Is benediction a Scrabble word?
Yes, benediction is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 16 points in Scrabble, and 20 points in Words with Friends
Benediction is a valid Scrabble word.
Benediction is a word starting with b ending with n. Check our list of words starting with b ending with n.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word benediction
The meaning of benediction
2 definitions of the word benediction.
- The act of praying for divine protection
- A ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in benediction?
9 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- bennet8
- betide9
- binned9
- bionic10
- biotic10
- biotin8
- bodice11
- bonnet8
- bonnie8
- ceboid11
- cenote8
- citied9
- codein9
- coedit9
- coined9
- conine8
- conned9
- debone9
- deceit9
- decent9
- denote7
- dentin7
- docent9
- donnee7
- edenic9
- encode9
- endite7
- entice8
- incent8
- incite8
- indene7
- indent7
- indict9
- indite7
- intend7
- intine6
- intone6
- iodine7
- neoned7
- niobic10
- nocent8
- noetic8
- notice8
- tendon7
- tineid7
- tinned7
5 Letter Words
- beedi8
- benne7
- benni7
- bento7
- beton7
- bidet8
- bindi8
- binit7
- biont7
- boite7
- boned8
- bonne7
- cebid10
- cento7
- cited8
- coden8
- coned8
- conin7
- conte7
- coted8
- debit8
- deice8
- dicot8
- diene6
- dobie8
- donee6
- donne6
- edict8
- idiot6
- indie6
- inion5
- inned6
- iodic8
- iodin6
- ionic7
- niece7
- nitid6
- niton5
- nonce7
- nonet5
- noted6
- oncet7
- ontic7
- teiid6
- teind6
- tenon5
- tined6
- tondi6
- toned6
- tonic7
- tonne5
4 Letter Words
- been6
- beet6
- bend7
- bene6
- bent6
- bice8
- bide7
- bidi7
- bind7
- bine6
- bint6
- bite6
- bode7
- bond7
- bone6
- cede7
- cedi7
- cent6
- cete6
- cine6
- cion6
- cite6
- code7
- coed7
- coin6
- cone6
- coni6
- conn6
- cote6
- debt7
- deco7
- deet5
- dene5
- deni5
- dent5
- dice7
- diet5
- dine5
- dino5
- dint5
- dite5
- doit5
- done5
- dote5
- ebon6
- edit5
- eide5
- etic6
- iced7
- icon6
- inti4
- into4
- need5
- nene4
- neon4
- nice6
- nide5
- nidi5
- nine4
- nite4
- node5
- nodi5
- none4
- note4
- obit6
- odic7
- once6
- otic6
- teed5
- teen4
- tend5
- tide5
- tied5
- tine4
- toed5
- tone4
3 Letter Words
Words that can be created with an extra letter added to benediction:
Unscramble the letters in benediction
There is 1 word that can be made by adding another letter to 'benediction'.
- S: benedictions