Is contused a Scrabble word?
Yes, contused is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 11 points in Scrabble, and 14 points in Words with Friends
Contused is a valid Scrabble word.
Contused is a word starting with c ending with d. Check our list of words starting with c ending with d.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word contused
The meaning of contused
1 definition of the word contused.
- Injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in contused?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- cento7
- cents7
- centu7
- coden8
- codes8
- coeds8
- coned8
- cones7
- conte7
- conus7
- coset7
- coted8
- cotes7
- coude8
- count7
- cutes7
- decos8
- dents6
- doest6
- donut6
- dotes6
- douce8
- douse6
- duces8
- ducts8
- duets6
- dunce8
- dunes6
- dunts6
- educt8
- escot7
- nodes6
- nodus6
- nosed6
- noted6
- notes5
- nudes6
- oncet7
- onset5
- ounce7
- outed6
- scend8
- scent7
- scone7
- scout7
- scudo8
- scute7
- seton5
- snout5
- sonde6
- sound6
- steno5
- stone5
- tends6
- tendu6
- toned6
- tones5
- tonus5
- touse5
- tuned6
- tunes5
- udons6
- uncos7
- unset5
4 Letter Words
- cent6
- code7
- cods7
- coed7
- cone6
- cons6
- cost6
- cote6
- cots6
- cuds7
- cued7
- cues6
- cute6
- cuts6
- deco7
- dens5
- dent5
- docs7
- does5
- done5
- dons5
- dose5
- dost5
- dote5
- dots5
- duce7
- duct7
- dues5
- duet5
- dune5
- duns5
- dunt5
- duos5
- dust5
- ecus6
- ends5
- eons4
- nest4
- nets4
- node5
- nods5
- noes4
- nose4
- note4
- nous4
- nude5
- nuts4
- odes5
- once6
- ones4
- onus4
- ouds5
- oust4
- outs4
- scot6
- scud7
- scut6
- sect6
- send5
- sent4
- sned5
- snot4
- sone4
- stud5
- stun4
- sued5
- suet4
- teds5
- tend5
- tens4
- tods5
- toed5
- toes4
- tone4
- tons4
- tune4
- tuns4
- udon5
- udos5
- unco6
- unde5
- undo5
- unto4
- used5
- utes4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to contused:
Unscramble the letters in contused
There are 7 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'contused'.