- atonic8
- canids9
- cansos8
- cantos8
- casini8
- casino8
- cassis8
- cation8
- coasts8
- coatis8
- codons9
- condos9
- conoid9
- contos8
- cotans8
- dacoit9
- danios7
- dicast9
- dicots9
- discos9
- idiots7
- indict9
- insist6
- iodins7
- ionics8
- isatin6
- nastic8
- nicads9
- nostoc8
- octads9
- octans8
- odists7
- ootids7
- saints6
- santos6
- sasins6
- satins6
- scants8
- scions8
- scoots8
- scotia8
- snoods7
- snoots6
- sonics8
- stains6
- stands7
- stasis6
- stoics8
- tocsin8
- tondos7
- tonics8
- tsadis7
5 Letter Words
- acids8
- acini7
- actin7
- adios6
- adits6
- antic7
- antis5
- ascot7
- asdic8
- cadis8
- caids8
- cains7
- canid8
- canso7
- canst7
- canto7
- cants7
- casts7
- cions7
- cists7
- cnida8
- coast7
- coati7
- coats7
- codas8
- codon8
- coins7
- condo8
- conto7
- coons7
- coots7
- costa7
- costs7
- cotan7
- danio6
- datos6
- dicot8
- dicta8
- dinos6
- dints6
- disci8
- disco8
- discs8
- ditas6
- doats6
- doits6
- donas6
- icons7
- idiot6
- intis5
- iodic8
- iodin6
- ionic7
- iotas5
- nicad8
- nitid6
- oasis5
- oasts5
- octad8
- octan7
- odist6
- oidia6
- ontic7
- ootid6
- ossia5
- ostia5
- sadis6
- saids6
- sains5
- saint5
- sands6
- santo5
- sasin5
- satin5
- satis5
- scads8
- scans7
- scant7
- scats7
- scion7
- scoot7
- scots7
- snits5
- snood6
- snoot5
- snots5
- socas7
- sodas6
- sodic8
- sonic7
- soots5
- staid6
- stain5
- stand6
- stoai5
- stoas5
- stoic7
- stood6
- stoss5
- tacos7
- tains5
- toads6
- tondi6
- tondo6
- tonic7
- toons5
- tsadi6
4 Letter Words
- acid7
- acts6
- adit5
- ados5
- aids5
- ains4
- aits4
- ands5
- anis4
- anti4
- ants4
- asci6
- cadi7
- cads7
- caid7
- cain6
- cans6
- cant6
- cast6
- cats6
- ciao6
- cion6
- cist6
- coat6
- coda7
- cods7
- coin6
- coni6
- cons6
- coos6
- coot6
- coss6
- cost6
- cots6
- dais5
- dans5
- dato5
- dino5
- dins5
- dint5
- disc7
- diss5
- dita5
- dits5
- doat5
- docs7
- doit5
- dona5
- dons5
- doss5
- dost5
- dots5
- icon6
- inia4
- inti4
- into4
- ions4
- iota4
- naoi4
- naos4
- nidi5
- nisi4
- nits4
- nodi5
- nods5
- nota4
- oast4
- oats4
- ocas6
- odas5
- odic7
- onos4
- onto4
- oots4
- ossa4
- otic6
- sacs6
- sadi5
- said5
- sain4
- sand5
- sans4
- sass4
- sati4
- scad7
- scan6
- scat6
- scot6
- sics6
- sins4
- sits4
- snit4
- snot4
- soca6
- soda5
- sods5
- sons4
- soon4
- soot4
- sots4
- stoa4
- taco6
- tads5
- tain4
- tans4
- taos4
- tass4
- tics6
- tins4
- toad5
- tods5
- tons4
- toon4
- toss4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to dissociations:
Unscramble the letters in dissociations
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'dissociations'.