Is denazification a Scrabble word?
Yes, denazification is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 29 points in Scrabble, and 32 points in Words with Friends
Denazification is a valid Scrabble word.
Denazification is a word starting with d ending with n. Check our list of words starting with d ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word denazification
The meaning of denazification
1 definition of the word denazification.
- Social process of removing Nazis from official positions and giving up any allegiance to Nazism
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in denazification?
12 Letter Words
11 Letter Words
10 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
- actiniae10
- actinian10
- actinide11
- actinoid11
- adnation9
- anecdota11
- anointed9
- antiacne10
- antinode9
- caftaned14
- canonize19
- cantoned11
- canzonet19
- catenoid11
- citified14
- confined14
- conidian11
- cotinine10
- ctenidia11
- diatonic11
- diazinon18
- faineant11
- financed14
- ideation9
- inaction10
- incanted11
- incident11
- indicant11
- indicate11
- infinite11
- intifada12
- iodinate9
- nazified21
- nicotine10
- nidation9
- notified12
7 Letter Words
- aconite9
- actinia9
- actinon9
- aecidia10
- aeonian7
- ancient9
- andante8
- anionic9
- anodize17
- antacid10
- cadenza19
- candent10
- cantina9
- canzona18
- canzone18
- canzoni18
- citizen18
- codeina10
- confide13
- confine12
- conidia10
- coniine9
- connate9
- contain9
- contend10
- ctenoid10
- defiant11
- deficit13
- deontic10
- diazine17
- diction10
- edition8
- enation7
- faciend13
- faction12
- factoid13
- fainted11
- fanatic12
- fancied13
- fanzine19
- fatidic13
- fazenda20
- fiction12
- finance12
- fondant11
- fontina10
- identic10
- idiotic10
- incited10
- indican10
- indicia10
- inedita8
- infanta10
- infante10
- intoned8
- ionized17
- nicotin9
- nonacid10
- nonfact12
- noticed10
- tacnode10
- zacaton18
- zenaida17
- zincate18
- zincite18
- zincoid19
- zonated17
6 Letter Words
- acedia9
- acetin8
- acnode9
- action8
- adnate7
- aeonic8
- ancone8
- anodic9
- anoint6
- atoned7
- atonia6
- atonic8
- azonic17
- azoted16
- azotic17
- cadent9
- caftan11
- canine8
- canned9
- cannie8
- cannot8
- canoed9
- canted9
- canton8
- catena8
- cation8
- centai8
- citied9
- cnidae9
- coated9
- codeia9
- codein9
- coedit9
- coifed12
- coined9
- confit11
- conine8
- conned9
- cozied18
- dacite9
- dacoit9
- deacon9
- decant9
- deific12
- dentin7
- detain7
- dezinc18
- diazin16
- docent9
- donate7
- enatic8
- encina8
- eonian6
- facade12
- faciae11
- fadein10
- fanion9
- fanned10
- fantod10
- fiance11
- finite9
- finito9
- finned10
- foetid10
- foined10
- incant8
- incent8
- incite8
- indent7
- indict9
- indite7
- infant9
- infect11
- innate6
- intend7
- intine6
- intone6
- iodate7
- iodine7
- iodize16
- ionize15
- nation6
- niacin8
- nidate7
- nocent8
- noetic8
- nonfat9
- notice8
- octane8
- taenia6
- tanned7
- tannic8
- tendon7
- tineid7
- tinned7
- zeatin15
- zenana15
- zinced18
- zinnia15
- zodiac18
- zoecia17
- zonate15
5 Letter Words
- aceta7
- acini7
- acned8
- acted8
- actin7
- adoze15
- aecia7
- ancon7
- anent5
- anion5
- anode6
- antae5
- anted6
- antic7
- atone5
- azide15
- azido15
- azine14
- azoic16
- azote14
- cadet8
- caned8
- canid8
- canna7
- canoe7
- canon7
- canto7
- cento7
- cited8
- cnida8
- coati7
- coden8
- coned8
- conin7
- conte7
- cotan7
- coted8
- cozen16
- cozie16
- dance8
- danio6
- decaf11
- defat9
- diazo15
- dicot8
- dicta8
- dizen15
- donna6
- donne6
- dozen15
- edict8
- enact7
- entia5
- faced11
- facet10
- facia10
- faena8
- faint8
- fanon8
- fated9
- fazed18
- feint8
- fetid9
- ficin10
- fiend9
- finca10
- fined9
- idiot6
- inane5
- indie6
- inion5
- inned6
- iodic8
- iodin6
- ionic7
- naiad6
- nance7
- nicad8
- nitid6
- niton5
- nonce7
- nonet5
- noted6
- oaten5
- ocean7
- octad8
- octan7
- often8
- oidia6
- oncet7
- ontic7
- tafia8
- teiid6
- teind6
- tenia5
- tenon5
- tinea5
- tined6
- tondi6
- toned6
- tonic7
- tonne5
- zonae14
- zoned15
4 Letter Words
- aced7
- acid7
- acne6
- acta6
- adit5
- adze14
- aeon4
- aide5
- anna4
- anoa4
- anon4
- anta4
- ante4
- anti4
- azan13
- azon13
- cade7
- cadi7
- cafe9
- caid7
- cain6
- cane6
- cant6
- cate6
- cedi7
- cent6
- ciao6
- cine6
- cion6
- cite6
- coat6
- coda7
- code7
- coed7
- coft9
- coif9
- coin6
- cone6
- coni6
- conn6
- cote6
- dace7
- daft8
- data5
- date5
- dato5
- daze14
- deaf8
- dean5
- deco7
- defi8
- deft8
- deni5
- dent5
- dice7
- diet5
- dine5
- dino5
- dint5
- dita5
- dite5
- ditz14
- doat5
- doit5
- dona5
- done5
- dote5
- doze14
- edit5
- etic6
- etna4
- face9
- fact9
- fade8
- fado8
- fain7
- fane7
- fano7
- fate7
- faze16
- feat7
- fend8
- feod8
- feta7
- fiat7
- fice9
- fico9
- fido8
- find8
- fine7
- fino7
- foci9
- foin7
- fond8
- font7
- iced7
- icon6
- idea5
- info7
- inia4
- inti4
- into4
- iota4
- naan4
- nada5
- naif7
- nana4
- naoi4
- nazi13
- neat4
- neif7
- neon4
- nice6
- nide5
- nidi5
- nine4
- nite4
- node5
- nodi5
- nona4
- none4
- nota4
- note4
- odea5
- odic7
- once6
- otic6
- tace6
- taco6
- tain4
- tend5
- tide5
- tied5
- tine4
- toad5
- toea4
- toed5
- tone4
- zein13
- zeta13
- zinc15
- zine13
- ziti13
- zoea13
- zoic15
- zona13
- zone13
3 Letter Words
- ace5
- act5
- ado4
- adz13
- aft6
- aid4
- ain3
- ait3
- ana3
- and4
- ane3
- ani3
- ant3
- ate3
- azo12
- cad6
- can5
- cat5
- cod6
- con5
- cot5
- coz14
- dan4
- def7
- den4
- die4
- dif7
- din4
- dit4
- doc6
- doe4
- don4
- dot4
- eat3
- eft6
- end4
- eon3
- eta3
- fad7
- fan6
- fat6
- fed7
- fen6
- fet6
- fez15
- fid7
- fie6
- fin6
- fit6
- fiz15
- foe6
- fon6
- ice5
- inn3
- ion3
- nae3
- nan3
- net3
- nit3
- nod4
- not3
- oaf6
- oat3
- oca5
- oda4
- ode4
- oft6
- one3
- tad4
- tae3
- tan3
- tao3
- tea3
- ted4
- ten3
- tic5
- tie3
- tin3
- tod4
- toe3
- ton3
- zed13
- zin12
- zit12
- zoa12