Is allotments a Scrabble word?
Yes, allotments is a Scrabble word!
...and is worth 12 points in Scrabble, and 16 points in Words with Friends
Allotments is a valid Scrabble word.
Allotments is a word starting with a ending with s. Check our list of words starting with a ending with s.
Table of Contents
Dictionary definitions of the word allotments
The meaning of allotments
2 definitions of the word allotments.
- A share set aside for a specific purpose
- The act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan
What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in allotments?
9 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- allots6
- almost8
- aments8
- amoles8
- anoles6
- atolls6
- atones6
- etalon6
- lament8
- lamest8
- lanose6
- latens6
- latent6
- latest6
- latten6
- lattes6
- lemans8
- lemons8
- lentos6
- llanos6
- loment8
- lottes6
- mallet8
- maltol8
- mantel8
- mantes8
- mantle8
- mattes8
- melons8
- melton8
- mensal8
- mental8
- metals8
- metols8
- molest8
- molten8
- montes8
- motels8
- motets8
- mottes8
- mottle8
- notate6
- omenta8
- osteal6
- sallet6
- salmon8
- samlet8
- santol6
- slalom8
- smalto8
- solate6
- solemn8
- stamen8
- stanol6
- stella6
- stolen6
- stomal8
- talent6
- talons6
- tamest8
- telson6
- teston6
- tolane6
- tolans6
- tomans8
- tonlet6
- totals6
- totems8
5 Letter Words
- aeons5
- allot5
- almes7
- aloes5
- alone5
- altos5
- amens7
- ament7
- amole7
- anole5
- antes5
- atoll5
- atoms7
- atone5
- elans5
- enols5
- etnas5
- lames7
- lanes5
- laten5
- latte5
- leans5
- leant5
- least5
- leman7
- lemon7
- lenos5
- lento5
- llano5
- loams7
- loans5
- losel5
- lotas5
- lotte5
- males7
- malls7
- malts7
- manes7
- manos7
- manse7
- mason7
- mates7
- matte7
- matts7
- meals7
- means7
- meant7
- meats7
- mells7
- melon7
- melts7
- mensa7
- menta7
- meson7
- metal7
- metol7
- moans7
- moats7
- molal7
- molas7
- moles7
- molls7
- molts7
- monas7
- monte7
- moste7
- motel7
- motes7
- motet7
- motte7
- motts7
- names7
- nates5
- neats5
- nemas7
- netts5
- noels5
- nomas7
- nomes7
- notal5
- notes5
- oaten5
- ollas5
- omens7
- onset5
- salol5
- salon5
- santo5
- satem7
- setal5
- seton5
- slant5
- slate5
- small7
- smalt7
- smell7
- smelt7
- smolt7
- smote7
- snell5
- solan5
- soman7
- stale5
- stall5
- stane5
- state5
- steal5
- steam7
- stela5
- steno5
- stent5
- stoae5
- stoat5
- stole5
- stoma7
- stone5
- taels5
- tales5
- talls5
- talon5
- tames7
- tanto5
- taste5
- tates5
- teals5
- teams7
- teats5
- tells5
- telos5
- tents5
- tesla5
- testa5
- toast5
- toeas5
- tolan5
- tolas5
- toles5
- tolls5
- toman7
- tomes7
- tonal5
- tones5
- total5
- totem7
- totes5
4 Letter Words
- aeon4
- ales4
- alls4
- alme6
- alms6
- aloe4
- also4
- alto4
- alts4
- amen6
- anes4
- ante4
- ants4
- ates4
- atom6
- east4
- eats4
- elan4
- ells4
- elms6
- enol4
- eons4
- etas4
- etna4
- lame6
- lams6
- lane4
- lase4
- last4
- late4
- lats4
- leal4
- lean4
- leas4
- leno4
- lens4
- lent4
- lest4
- lets4
- loam6
- loan4
- lone4
- lose4
- lost4
- lota4
- lots4
- maes6
- male6
- mall6
- malt6
- mane6
- mano6
- mans6
- mast6
- mate6
- mats6
- matt6
- meal6
- mean6
- meat6
- mell6
- mels6
- melt6
- meno6
- mesa6
- meta6
- moan6
- moas6
- moat6
- mola6
- mole6
- moll6
- mols6
- molt6
- mons6
- most6
- mote6
- mots6
- mott6
- name6
- naos4
- neat4
- nema6
- nest4
- nets4
- nett4
- noel4
- noes4
- noma6
- nome6
- noms6
- nose4
- nota4
- note4
- oast4
- oats4
- olea4
- oles4
- olla4
- omen6
- ones4
- sale4
- sall4
- salt4
- same6
- sane4
- sate4
- seal4
- seam6
- seat4
- sell4
- sent4
- seta4
- sett4
- slam6
- slat4
- sloe4
- slot4
- snot4
- sola4
- sole4
- soma6
- some6
- sone4
- stat4
- stem6
- stet4
- stoa4
- stot4
- tael4
- tale4
- tall4
- tame6
- tams6
- tans4
- taos4
- tate4
- tats4
- teal4
- team6
- teas4
- teat4
- tela4
- tell4
- tels4
- tens4
- tent4
- test4
- tets4
- toea4
- toes4
- tola4
- tole4
- toll4
- tome6
- toms6
- tone4
- tons4
- tost4
- tote4
- tots4