Is bigotries a Scrabble word?
Yes, bigotries is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 12 points in Scrabble, and 14 points in Words with Friends
Bigotries is a valid Scrabble word.
Bigotries is a word starting with b ending with s. Check our list of words starting with b ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definition of the word bigotries
The meaning of bigotries
1 definition of the word bigotries.
- The intolerance and prejudice of a bigot
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in bigotries?
6 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- begot8
- bergs8
- besot7
- biers7
- bigos8
- bigot8
- biogs8
- biros7
- birse7
- biter7
- bites7
- bogie8
- boite7
- bores7
- borts7
- bries7
- brigs8
- brios7
- brits7
- brose7
- ergot6
- giber8
- gibes8
- giros6
- girts6
- gites6
- goers6
- gores6
- gorse6
- griot6
- grist6
- grits6
- grots6
- obits7
- ogres6
- orbit7
- oribi7
- osier5
- resit5
- ribes7
- riots5
- rites5
- robes7
- roset5
- rotes5
- rotis5
- sober7
- store5
- tiers5
- tiger6
- tires5
- tiros5
- tores5
- torii5
- torse5
- torsi5
- tribe7
- tries5
- trigo6
- trigs6
- trios5
- trogs6
- trois5
4 Letter Words
- begs7
- berg7
- best6
- bets6
- bier6
- bigs7
- biog7
- bios6
- biro6
- bise6
- bite6
- bits6
- bogs7
- bore6
- bort6
- bots6
- brie6
- brig7
- brio6
- bris6
- brit6
- bros6
- egis5
- egos5
- ergo5
- ergs5
- eros4
- erst4
- gest5
- gets5
- gibe7
- gibs7
- gies5
- giro5
- girt5
- gist5
- gite5
- gits5
- gobs7
- goer5
- goes5
- gore5
- grit5
- grot5
- ibis6
- ires4
- iris4
- obes6
- obis6
- obit6
- ogre5
- orbs6
- ores4
- orts4
- rebs6
- regs5
- reis4
- rest4
- rets4
- ribs6
- rigs5
- riot4
- rise4
- rite4
- robe6
- robs6
- roes4
- rose4
- rote4
- roti4
- rots4
- sego5
- sire4
- site4
- sorb6
- sore4
- sori4
- sort4
- stir4
- stob6
- tegs5
- tier4
- ties4
- tire4
- tiro4
- toes4
- togs5
- tore4
- tori4
- tors4
- tres4
- trig5
- trio4
- trog5