Is butcheries a Scrabble word?
Yes, butcheries is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 17 points in Scrabble, and 19 points in Words with Friends
Butcheries is a valid Scrabble word.
Butcheries is a word starting with b ending with s. Check our list of words starting with b ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word butcheries
The meaning of butcheries
3 definitions of the word butcheries.
- A building where animals are butchered
- The business of a butcher
- The savage and excessive killing of many people
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in butcheries?
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- becrust11
- becurse11
- becurst11
- birches14
- bitches14
- brutish12
- bushier12
- bustier9
- butcher14
- butches14
- cerites9
- cherubs14
- cithers12
- curites9
- cushier12
- cutesie9
- erethic12
- etchers12
- etheric12
- euchres12
- eucrite9
- hebetic14
- heister10
- heretic12
- hirsute10
- icterus9
- recites9
- retches12
- richest12
- rubiest9
- sherbet12
- suberic11
- techier12
- techies12
- terebic11
- tierces9
6 Letter Words
- behest11
- berets8
- berths11
- bestir8
- betise8
- births11
- bisect10
- bister8
- bistre8
- biters8
- breech13
- briths11
- bruise8
- bruits8
- brutes8
- burets8
- buries8
- busher11
- busier8
- buster8
- bustic10
- cereus8
- cerise8
- cerite8
- certes8
- ceruse8
- cheers11
- cherts11
- cherub13
- chirus11
- chutes11
- citers8
- cither11
- citrus8
- creesh11
- cruets8
- cruise8
- cruset8
- cubers10
- cubist10
- cubits10
- curets8
- curies8
- curite8
- cuties8
- either9
- erects8
- eructs8
- etcher11
- etches11
- ethers9
- ethics11
- euchre11
- hirees9
- hubris11
- itches11
- rebecs10
- rebuts8
- recite8
- recits8
- rectus8
- recuse8
- recuts8
- rescue8
- resect8
- resite6
- reties6
- retuse6
- riches11
- rictus8
- rubies8
- ruches11
- rushee9
- rustic8
- schuit11
- scribe10
- secret8
- secure8
- seiche11
- steric8
- suiter6
- techie11
- terbic10
- terces8
- thebes11
- theirs9
- theres9
- threes9
- thrice11
- tierce8
- tribes8
- trices8
- truces8
- tubers8
- tusche11
- tushie9
- uretic8
5 Letter Words
- beech12
- beers7
- beets7
- beret7
- berth10
- beset7
- beths10
- bhuts10
- bices9
- biers7
- birch12
- birse7
- birth10
- biter7
- bites7
- brees7
- bries7
- brith10
- brits7
- bruit7
- brush10
- brute7
- bruts7
- buhrs10
- buret7
- burse7
- burst7
- butch12
- butes7
- ceres7
- cesti7
- cetes7
- cheer10
- chert10
- chest10
- chiru10
- chits10
- chubs12
- chute10
- cires7
- citer7
- cites7
- crest7
- cribs9
- cries7
- crits7
- cruet7
- cruse7
- crush10
- crust7
- cuber9
- cubes9
- cubit9
- cuish10
- curbs9
- cures7
- curet7
- curie7
- curse7
- curst7
- cuter7
- cutes7
- cutie7
- cutis7
- eches10
- ecrus7
- eruct7
- ester5
- ether8
- ethic10
- etuis5
- hebes10
- heirs8
- heist8
- herbs10
- heres8
- hiree8
- hires8
- hurst8
- hurts8
- ictus7
- ither8
- rebec9
- rebus7
- rebut7
- recit7
- recti7
- recut7
- reest5
- reset5
- resit5
- retch10
- retie5
- reuse5
- ribes7
- rices7
- rites5
- rubes7
- ruche10
- ruths8
- scree7
- scrub9
- scute7
- sheer8
- sheet8
- shier8
- shire8
- shirt8
- shrub10
- shute8
- sieur5
- siree5
- steer5
- stere5
- stich10
- suber7
- sucre7
- suite5
- techs10
- terce7
- terse5
- teuch10
- thebe10
- their8
- there8
- these8
- three8
- tiers5
- tires5
- trees5
- tribe7
- trice7
- tries5
- truce7
- trues5
- tuber7
- tubes7
- ureic7
- usher8
- uteri5
4 Letter Words
- beer6
- bees6
- beet6
- best6
- beth9
- bets6
- bhut9
- bice8
- bier6
- bise6
- bite6
- bits6
- bree6
- brie6
- bris6
- brit6
- brut6
- buhr9
- burs6
- bush9
- bust6
- bute6
- buts6
- cees6
- cere6
- cete6
- chis9
- chit9
- chub11
- cire6
- cist6
- cite6
- crib8
- cris6
- crit6
- crus6
- cube8
- cubs8
- cues6
- curb8
- cure6
- curs6
- curt6
- cute6
- cuts6
- eche9
- echt9
- ecru6
- ecus6
- erst4
- etch9
- eths7
- etic6
- etui4
- hebe9
- heir7
- herb9
- here7
- hers7
- hest7
- hets7
- hies7
- hire7
- hist7
- hits7
- hubs9
- hues7
- huic9
- hurt7
- huts7
- ices6
- ichs9
- ires4
- itch9
- rebs6
- recs6
- rees4
- reis4
- resh7
- rest4
- rete4
- rets4
- rhus7
- ribs6
- rice6
- rich9
- rise4
- rite4
- rube6
- rubs6
- rues4
- ruse4
- rush7
- rust4
- ruth7
- ruts4
- scut6
- sect6
- seer4
- sere4
- shri7
- shut7
- sice6
- sire4
- site4
- sith7
- stir4
- stub6
- such9
- suer4
- suet4
- suit4
- sure4
- tech9
- tees4
- thee7
- thir7
- this7
- thru7
- thus7
- tics6
- tier4
- ties4
- tire4
- tree4
- tres4
- true4
- tube6
- tubs6
- tuis4
- tush7
- urbs6
- uric6
- user4
- utes4